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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. I once had a 103 yr old lady in hospice who was very active on the computer - FB, email, etc. So I don't think there's any age-limit. However, if someone doesn't want to learn, why should I care?
  2. My husband... We've had a house-full and I haven't been sleeping well. He slept on the couch last night so I could get a good night's sleep.
  3. I heard that yesterday too. It had something to do with the size (too big was mentioned) but didn't really explain why.
  4. I'm so sorry. praying for you... and glad you're seeing the doctor so quickly. :grouphug:
  5. yes, the first place I started hearing about it was in the Paleo/LC community (I'm LC but not Paleo)... I just decided to wait it out and see because it seemed like the new, in, "thing" that comes and goes. I remember reading in "Three Cups of Tea" the author talking about having butter coffee in the Mts. of Afganistan and how awful it tasted (I think they used goat butter) - but that was before the "bulletproof" craze redesigned it. ;)
  6. yes, the first place I started hearing about it was in the Paleo/LC community (I'm LC but not Paleo)... I just decided to wait it out and see because it seemed like the new, in, "thing" that comes and goes. I remember reading in "Three Cups of Coffee" the author talking about having butter coffee in the Mts. of Afganistan and how awful it tasted (I think they used goat butter) - but that was before the "bulletproof" craze redesigned it. ;)
  7. Thanks for this link.. I've always wondered where this idea came from... But... He seems to make some bold claims: Does he have science to back it up? Just because the locals of Tibet do it, does that make it healthy? Sounds a bit like "noble savage" talk to me. Sure, If I'm climbing mountains & living a subsistence lifestyle then I need some extra oomph... but If I'm an average SAHM in a wealthy western county - do I really need it? I'm sure it's not any worse than cream but it does seem a little gimmicky to me.
  8. In my mind a hijacking/terrorist plot seems less and less likely. I don't think they'd sit on something like this for 10 days before acting. They know the whole world is looking for this airplane and they've completely lost the element of surprise. It just doesn't make sense. Sadly, I'm beginning to think it's somewhere in the Pacific. I hope we find the plane some day so we can have some answers and the families can have closure. This must be awful for them.
  9. Enchanted is an adorable movie that adults can also enjoy. I'll 2nd all the others as well.
  10. Ye,s I heard it a day or so ago as well. I can't remember the source though and I don't remember how plausible the report made it seem.
  11. It really depends on the person. My SIL has never, ever been comfortable with calling me either "mom" or "Mrs. Lastname". It's probably not helped by the fact that he's 8yrs older than dd (hence closer to my age) and his mom and I share the same name. Usually he avoids calling me by name, which can be pretty funny actually. :laugh: I refer to myself as Debbi when I call him. He's close to his mom and I understand that it might be awkward to call me "mom". My new DIL refused to call us anything but Mrs. & Mrs. Lastname until AFTER she was married. She now calls me "Mom". She comes from a traditional Chinese family and for her it was an important milestone.
  12. I forgot to add... there are a few decent no-sugar alternative. Not the same, I know, but okay. I found that Wegmann's sells a pretty good sugar-free dark chocolate in their candy and nuts section. You buy it by the pound. Also, Cavalier sells chocolate made with Stevia. Not bad and I don't normally like Stevia. I have found that the dark chocolate versions are better (and easier on the tummy) than the milk chocolate sugar free options. I found Cavalier at Whole Foods, but you may be able to find it online too.
  13. I don't know. The thing is they changed quite a bit. The older 2 versions are very different from the newer. It's almost like two different games. Everything changed -not just the look but the way it was played, etc. I didn't like the changes and never got into the newer ones. But, the other issue is there is a story-line. Since I'm not familiar with the upgraded versions I don't know how important it is to know the backstory. (probably not much though).
  14. I get it. :grouphug: Happy birthday... I hope you find a tasty and easy alternative.
  15. I saw a few episodes of that last year and really enjoyed it. May she rest in peace.
  16. I never knew this either... very interesting. Thanks for sharing.
  17. I don't disagree with you, but why, if the grandparents are being relied upon for financial and moral support (babysitting, etc.), then why can't they voice a gentle opinion? Honestly, I wished I had spoken up when my dd was talking about getting preg. Not that I don't love our grandson, but I honestly wished I had encouraged her to step back for a moment and look her situation... perhaps putting off preg. for another year. Now, she's stressed and dealing with PPD. She relies on myself and her MIL for babysitting while she's working on as a grad. student going for her PhD - still 3yrs away. She will most likely be the main bread-winner of their family once she get's her PhD - but it's pretty stressful getting there (with very low pay too). Isn't there some kind of middle ground where parents/grandparents can offer their wisdom from experience without becoming judgmental or controlling. It's not just Birth announcements. What about an adult child who announces their getting married to someone you are really concerned about? Are we always supposed to just support without speaking up about concerns? Is our experience and wisdom worth nothing because it might seem like we're being bossy and it's none of our business? I honestly don't know. Most people here seem to lean to the "don't interfere because it's none of your business" camp... but as family we all have to bare the brunt if things crash and burn.
  18. yes, I would definitely mention that she is not waking up refreshed. Otherwise I think 10-12 hrs of sleep is fine. My 12yr old son get about 10.
  19. Well, I'm not sure but I had this yesterday after church and it was yummy: http://recipes.prevention.com/Recipe/vegetarian-sloppy-joes.aspx
  20. Does the black box ping even if it hasn't been in an accident? Is it always pinging or does it only begin pinging when there's been an accident of some kind?
  21. I totally get it. I turned 50 this year too and expected a little more - since it is a big milestone. It was very emotional for me. It took me a week to finally get it out how unloved and unappreciated I felt. In his defense I don't normally want anything big either, but I did say even a few weeks before "Wow, I'm going to be *50*, wow... that's a BIG deal." hint hint. When he asked, I said 'well, you know 50 is a BIG deal." trying to make sure he understood that yeah, I don't normally want much but yah know, 50 is a BIG deal. Yeah, right. I didn't even get a b-day cake. He did take me out with my kids, which was nice... but honestly, I had expected a little more. We go out on my b-day every year. Basically, I hate birthdays an the mixed feelings I have for them. I don't want much, but then when the day actually comes I kinda think to myself... well, don't they even care a little bit???
  22. I agree... it seems that they are grasping at straws. For we know he may be the one person between all those passengers and the terrorists (if there are terrorists). He may be saving lives right now and his gov't is pointing fingers at him because he backs an unpopular politician. Just awful.
  23. I agree. This is the only site I'm having trouble with
  24. Yes. There's also times when I can't get on the site. Once I'm here it's not as bad, but there's been times when I couldn't get on for hours
  25. Me too. I'm also amazed by this story.. it's so crazy that this could happen. I hope they find the plane very soon..
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