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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. Thank you Katy, I hadn't thought about giving him salty foods. We do keep the windows closed- so sad, I love the cool breeze at night, but it does not love me back. He has not been dx with any official allergies... but he definitely has some seasonal stuff. He was fine until this week.
  2. I guess it's because of this mild summer, but this week my son and I have been hit terrible with allergies. He's completely lost his voice and I just feel so draggy and yuck. It doesn't help that it snuck up on me and we haven't been taking our OTC allergy meds since spring. Ugh...and the weather is so beautiful too. Anyone have a good laryngitis remedy I could try with my 13yr old?
  3. :grouphug: I wish we all had a hermit place we could go to for a while and the household would carry on without us. :grouphug:
  4. Yeah, I agree. Sounds promising, but if they interject too much mean-girl drama then I'm out.
  5. It's been such a wonderfully cool summer here. We've had a few days in the 90's but mostly 80's/ Today it's in the low 80's with low humidity. yesterday was a bit cooler... Wonderful. FWIW, I had predicted to my family that this would be a more cool summer (temperate) because of a volcano eruption in??? (Iceland???) and the ash had finally made it to this part of the world. It is one of the reasons stated for why we had an usually cold winter here in No.America.
  6. I heard about it too...can't remember where, but it's been several months.
  7. 1...I don't even have to think about it.
  8. :grouphug: I'm so sorry. I know how it feels. We had something similar happen when I tried to enroll my youngest in a new school this year.
  9. Is that Fergie the Dutchess of York - or is there now a different Fergie I'm clueless about?
  10. I've only been here about 4yrs (???) so not from the old boards.. Welcome back to WTM and homeschooling.
  11. I've been thinking about ibuprofen lately because my dd had minor surgery about a month ago. She was told not to take any ibuprofen for 2weeks prior and 1 week after her surgery because it can cause bleeding. It's made me wonder about myself and my girls, who take ibuprofen for heavy cramping during periods, and if it is contributing to the heaviness.
  12. KINSA, if you end up trying it I'd love to know your experience. As I said, I've only done it 1x so far, so that's not really enough to go by...but I'll definitely be doing it again next time TOM shows up.
  13. I have a friend who was similar. She said it was great! She said she didn't have any of the a-typical symptoms... and she wore her husband out. :laugh:
  14. I got the Yogi brand from Whole Foods. It's what they had and was only Red Raspberry leaf tea. I would have preferred loose leaf, but they don't sell it that way. I steeped two bags in about 1.5-2cups of water for about 5-10 mins. Then I poured it over ice with splenda and drank it all within about an hour each time.
  15. Lisa... Me!! like Onceuponatime, your cycle sounds very similar to mine without the IUD. My heavy was much heavier but the cycle kept creeping closer and closer. I went on BCP to avoid a hysterectomy (my older sis & mom had one). I pretty much hated every second of it except that my periods were light (I still had issues with breakthrough bleeding though). Anyway, FF 10yrs and I finally said, "no more" to BCP. My first few cycles was like the old - only much, much heavier....scary heavy... I was sad, I really didn't want to go back on BCP and I didn't want surgery. Then BOOM...5 weeks and nothing. I wondered if I should get a pregnancy test... I'm 50, so surely it couldn't be that. Could it??? When I finally got TOM, it was heavy, heavy and 2 weeks long. I kept wondering, "which was worse, the emotional effects of BCP or a two week heavy period with a 5 week break?" This next month we started talking about menopause again here...I educated myself. 5 weeks again - to the day (yipeee), It started very heavy... I got some raspberry leaf tea and downed that the next day in the morning and evening. It was like TOM almost stopped!! The tea tastes barely okay (not nasty but not pleasant either)... but hey, if it's what helped those heavy periods to go away, I'm all for it. I took raspberry leaf tea 2x per day for 2 days. My period lasted about 4-5days. I'm starting progesterone cream this week and I'll see what the next month brings.. but I'm keeping the rasper Leaf tea just in case.
  16. I bought mine at Overstock.com but I've seen some nice ones at my local Lowes. They do make a difference.
  17. Joanne, I have no clue either, but hoping there's a positive outcome. Big Buckin'... that is incredibly sad.
  18. praying for your little one. That sounds incredibly scary.
  19. No, he also tells parents (or people judging them) how to act. :glare: I'm not a fan of his work.. His "experiences" seem a little too staged. Either that, or he's always in the right place at the right time...and gets the most interesting emails :001_rolleyes:
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