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Everything posted by emmaluv+2more

  1. My parents divorced when I was 9. My biological father left the picture completely a couple of years later. My sister and I were much, much, much better off even given the financial struggles from that point until her remarriage (they were severe struggles, but I never realized it at the time...my mom did a fabulous job given the circumstances). My mother remarried when I was 12 and they are still married. My step family is fabulous and I can't imagine my life without them. My mom has 5 brothers of whom 3 are divorced, 1 never married, 1 still (possibly unhappily) married. My sister and I are both divorced (she was married for 1 year, I was married to my high school sweetheart for 14 years). I despise the "from a broken home" line. Our home was broken prior to the divorce. We are all much happier and healthier now (well, most of us).
  2. I don't know about this. I have celebrated other people's birthdays who didn't celebrate mine or my children's, including my sister's. She doesn't always show up for my kids' birthday celebrations, but I try to show up for hers and/or her not-quite stepchildren's birthdays. Sounds kind of petty to me. OP, I think all families have very different dynamics and expectations. I would think it would do your mom and your sister a lot of good to sit down and discuss what they want to see happen with these new family members. I hardly think continuing to exclude them is worth the stress and trauma it is obviously causing everyone involved, but I am not part of your family :)
  3. If you are reading, could you tell us which autoimmune disorder you have already been diagnosed with? They often go hand in hand and could make an argument for Celiac even stronger.
  4. Mine are 11, 8, 5 and 2. I have discussed world events with my oldest in the past, but none of these current events. I can't explain it, but they just seem too harsh. Innocence and all. I'm usually all for discussions that can have deep, long lasting impressions and teach life lessons, but 2 yr olds being eaten by alligators and a mass execution? Just too much. I
  5. My divorce was final in October, so I can relate. I'm available to chat or listen anytime. :)
  6. I'm divorced now, so no. But he wasn't very involved in any aspects of parenting even when we were still married. I'm extremely jealous of all of you with helpful, supportive partners. You are blessed!
  7. Truce, my friend, truce. It was a simple recommendation; not looking to derail and not looking to argue. It's just always a good idea. People can find people in any given transaction. No need to make it easier for them.
  8. Texts vanish into oblivion; you will never know he sent any. Calls go straight to voicemail. You can access blocked voicemails at the bottom of the voicemail screen where it says "Blocked Messages". He will never know he is blocked. Good luck in all of this. PSA: never complete a sale at your home. Always meet in a neutral, public area.
  9. I have always homeschooled (4 daughters-11, 8, 5 & 2) and had been a sahm since pregnant with my oldest. My ex husband and I separated Sept 2014. I was devastated, immobile, a puddle on the floor for months. I was left with nothing, financially speaking. I enrolled them in a university model school (with the monetary support of my amazing parents) and planned to keep them there because I assumed I had no choice (how could I work and homeschool and parent and keep house and on and on?). I have since calmed, moved on, embraced my new found independence and discovered that I can, indeed, do all of those things. I've just had to accept that it will look and feel very different than it did before. And yes, I have to take it year by year. If my circumstances change I might have to reconsider my choices. That's life.
  10. It doesn't necessarily have to be one to one, but many of the rides are 2 person rides. The teacups, for instance, are a multiple person ride so you would only need one adult for however many children will fit in a tea cup. The roller coasters, however, fit 2 people per seat so you would need one adult for each child. Make sense? We just always take turns riding those particular rides. Also, the child who is tall enough can ride with the child who is not, it doesn't have to be an adult.
  11. I feel so ignorant about the homeschool naming thing (and I've been homeschooling for 6 years now). We have never had one and I always assumed people made up names just for their blogs or for fun. Do some states require this? Is there some other reason behind naming your school? I can't think of a single reason I'd NEED a name and am just super curious!
  12. Sorry, I just saw this. Not to derail the derail: artists and composers http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=sr_pg_1?rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3Agetting+to+know+the+world%27s+greatest&keywords=getting+to+know+the+world%27s+greatest&ie=UTF8&qid=1460599823 And, of course, viewing/listening to their work, recreating some, additional library books/biographies/movies. poets http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?url=node%3D4&field-keywords=poetry+for+young+people&rh=n%3A283155%2Cn%3A4%2Ck%3Apoetry+for+young+people We also listen to audio versions and sometimes do art while listening. We have also recreated poetry in a specific poets style. Shakespeare http://www.amazon.com/Beautiful-Stories-Shakespeare-Edith-Nesbit/dp/1604595752/ref=sr_1_18?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1460600119&sr=1-18&keywords=Shakespeare http://www.amazon.com/Great-Characters-Shakespeare-Paper-Dolls/dp/0486413306/ref=sr_1_47?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1460600205&sr=1-47&keywords=Shakespeare Plus other items I find that go along with the particular work we are studying (coloring books, simpler books, audio versions, movies, etc). We keep it fun and simple. It isn't super in depth. We choose one person to study over the course of several weeks, one evening each week.
  13. Hi Gail! :seeya: I got to meet her as well. She is not only smart. but also very kind and compassionate. She was, indeed, amazing. I also have 4 children with a 10 year span (just thought I'd join the club)!
  14. Yet another supporter of the one linked in the first reply. It is by far the best sharpener we have tried.
  15. I will be pulling my kids from a university model school that they have attended for 1 1/2 years (homeschooled prior to that). My soon-to-be third grader started half way through 1st (following the traumatic break up of my marriage) so she has had a bit of instability when it comes to schooling. Singapore 2a/2b fairly quickly I hope (the school used Everyday math which has caused her to be a bit "behind"...hoping to catch her up) then moving into 3a HWOT Cursive Dance Mat typing MFW ECC for geopgraphy/science (she can follow along with older sibling for ancients if interested) IEW and maybe some Ready Readers Spelling? (she's a natural speller) Some fun FIAR stuff with younger sister Piano lessons Ballet, art, etc through local homeschool enrichment program We also do family poet, composer, artist, Shakespeare studies
  16. My dd will be 6 in late July, so I'm calling her k/1st. Singapore 1 (slowly) Finishing 100EZ Lessons (I only go about half way through) and MFW HWOT MFW ECC for geography/science (tag along with older sibling) Some FIAR fun stuff Begin piano lessons Ballet, art, etc through local homeschool enrichment program She'll also participate in our family artist, composer, poet, Shakespeare studies
  17. Yes, I would go ahead with the eval. Just because his receptive language is on target doesn't necessarily mean his expressive language will just catch up automatically. My DD needed speech therapy due to mispronunciations and omissions, but she had no problems at all with receptive language.
  18. I had a baby 5 months ago and my DD9 absolutely insisted on knowing how babies are made. I covered the entire topic with her and my almost 7 y.o. DD. Neither were overly enthusiastic about it one way or the other. In fact, I think my 9 y.o was a bit underwhelmed. Perhaps the disgusting factor simply stems from the boys/girls are gross stage? I didn't get into the pleasure of sex with them so I think mine just thought it seemed weird.
  19. I only have 4, but was very hesitant to announce the 4th. Aside from immediate family we just let people figure it our for themselves. I don't recall any truly negative comments, but I did get a lot of sideways glances and "you'll have your hands full" remarks. The same people who weren't the most supportive kept asking if we plan to try for a boy after learning that we were expecting our 4th girl.
  20. I've tried the crockpot method a couple of times and mine was never creamy. And ohhh, what a mess! Some people swear by it, but it didn't do it for us (especially the steel cut oats...chewy, chewy, chewy). Hmmmm. All the recipes I tried were for overnight cooking. Maybe that was the problem. Perhaps I should try again.
  21. You can do either milk or water, but I think the combo makes for a tastier oatmeal. The milk provides the creaminess, but the water helps it from becoming too thick and globby. Dump all 3 in a pan, cook, remove from heat, add fruit, etc, serve. Easy.
  22. Wow! I never would have thought I'd be in the minority on this. Yes, I prepare (not necessarily cook) 3 meals each day for my family (the kids do help and DH tries). Maybe it's because my kids are young (oldest is 9)? We don't keep a lot of prepackaged convenience foods around and don't have a microwave, so I wonder what they'd all eat if I left them to themselves!
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