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Everything posted by Koerarmoca

  1. Ahhhhh! Every night this week I go to bed between 8-10pm then wake up after an hour or two feeling wide awake coughing my butt off. Then, I stay up till 4:30/5 when dh gets up for work. Then sleep till 7. I have some health issues (I'll skip the details) but I'm very prone to colds when we have drastic changes in the weather. This is cold #3 in just a mere 6 weeks. I take supplements, Vit C and melatonin to help with sleep. I am so tired and grumpy. I don't know if I'm asking for advice or just complaining here. I would be thrilled with a solid 6 hours of sleep!
  2. Today they were being such pills about school work. I went in the bathroom mohawked my hair, put on an obscene amount of red lipstick and played KuFu fighting over and over with crazy moves till they got up to dance with me. I don't embarrass them in public often, I leave that to dh.
  3. Sure a little, that or I have just aged lol. Nothing a little hair dye and new clothes won't fix. I could stand to lose a little weight as well.
  4. We use lap booking mostly for poetry and book reports. Dd7 really likes having something pretty and cute to show Daddy what she has accomplished. I blogged a little bit a few days ago about how we use them related to poetry. Con I'm a neat freak and have to cut so it looks neat lol. Totally worth it when I see how excited she is to show Daddy her project.
  5. I use the Zane-Blosser free lists w/ spellingcity.com it's working wonderfully with my 2nd & 5th grader. My 9th grader even uses it for her science vocabulary.
  6. The library has been plenty busy around here last week (some schools where out last week) My PS nieces/nephews start break tomorrow and will be with me all week. Otherwise we would not be taking a break. Many children of working parents will be at camps or with relatives, I don't think taking vacations is the norm for everyone.
  7. I wondered this as well. Also, I would worry a mix of sweat and oil would stain her shirts.
  8. I wondered this as well. Also, I would worry a mix of sweat and oil would stain her shirts.
  9. I lost dd4 in Joann's when she was 2. She was hiding and it took almost 20 minutes to find her I had dh posted at the door so no one could leave with her. As I ran frantically around Joann's screaming her name while getting "what a terrible mom for losing her child" looks from all the little old ladies in there. She was hiding under a display table that had a table cloth. I heard her laughing...oh I wanted to choke her Homer Simpson style. I didn't of course I was so relieved to have found her. Kids can sure give us a run for our money. I think your dd was quite brave. When mine "run away" they never leave the porch lol.
  10. I should of added about 4 months or so ago she did have blood work, everything came back normal. I was concerned about thyroid issues based on her weight and our family history of thyroid issues and requested testing to be done. Toms deodorant was also a fail, and it was a fail for me too who can usually wear any type. The clinical strength was also a fail both degrees version as well as secret. Baby powder did NOT occur to me...doh! Totally going to have her try that.
  11. Go with your gut! You or your son will feel a connection. When I was around 10 we got our first dog (a poodle) my dad picked her because she crawled up in his lap and went to sleep. He wanted a relaxed/chilled out dog as he put it. She was a great dog. She was the right fit for us. We have a Corgi/Spinger Spanial mix. A male. He is awesome, great with kids. VERY protective of "his girls" however he is not good with cats or many other dogs. We are a two family household and the other family has a female boxer and a male Great Dane. He gets along fine with both, if he is outside with The GD or inside with the boxer. If He and the GD are inside together they are too playful(knocking things over etc.) . Outside the boxer attacks him for being to playful. All 3 together they get all crazy on him so we basically drive ourselves insane daily with dog logistics lol. That's a lot of extra information but if you plan on adding other pets (which if I had the space you do I'd have a mini zoo lol)
  12. My 14 year old dd is overweight (but has recently lost 10-15 pounds) with this recent weight loss I think she is having maybe some hormonal changes (or could be the climate/elevation changes) Suddenly no deodorant is working for her. It's not that she stinks (she has good hygiene, showers daily etc.) It is just her armpits are very sweaty to the point I make her change her shirt 2-3 times a day. No real issue of odor just sweat. We have tried several brands of deodorants with antiperspirant and even different types as in roll on, solids, sprays. I have quite a shelf of failed deodorants in my bathroom. So basically I'm at my wits end, I feel badly for her and I simply don't have time to do so much extra laundry. Is this worthy of a trip to the doctor for some advice? We just moved to a new state and have not established her with a doctor yet.
  13. Thought maybe it could be helpful to someone else. http://4kidsathome.blogspot.com/2013/03/poetry-memory-work.html
  14. Usually send the kids out to jump on the trampoline and play with the dogs. But they know mom is going to crack the whip (so to speak) when they get back in. Sometimes that restless energy needs to be let out.
  15. Now I'm convinced to go to spouts we just moved here under 2 mts ago and have not checked them out yet.
  16. I just try to meet my kids right where they are at. This usually means I'm not going to find any of that in a book or box. I take a very mom scripted approach. Very hands on, our path is not a strait line, many many curves.
  17. Because we are currently a two family household, we will take snow days off It is next to impossible to do any schooling with my PS nieces and nephews home. When we are back to being just us again, I allow for some snow time playing. Followed by hot coco and a read aloud but then we hit the books.
  18. So making contracts for my kids after SB next week. I have a 14 year old and can feel your pain. She is so smart but lazy, sloppy and a total slacker 95% of the time...I already have no electronics (other than accessing ebooks on the iPad when needed) Today I decided to play classical music all day a little mom payback...
  19. Being new to the area I'm shopping at major retailers because they are easy to find, and close to home. I will expand on that when farmers markets start opening up and I find new things out about the area. I do hit SAMs club once a month for bulk items because we currently have two families in one home to the tune of 15 people.
  20. In the past usually we met other couples through church. Now that we moved across country kinda feel like we are on an island.
  21. If you get an exam you can get glasses online at zandi optical (I think its called) for under $20.
  22. In my cold induced fog head I gave sunshine a piece of candy because she was hurt and crying. So all day long today. "Mom my neck still hurts I need a candy" so I told her that was just for when she first hurt herself and daddy wasn't home to "fix it" she then asked when he would be home. I told her about 3 hours. So she bangs her head on the wall and says "daddy can't fix it for 3 hours can I have candy now" That was some A1 parenting, bedside. lol
  23. I love the looks of ck12 I printed off their bio honors last week to start in May. Looking at earth science too. So excited I love that I can have the books on my iPad too. The evolution stuff bugs me too but I'm not about to edit just not my thing...I was just going to skip those parts my crew has creation pretty down pat at this point :)
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