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Shawna in Texas

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Everything posted by Shawna in Texas

  1. I use Open Office and it has an option to save as PDF. If I want to assemble different PDF files into one workbook, I do it on the FedEx/Kinko's website. You customize it, pay for it, and then go pick it up.
  2. I've got too many to count, so I'll list my faves or most used. Amazon shopping app Kindle AndroZip (to unzip files) AppBrain Arcus Dictionary various wallpaper apps Barcode scanner goggles Docs to go Dropbox (share files with computers and other phones) Facebook Google sky map greader Khan Academy Latin Phrases Librarium I and II Maps Netcounter (keeps track of 3G data usage) Pandora Pkt Auctions ebay RealCalc (scientific) Shelves Springpad (helping me stay organized) WolframAlpha xda (Android forums) Games: Alchemy Angry Birds Block Droid Fling Hungarian Rings Jewels Numnom Phit Droid Shortyz SliceIt SpacePhysics Spaghetti Marshmallow Sudoku Daily Word Drop Widgets (for customization): CalWidget Circle Battery Widget Clockr Deluxe Moon Lite Memowidget Minimalist Text SiMi Folder tf Weather Widget
  3. :lol: :grouphug: I hope you got in a good laugh before you cried. (I cry sometimes when I haven't had coffee.)
  4. What is your area of study for history this year? Medieval and Renn, For the MCT groupies, are you still enamored or has the some of the luster worn off? Still love it. Can't wait to buy next years. What are your areas of focus for skill development? Hmm. Writing and math. Is there any tool or resource that you don't think you could manage the year without? Besides the computer and coffee? Essay Voyage. How goes the writing process? It's going. DD is a bit cocky about her writing. She'll put out some very good stuff, then slack off on her next paper because she knows it's passable. If there is one new, invaluable thing you have learned that is helping you to be a better teacher, would you mind sharing? Please.:D :bigear:
  5. Most books we didn't. This particular teacher really wanted us to hear the dialect. It's why I plan on reading it aloud, probably next year, unless I can find a good audio. I haven't looked. I live an hour from Brenham, but from my experience living in a few of the small towns in the Houston, Austin, and San Antonio triangle, I stay in the larger cities. While I'm sure there are small cities where racism is nil, I've never lived there. Admittedly, it's here in Houston as well, but people put on their nice face usually. In the smaller towns, while the people are kind and hospitable, they love to gossip about so and so who has the colored baby, but at least they were married, so it's not all bad. My point is that you can hear it at the grocery store in small towns. In the larger cities, they wait until they get in the car. And of course, I don't have a % for this. I can only speak of extended family and people that I meet.
  6. As soon as dd was old enough to comfortably spend time away from me, I got her a phone. She was 9. We just put her on our plan and got one of the free phones. At this point I think we had limited texts. She's 12 now and is using my old smart phone (which she is oblivious about the "smart" part), but no data except unlimited texts (which was upgraded last year for the whole family). I am considering getting her a refurb android for her 13th birthday because she is always on mine. If she had an itouch, then I wouldn't even consider a phone upgrade or a phone at all. I might consider letting her sell the itouch to pay for a new phone, but there would be added responsibilities because of the monthly bill. It's my predicament with the android. I think there's baby-sitting in her future.
  7. This was read orally to us in 9th or 10th grade. Our teacher had the accent down and she told us that she felt hearing it was important. She used slave. She told us ahead of time that she was doing so. If she had used the other word, I think it would have only served to distract the class. We watched Romeo and Juliet in 9th grade. She told us that she edited a 5 second part out. Teachers edit things all the time. I don't see why it's a problem that they sometimes have an easier job of it. I don't plan on buying an edited copy of this particular book, but I do have cleaned up versions of Gilgamesh and children's versions of Homer's epics.
  8. All I can think is maybe most of his apps are using 3G instead of Wi-Fi. Assuming y'all have Wi-Fi. Or if he downloads attachments from emails that might be large.
  9. I just spent the last hour customizing Handcent. Thanks. :glare::tongue_smilie:
  10. It's operating system specific. If you have an android, you download apps from the Android Market. It's the same with the IPhone, Blackberry, and Windows phones. I'm not familiar with markets for Windows or Blackberry, but I'm sure they have something. Many times, a developer will make the same app available for different OSs. Moira posted a link in the other phone thread (Denise's thread), should be on the first page, about a Verizon deal that looked pretty good. I can't remember if it was Android specific.
  11. Did you have unlimited internet before you got the Flipsides? We were told the only way we could get unlimited internet is if we had it before and essentially "carry it over". The options we were given were 200MB for $15 or 2G for I don't know how much. Since we have Wi-Fi, I don't even get close to the to using the 200MB allotment.
  12. I've had no issues with texting and I text a lot. The only time I've ever had any problems is when I was constantly running a 3G counter in my status bar (AT&T doesn't have and unlimited plan :angry:), to make sure I stayed within my monthly allotment. When it was updating, which was often, the phone would freeze up until it was done. It took me a few days to figure out that was the problem. Now I just check it every few days or so, then end it. No problems. Last night, I redid my wallpaper, icons, and widgets, and now I feel like I have a whole new phone. It's really quite fun.
  13. Off the top of my head, $180 for 4 lines, 1400 shared minutes, unlimited text on 3, and internet on one, with AT&T. When my DH gets his Droid next month, the bill will be around $200. Work pays for DH's portion, so it's not that bad and my 86 yo grandfather doesn't text, so that saves us a bit right there. :001_smile:
  14. Yes. Some are buying the Nook, rooting them, then using them as an Android tablet.
  15. I can't look at him without seeing Harry Potter as a real lady-killer. :tongue_smilie:
  16. It also depends on his level of writing. If there hasn't been much practice, I'd go back to Paragraph Town or Essay Voyage.
  17. Neverwhere. His Books of Magic graphic novels were my first exposure, even before Sandman. I read BOM in high school and can't remember anything objectionable, but Sandman might have some too violent things. Stardust is my absolute favorite (dd is getting an illustrated copy for Christmas), but some sexuality that my be embarrassing. Good Omens is good, some language, hilarious, but I don't know if it would interest him.
  18. I found it to be her critique of rewarding married folks with a tax break, but further showing the ridiculousness of "it's the message not the money". There can always be valid arguments on who should fairly receive tax breaks, but for it to be a "message" is completely insulting to any lone parent that is struggling.
  19. We saw some at Target tonight and I was taken aback by how loud my "NO!" was when dd asked if we could get some. I almost feel bad for disallowing something I had so much fun with as a child, but the cats make a good excuse. Our trees growing up were completely covered because we were too impatient for going slowly and sparingly. They were like a sparkling Cousin It and I'm not exaggerating. Now the angel hair. My Memaw had some on her bar (kitchen looking into living room area) and placed her holiday village on top, so it looked all snowy. Anytime I would rest my arms on the bar to talk to her in the kitchen that stuff would sting the @#$ out of my arms. And like a child I kept putting my arms there because it was still a mystery to me. Last year I noticed that she started using cotton. I didn't ask her why. Maybe the pain finally got to her.
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