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Shawna in Texas

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Everything posted by Shawna in Texas

  1. Inverted bob or A-line bob. It was my hairstyle for years until I got a pixie a few months ago.
  2. :lol: I haven't been to a "real" theater in years, since Harry Potter 3 I think. We go to Alamo Drafthouse now. We're apparently in the drunken debauchery camp. Besides, their $5 milkshakes are pretty dang good. Food's not bad either. I don't like the smell of movie popcorn. It smells like cat pee.
  3. When you click on a new tab, all the pages you frequent the most are all in block form. It usually takes a few days to establish. BUT. I have this. I think this is closer to what you want.
  4. My favorite browser on Windows: Chrome (hands down). The thing about browsers, particularly Firefox (which was a favorite for 5 or more years in the last 10), is you can infinitely customize them. I love that. Aesthetically, I love Chrome, and I love that omnibar. DH's favorite browser on Windows is Safari.
  5. My wedding cost a total of $600 total. That includes the dress, shoes, cake, venue, and lunch for about 30 people. The only thing I regret is that we didn't take a proper honeymoon, since I had a baby three weeks before our first anniversary. We stayed at a Fairfied Marriot and we at least sprang for a jacuzzi suite, but dh got food poisoning from Red Lobster. And I'd forgot to bring something to tie my hair back with, so I was scared of the jacuzzi. I was 20, he was 19, and I was living with my grandparents at the time, and they disapproved of me moving in with him. Plus, they bought me a car and I didn't have anything against marriage, so we put one together. My grandfather offered to pay for lunch buffets at Sirloin Stockade for everyone and I couldn't refuse. I knew I'd want to tell that story later. After everyone was fed, we all met at a strip center in Austin, I believe called "The Wedding Chapel". All my nearest and dearest were there, but only 3 people from dh's side showed up. Turns out his mother didn't tell anyone we were getting married because it wasn't in the church. But, that's fine. My family thoroughly horrified her (sister is loud, cousin likes to moon cameras, and my 2yo sister rolled around the aisle the whole ceremony, honestly, I should put in on youtube, but I don't have a digital copy handy). Shawna, who talks a lot when she's had a drink
  6. Is this the kit you have? I bought an incomplete B101 labpaq from ebay for parts (it was only $15 or so), but haven't put together the labs I wanted to. I need something easier to manage on the weeks I don't feel like planning.
  7. Exactly what I was going to suggest. I don't feel like googling, but there was something to this, but I couldn't remember the conditions. DD wanted to see Avatar and we had to get it at Redbox because Netflix didn't have it, yet. There was another movie, but I can't think of the title. Certainly not all new releases, but I'm not sure the whiches or the whys. ETA: DD told me that we received Avatar from Netflix because Redbox didn't have it, either. So, I don't know. There might be a wait there as well. ETA again: Should have just read Mrs. Mungo's post.
  8. My avatar is from Blink. You'd definitely remember it. I believe it from the 3rd series of New Who (love that, BTW).
  9. I think it looks like a fine start, though I don't know much about K12. Since K12's math is light, I would start the Fred and maybe print off some MEP Math. You've really so many options and Fred should keep you busy for a while. As for history, absolutely let him enjoy his current interests. If you put emphasis on the wars of ancient times, he might redirect is interest a bit. I would use SOTW and the Usborne as framework for the year and plug in books for whatever is being studied. I would maybe spend half the year at least on Greece and Rome because of all the wars. ETA I think it would be neat if you did a war timeline.
  10. I really like Christmas music, so I can't think of any ones that I hate. I guess there are ones that I may get tired of hearing, but the season is still young. The ones that I really love: O Holy Night (not too particular about rendition, but I did hear a version two Christmases ago at B&N that sounded just like Amy Lee, but after researching and even calling the store, it still eludes me) Happy Christmas (War is Over) (I don't think I've ever heard a version I don't like) Last Christmas by Wham! I Wish it Was Christmas Today by Julian Casablancas White Wine in the Sun by Tim Minchin Little Drummer Boy by Bowie Winter's Carol by Tori Amos There's probably a few more.
  11. I don't know if you have a Sally Beauty close but they sell a product to tone down red. My grandmother uses a product like this one, but I'm not sure which she uses. I would ask for the best one. If she wants to color again (and she has good hair), I'd pamper my hair for a couple weeks and use the lightest ash brown or darkest ash blonde to blend with the old. Sometimes just washing it a few times can help tone down the color. Reds tend to fade the fastest.
  12. So are we. We're almost there, but dd has taken a liking to Vikings, so that is going on longer than I had penciled in. We also had illnesses that knocked us two weeks behind schedule. History planning takes up nearly the same amount of time as actually doing it.
  13. I hadn't thought about it, but that sounds like an easy way to handle it. As long as they do the scene between Harry and Snape, and they do it to where I'm sufficiently emotional :D, I think I'll be happy with the way the last one turns out. Oh, and the wandlore. It does have Harry manually wrestling Draco's wand from him, so they better not mess it up. :tongue_smilie:
  14. Yes. The scene with the one snatcher outside of Hermione's protection charm/spell, I don't think I breathed the whole time. I was so scared for them the whole movie that the scene at the Malfoy's was almost anti-climactic, except I think the point was Dobby and how this particular movie was supposed to end. They didn't want to take away from Dobby's scene at the end.
  15. When Harry is speaking with Doge at the wedding and the woman (I guess who is supposed to be Auntie Muriel) drops the whole 'his dad killed those three muggles', and the look on Harry's face after he'd heard that. As long as there's a good scene with Aberforth in the next movie, I'll think they played the Harry's feelings about Dumbledore angle well (rather than underplaying it as usual). I really thought they did a good job this time around. While I've liked the last few movies, I thought they were far and away from the books, but I'm rather loyal, so I loved them. With this movie, I was gutted as soon as Hermione cast Obliviate, and that wasn't even in the books. Just the look on Snape's face as he sees the teacher in mid-air at the table. I was impressed.
  16. Ok, so Sports and Sports Resort is what we'll go with for now. Are there particular games that you would need the Fit board? If I wanted My Fitness Coach, could I use the controller?
  17. We've decided to finally get a Wii this Christmas and I'm doing a bit of research on bundled deals and it's too confusing. I thought I wanted to get the Wii Fit, but I'm seeing Wii Sports and Sports Resort. What's the difference between the latter two? And if I get the latter two, is the Fit nice to have as well, or would it just be overkill? What is a motion plus controller and is it necessary? What other components are necessary, or what are good to have? If you were to put together your own bundle, what would it include? TIA :tongue_smilie::D
  18. I liked it much more than Titanic, but that's not saying much. My oldest, who is hard to please, found it absolutely surprisingly wonderful.
  19. I have AT&T's Galaxy and I love it. I'm not particularly married to a brand (we have Windows, Linux, and Apple machines), and honestly it wasn't an easy choice. I went to play with the both the Galaxy and iphone on several occasions. I ultimately can't remember why I went with the Android, but I think I just liked the phone better. I read on my phone, so I like a larger screen. If you wanted, you could customize it to look like an iphone. :tongue_smilie: There's also a nifty little app called Dropbox that makes it just as easy as an iphone to work with a Mac.
  20. I don't think you'll need additional writing unless you want to add copywork, dictations, and narrations should you feel you need to. Paragraph Town and Essay Voyage are really quite thorough. If you're set on diagramming, I'd just diagram the same sentences from the Practice books that you are already analyzing.
  21. There's also an lolcat Bible. I find it funnier than it probably should be. lolcats are a guilty pleasure of mine.
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