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Everything posted by natalie

  1. The doctor started me at 1,000 a day and then moved me to 5,000 a day. I've been taking 10,000 of D3 a day for over a year now. The highest I've been able to get my number is 26. (If anybody has any suggestions, I'd love to hear them.)
  2. We've used this option with our dc. The first time we did so the person checking id's had no idea what to do with it and didn't want to take it. I had to get them to go find someone else. That person verified that it was indeed acceptable. However, they were just going to let them in. I had to point out that the dc had to sign it and that they needed to initial it (part 4 of the form). Dc barely made in into the room in time, which probably didn't help with stress levels. My advice is to arrive early, go with your child into the testing facility, and stay with them until they are admitted into the room to make sure everything is done properly. Also, print out the page that lists that option as an acceptable form of identification.
  3. I saw my neurologist for this recently. Since having my last baby I've had "menstrual migraines" that start the first day and leave me bedridden for the next two to three days. She instructed me to take naproxen (375 mg) twice a day starting the day before my period started and to continue this for five days. It has only been one month, but it went really well this time around. I'm hopeful it's not just a fluke. I ran out of prescription meds and couldn't get more for awhile. I found that when I felt one coming on during other times of the month I could get some relief or even head it off if I had some caffeine combined with Motrin and Benadryl. The Benadryl I recently discovered accidentally, but it really seems to help. I also avoid my triggers. Sometimes I forget or say just a little of something won't hurt, but then I pay the price.
  4. Please let us know if this is indeed the same thing!
  5. I looked at the picture and don't think it's the same. The ones in the pictures have stitching on the edges. The ones I have don't have any stitching at all, they are so heavy and thick there just isn't any need. In addition, the Amazon description says warm iron if necessary. I can't imagine the ones I'm thinking of ever needing ironing. If you manage to find some, please post as I am looking for some more as well. Thanks and good luck, natalie
  6. I consider myself somewhat of an expert on this subject. I have a lot of children, several of whom are "pukers". If they don't eat enough they puke; if they eat too much they puke; if they don't chew well enough they puke; if they eat the wrong stuff they puke; if they get hot they puke; if they get dizzy they puke; if they ride in the car they puke. This is exactly what we do: Given our prolific pukers, we keep several bowls strategically located throughout the house and in the cars for the surprise event. I have one that kept trying to make it and NEVER did. I hate cleaning vomit off the floor and out of carpeting and furniture and whatever else it lands on. No one is allowed to attempt to make it to the bathroom. No one is even allowed to take their own bowl to be cleaned up, I will come get it for them, as we have had spills because they are so weak and unsteady from vomiting. It really is much cleaner and easier and definitely much less disgusting.
  7. Excellence in Writing has online classes for the writing intensives and the continuation courses (some of the continuation courses are not scheduled to begin until the fall of 2013 though). Memoria Press offers online courses for Classical Composition.
  8. I always wear one ponytail (and I'm well over 25), but I'm feeling really cranky and ornery today so I think I'm going to make a point of wearing two tomorrow! :tongue_smilie: (My little girls would love it!)
  9. Thank you for taking the time to type all of that out :). I just finished printing it out. Question: All of my oils are from Young Living (my aunt sells it and provides it to me at her cost). Do you know if those oils are of sufficient quality? I've only used them topically (and certainly have never used them to the extent you have). I think my aunt has said she has used hers orally, but I am not certain on that. Thanks! [ETA: An interesting side note on the lyme doctor -- I believe they homeschooled their children :D]
  10. If you do think you need it, I pm'd you with the name of a lyme doctor that I don't think would be too terribly far from you. (Of course that's all relative. As we are rural, I tend not to think of anything within a couple hours as too terribly far ... lol :tongue_smilie:.) He was able to help me. [ETA: You are going to share your secret oil recipe, aren't you :D ?]
  11. We switched to body wash and no longer have any issues with soap scum. (just something to consider once you've gotten it off :001_smile:)
  12. We live 1 hour 45 minutes from a Staples. I order from them frequently. It always shows up when it is estimated to, almost always the next day. Usually it is someone driving a Staples van, but once it was a guy in a pickup truck. It was the store manager ... he said it was a nice day (we live in a rural area so there) and he didn't feel like being cooped up in the store! To answer your question ... yes, it is a courier from their store.
  13. We still haven't gotten ours yet. I was afraid something must have happened to it, but it appears that we're not the only ones still waiting. Maybe (hopefully :001_smile:) tomorrow.
  14. At the beginning of the week I have them read the words and the definitions to me to be certain they know the correct pronunciation and understand the definition (we use the definitions provided by TOG). Afterwards they type them into Quizlet (they each have their own account), print them out for my review, and bind them. Each day they practice them on Quizlet. By the end of the week they know the definitions quite well, as well as the spellings (I make them use practice options that mark them wrong for spelling). They learn the words, their definitions, correct spellings, and get typing practice as well. It's quick for me and relatively painless for them.
  15. I ordered mine the day it was released [from the AoPS site, along with other books.] I received my order less than a week later, via media mail.
  16. #1 -- 17 days early, 24 hr labor (with pitocin to help stalled labor progress) #2 -- 14 days early, 22 hr labor (with pitocin to help stalled labor progress) #3 -- 10 days early, 14 hr labor (with pitocin to help stalled labor progress) #4 -- 7 days early, 12 hr labor (with pitocin to help stalled labor progress) #5 -- 3 days early, 14 hr labor (with pitocin to help stalled labor progress) #6 -- 7 days overdue, 6 hr labor followed by emergency c-section #7 -- 10 days overdue, 4 hr labor at home while during chores, dilated to 8 when arrived at hospital, baby born before they finished getting my information into the computer system #8 -- 14 days overdue, water broke but labor never started, c-section 18 hr later when baby started showing signs of distress Given those statistics, if we have more babies I might end up with year long pregnancies! [not that they'd let me go that long of course :tongue_smilie:]
  17. Did you find one that would work yet? We have multiples of both the ~ 1 1/2" and ~ 3/4" sizes if you are still searching.
  18. I voted yes, but it is not with something I would consider sour really. My eye twitches when I eat yellow mustard.
  19. We would without a doubt. We don't live in an area that belongs to a library district. If we want access to a library at all, we have to pay $40 per year, which we do willingly. We also make an additional donation each year as we are certain it costs them a whole lot more than $40 to cover the costs related to all of our interloan books! It is a very small library and has almost none of the books we look for. The library you are considering sounds absolutely wonderful!
  20. We had a thumping sound every.single.morning at sunrise right outside our master bedroom. The sound came back throughout the morning and in the afternoon as well. Also, in the morning there was what sounded like clucking, but not really, and flapping. It was really loud! It sounded like what I imagine the soundtrack to "Attack of the Killer Chickens" would be! This started in the spring and went on all summer. Every.single.day. We looked and looked and couldn't figure out what it was. By the time we got outside and around to that side of the house the noise had stopped. Finally, this past FALL, my oldest ds caught sight of a suspect. It took us a couple weeks to confirm our suspicions. It was a male pheasant! He walking around to the three basement windows pecking and clucking [or whatever it is a pheasant does] and flapping his wings at his reflection! :lol: It was hilarious. For the longest time whenever the dc heard the noise again, they would all run down to the basement to watch him from the inside, betting on whose window he would go to next! Hmm, now that I think about it, I haven't heard him in a while.
  21. :iagree: We had the same experience with RSV except our baby [ds3] was full-term. He was shipped out to a bigger hospital and required his own nurse [as in he was to have a nurse sitting and staring at him at all times; she couldn't even get up to walk over to the sink, another nurse had to be called in]. He spent 10 days in the PICU with all sorts of tubes & wires attached to him, having all sorts of tests for breathing, brain functioning, etc. We were warned that it may have scarred his lungs, and he could have problems the rest of his life. What is scary is how fast it happened. He was fine the evening before. He ate just a little less than usual [i was on meds that didn't allow me to nurse], but that was it. The next morning, he didn't want to eat and his color just seemed a little off to me [maybe a little pasty], but he seemed fine otherwise. My husband thought I was crazy, but something didn't feel right, so I took him immediately to the doctor's office. They took us back right away. When they were checking his vital's, he wasn't breathing. They literally ran with him in their arms to the ER where there were probably 10 doctors and nurses working on him [the pharmacist was even there running back and forth with meds]. They made me leave the room. It was the most terrifying experience I've ever had. There was another baby in the PICU with RSV at the same time. He had been in for a month, and they still didn't know if he would make it. I've been told that I'm over-protective, paranoid, and even rude because I limit who can see my newborns, but I don't care. Adults can carry the RSV virus and not even have any symptoms. When they do, it presents as just a cold. That's not a chance I'm willing to take. ETA: No one in our family was even visibly sick, and he had not left the house. That means that one of us "healthy" family members transmitted the virus to him.
  22. Oh, my goodness!! This sounds so simple. Enjoyable actually, pleasant, leisurely!! THIS is how I want my days to go. I guess I'll just have to schedule a nap time for myself so that I can dream about it :D [because I just can't seem to get my act together enough to pull it off, no matter how hard I try :crying:]. ETA: Yes, I know I'm here on the forums instead of working, but that's only because I had to feed the baby, who is now done. So, off to work I go!
  23. Other. I don't taste it while my nose is pinched. However, after unpinching my nose there may be a remaining aftertaste if the flavor was strong.
  24. This is my life lately it seems. There are days I don't know whether to cry or just laugh at the ridiculousness of it! As wonderful as this sounds :tongue_smilie:, there is no way I could make it to a beach, at least not a warm one. However ... I think we all live within an hour or two of one another! [You don't "know" me, but I'm a multi-year lurker :D and feel as though I've gotten to "know" you over the years! :blush: Hey, I just noticed I'm a nurse bee ... it's only taken me 4 years here at the new boards and 2 years of zero posts at the old. :tongue_smilie:]
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