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Everything posted by sarah1615

  1. I would assume the little girl has type 1 diabetes so she needs juice to bring up low blood glucose levels. Both high and low blood sugar is a normal part of managing type 1 diabetes. You raise glucose levels with juice because it is a fast source of glucose--fats or slower carbs take longer to raise blood glucose levels. Usually you will follow a fast acting carb with a slower carb and/or protein to try to keep their numbers stable. Type 1 diabetes is a very difficult balancing act that is influenced by so many factors, many of which you can't control. My oldest son also has type 1 diabetes so unfortunately I know a lot about all of this! As for the juicer, no not the most economical way to get juice. I haven't read about the Juicy Juice issue and I'm a little afraid to now! My son uses Juicy Juice to bring up lows all the time--ugh! Off to read!:tongue_smilie:
  2. We get the holes in some of our clothes too. I'm positive that we started having this problem when we bought our HE washing machine. I also find that larger loads of laundry are usually the ones with the most damage. My solution that works most of the time is to make sure the washer isn't very full (at most 3/4 full) and adjust to a lower speed spin cycle. I would say it helps 95% of the time.
  3. I just got the Hashimoto's diagnosis too even though my TSH is at 2.6 right now. My doctor won't treat until over 3, so I'm stuck dealing with these terrible symptoms until my thyroid really gives out! It's very annoying that most doctors will only treat the numbers and not the symptoms. I might check out a couple of these books that were suggested. Gluten-free is a tough adjustment, but I'd sure like to feel better.
  4. We have a Boston Terrier and she is the perfect dog for us! She is small enough that she doesn't knock the kids over, but big enough that I don't have to worry about the kids squishing her! She was easy to train and she is a very sweet dog! I would definitely recommend a Boston. They do have energy, but she is not out of control--just a puppy! Here is a pic of her as a little puppy: And here she is now:
  5. 16 has always been my favorite number. I think it's because my birthday is on the 16th. I also like 4, which of course, is the square root of 16. They were my numbers for soccer and volleyball when I was school. I still have it in my screen name too--16 is my number and 15 is my husband's favorite!
  6. It may just be me, but drinking a few sips of heavy cream seems to always get rid of my heartburn. I'm not sure why, but it works for me! Another thing that's supposed to work is coconut milk. I found it worked for mild heartburn, but not bad heartburn. I tried the Bragg's ACV and it did the opposite and made me have terrible heartburn. Eveyone's different, I guess!
  7. My 5 year old is in a Graco Nautilus. It is a 5 pt harness until 65lbs. Then it converts to a high back booster to 100lbs. It then converts to a regular booster. We love it!! It has great reviews and everyone that I know who has it loves it too.
  8. Lots of positive thoughts coming your way. I hope they find the problem quickly and it is something that it easily treated. Sounds like you have a great doctor and that is an important first step!
  9. :iagree: In Rochester, there was a urologist (just recently passed away) that was the go-to guy for vasectomies and his name was Dr. Stop! :001_smile: I do think names have some influence on who you become, but are certainly not the biggest or only factor!
  10. Just a thought, but is she craving salt (you said she had taken the salt shaker)? We had my 5 year old tested for Addison's disease and some of the symptoms include: Changes in blood pressure or heart rate Chronic diarrhea Darkening of the skin - patchy skin color Unnaturally dark color in some places Paleness Extreme weakness Fatigue Loss of appetite Mouth lesions on the inside of a cheek (buccal mucosa) Nausea and vomiting Salt craving Slow, sluggish movement Unintentional weight loss Hopefully, it is just a stomach bug though.
  11. I also prefer Shutterfly over Snapfish in terms of quality. I ordered Christmas cards from both places this past year and the ones from Snapfish were off-center and had a weird tint. The ones from Shutterfly were very nice.
  12. Our house is 1900 sq feet and we have 3 children. The amount of living area is perfect, but we could use more closet and storage space
  13. I also have health anxiety. I went through a very tough time with it after my last baby. It hit very hard and I was thoroughly convinced that I had multiple sclerosis. I had so many symptoms plus my maternal aunt and grandmother have/had it so I was certain that I did too! I had twitches all over my body, numness, tingling, brain fog, visual disturbances and the list goes on. I would search the internet for hours and hours looking for both things to confirm or dispute the diagnosis. I ended up going for all of the testing through a neurologist and he found absolutely nothing wrong with me. I was still in disbelief thinking that maybe I was that very small percentage of people that don't get diagnosed through the usually testing methods. I tried taking zoloft, but unfortunately it only made my anxiety worse. I know it was at least partially related to my hormones postpartum, but I still go through bouts of it. Now that I'm not in the midst of that scare anymore I can look back and see that it probably was just my anxiety messing with me. I also can take a step back and realize that MS probably wouldn't have been the end of the world anyhow, but I was so sure at that time that I'd be the worst case. I'm currently dealing with some anxiety right now over skin cancer. Sure, it's possible that it really is something, but no matter how much I try to convince myself that I'm most likely fine, the doubt still creeps in and I start thinking irrationally. I don't have any advice. I wish I knew how to stop it from escalating too. Luckily, it has been so much better since my hormones have regulated a bit more. I'll be watching this thread to see how others have dealt with health anxiety in the long-term. I'm sorry you have to deal with this problem too. It's tough! :grouphug:
  14. We have some of the Mighty Machines DVDs and my boys LOVE them!!! They talk about them all the time. The theme song does drive me nuts though since it always gets stuck in my head.
  15. We're starting kindergarten here! My son is 5 turning 6 in February and this will be our first year homeschooling. I'm excited and a little overwhelmed with everything, but I'm sure it will all work out fine!
  16. I had my last child at 29 and I'm pretty sure that we are done. The biggest factor in our being done is that I had severe postpartum anxiety after my third child was born and I do not want to relive that experience again. I also don't want to put my other children, husband or family through it again. We probably would have had 1 or 2 more children, but it is what it is! Without any other factors at play, I think my cutoff age would have been 35.
  17. I'm so very sorry. Thinking of you and your family.
  18. Here is a news article from CNN: http://www.cnn.com/2011/HEALTH/03/30/fda.food.dye.health/index.html Here are a couple studies about ADHD and food dye research: http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/127/6/e1575.abstract http://cpj.sagepub.com/content/50/4/279.abstract
  19. I don't think checking your numbers for one day will tell you the whole story. Glucometers can be off by up to 20% for any given reading, which means that 177 might actually be 141.6 (of course, it could also be 20% higher than you saw too). Also did you make sure your fingers were totally clean before checking your number? That will affect you numbers too! If I were you, I would keep a log of your numbers for a few days and see if you're consistently getting higher numbers. Then bring all of that info with you to your midwife. I had some randomly high numbers with my last pregnancy, but it wasn't really consistent so I just had to watch my diet, do random glucose checks and had a couple extra ultrasounds. Best of luck!
  20. How did they check your number? Was it in a lab (blood draw) or with a glucose monitor (finger prick)? I know that glucose monitors have a +/-20% variance so your number could have been fine. If it was done in the lab then it was more accurate.
  21. I floss before I brush. Once I finish brushing, I use my WaterPik to do a second flossing. I feel like the first flossing loosens everything and brushing scrubs it away. The WaterPik is just in case I missed anything and then I rinse with mouthwash.
  22. My husband wears a tie to work most of the time. He is allowed to wear a polo shirt with the company logo on days over 80'.
  23. I think it depends on the situation. Some colors are unflattering for certain spaces and could make a room appear smaller, etc, which could influence my decision to buy a house. In general though, I try not to let the owner's color choices sway me.
  24. We love our Toyota Sienna! Before we bought this van, we had a 2001 Honda Odyssey that we also loved. I don't think we'd buy anything other than Toyota or Honda. We have had such great luck with them.
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