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Everything posted by melissad2

  1. I hate it! It's so dang humid here and the thermostat is broken on our ac and the guy won't be here to fix it til Monday or Tuesday. I borrowed two window units and a fan and I'm still sweating. I can't wait til FALL!
  2. Sometimes when I go to the library there is a van there that is filled to the top with junk! I mean the only place that doesn't have trash or junk is literally the drivers seat! I always have the urge to follow it home to see where they live so I never make the mistake of buying a mouse nearby!
  3. I'm a working mom too. I'm a registered nurse and I work an average of 2-4 days a month. It's enough that we don't have to scrape by and not too much that I feel like I'm never home. I have been working more recently because I just got off maternity leave and we need the money!
  4. What a sad story. I wonder if the were Pearl followers? Now comes the onslaught of anti-homeschooling comments.
  5. I have a diamonique ring from QVC and I get tons of compliments and "wows"! I just smile and say "thank you".
  6. Wait a minute.....you mean I have to get rid of it in SOAP too! Oh my word! I'm going to have to clean out the entire house! I thought I had found some strawberry yogurt that was due free in my usual grocery store until I bought it the next week and it had dye in it. So now I have to read the label EVERY. SINGLE. TIME! How annoying!
  7. Yep...I'm going to start cooking everything from scratch. It isn't dose related either if they eat one drop they may as well have a bucket full!
  8. YES!!! My 5yo absolutely cannot tolerate red #40! In fact I am ridding our pantry this week of all food dyes as I suspect yellow may be a problem also.
  9. :grouphug: When I was a kid someone backed an 18 wheeler to our door and literally unloaded our house! We lived in a very rural area so no one saw anything. They literally took everything we owned except the furniture. They even went through our pantry and took our food. I was around 7 at the time and didn't sleep for weeks. If I remember correctly our insurance claim was somewhere around 50 grand.
  10. Thanks! I will grab this book! It sounds exactly what I am looking for :)
  11. Good idea! I will try ignoring too...but gosh that's hard to do!
  12. Help! My 5yo has developed quite the sassy mouth and I have no idea where he got it from! He always has a snippy remark when disciplined or corrected and I am at my white end with it. The worst thing is that my 2 yo is imitating him grrrr! Creative solutions needed please!
  13. My almost 6 yo wants to pour things himself but since I do not enjoy cleaning sticky floors half a dozen times he's not allowed.
  14. We sell used cars (on the side not our main source of income). Anyone want to buy one? The business sucks right now and I don't know how long we are going to continue.
  15. I could have written that myself! I'm 12 wks postpartum and my taste for teA is MIA. Breastfeeding has a lot to do with it but I find that if I just go ahead and partake then I do enjoy it (that is after the first time...ouch). So I make myself take a sip ;)
  16. :svengo: I swear I just cannot figure out what is WRONG with people.
  17. Last year I was able to get up to 25 of the specials. I seem to remember getting an email about the rules changing though but I can't seem to find it.
  18. Beware...Every. Single. Ruby Tuesday I've ever been in has had horrible service!
  19. IDK but my vacuum cleaner cord has been spliced in about 3 places and is about 3ft shorter than its supposed to be thanks to a teething puppy :toetap05:
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