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Mrs. Readsalot

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Everything posted by Mrs. Readsalot

  1. I really wanted to go to his concert with Sheryl Crow this summer , but I just can't pay the price of the tickets, plus transportation and hotel cost. It would have been over $1000 for our family. I have better ways to spend $1000 dollars.
  2. Dh and I walked 3.2 miles this morning. It's a great way to start the day. Now off to try and wrap my brain around Geometry and logical reasoning.
  3. It looks like with our school schedule I will be doing most of my walking in the evening. It was a beautiful evening, is a wonderful sunset. I walked the first 3.2 miles with my dh at a moderate pace, and then finished the rest of the walk at a brisk pace.
  4. This would be really different. Getting to and visiting Tangier is very interesting, although don't expect a lot to do there.
  5. Dh and I were out walking at 5 am We did 3.2 miles at a very brisk pace. I am really pushing him as he wants to lose weight. My biggest fear walking in the dark is stepping on a toad/frog and the road and squishing it EWWWWW!!! I came close this morning , but I somehow saw the little bugger before I stepped on it.
  6. I have considered getting into card making, but wow! it be expensive to get started. I play the flute, read, garden and walk but I don't really consider these hobbies. I used to cross stitch and may get back into that. I am curious to see what type of hobbies other TWTM boardies like.
  7. We adore the library staff and they are wonderful to us. They are always interested on the rare books we get them to track down for us. A hundred year old Henty has been our best yet. I still can't believe the library that owns it sent it to our little corner of the world. It was carefully read and returned. At the moment they are trying to find another lesser known Henty for us. As soon as we walk in they pull the books we have requested and I never have to actually get out my card. I tend to keep them well supplied with homemade goodies, tomatoes and herbs. I am so grateful for interlibrary loan, and I firmly believe that you should treat people the way that you would like to be treated yourself.
  8. Dh and I actually got a 3.2 miles walk in before the weather got nasty.
  9. Last night dh and I decided to walk, and midway through the sky opened and the rain poured on us. It was just an outer band though. This morning dawned beautiful with the most amazing color. We dicded to walk again and at the beginning it was very humid(ie tropical) but the skys were clear and the winds light. After 3.2 miles the sky were getting darker and the wind had really picked up. Now 2 hours later the winds are very brisk, and the sky is quite dark. We are under a tornado watch and dh is getting ready to leave for work(I am surprised he has stayed home this long) I need to tape the back sliding glass door as it always trys to blow in during storms(it faces the ocean) If we go outside at the moment we can hear the ocean. Often in the past during storms we will actually get sea spray off the ocean (you know the white foamy stuff) Interesting the mansion that we can see from our back door(they are on the water) set up a huge tent on the lawn a few days ago. Looks to be for a wedding. By huge I mean HUGE can probably hold hundreds of people. They still have it up, and it will be interesting to see if is withstands the storm.
  10. We are already starting to see higher winds and outer bands of rain. We are ready to bug out if we have to. Dh is busy with the towns EOC (Emergency Operations Center) so we probably won't see him for a few day, although at least this storm is moving fast. We live one mile from the ocean and flood very quickly. Trust me if it wasn't for my dh great job we would not live this close to the ocean for just this reason(storms). We have been through a few storms and Nor'Easters before and generally do have some type of damage(roof, trees down, the siding blew off a few times, power out etc) I hope everyone one else in this storms path stays safe.
  11. I grew up in Baltimore County and everyone I knew was a Democrat. Generally the only canidate that ran with opposition were Democrats, thus I registered as a Democrat. Now I live in a hugely Rep. area so I am a Republican for the same reason. It's probably not a great reason, but I like to have a choice on who to vote for in the primary, especially for local canidates.
  12. Dh and I never curse, and our son doesn't either. Interestingly last week ds said that his friends are "going through a cursing phase" and it is really bothering him. Basically he doesn't like to be around it. He also noted that his friends think it makes them look "cool" but, he just thinks it makes them look like they are giving into peer pressure. Ds is very good at standing up for himself.
  13. Thank you for sharing A.J.'s birth story with us. I have been thinking and praying for you both. You are a very special lady. Take Care!
  14. I love the freedom of doing different activities during the summer. I love gardening and reading during the summer. I also love fall, the cool crisp air, the harvests, the colors. Yep that makes me summer fall too.
  15. we are preparing. DH works for public safety so he is going to be busy setting up the EOC etc by tomorrow. By tomorrow we probably won't see him much til next week, this is just part of his job. Last night we stocked up on water, batteries etc. Tonight we are making sure our hurricane box is ready (we tend to steal from it when we need something) Dh is out getting gasoline for the generator. Ds has a check list to go through for the hurricane box. He gets life skills credit working on this. We are 1 mile, as the crow flys, from the beach and live at sea level. Our roads to leave the neighborhood flood with small amounts of heavy rain we we have to decide early whether to bug out or not. At least my MIL is out of town visiting with another son so we don't have to worry about her. Basically I don't freak out at these things and our ds is cool about it too. We make sure we are prepared and deal with what comes our way. Thanks for issuing the heads up to everyone. Stay safe all!!!
  16. Seriously I am curious as to how you decide who to vote for. I have a simple method that I have used for years. I make two lists. List 1 has 3 issues that are important to me List 2 has 3 issues I think are most important to the nation, state county etc. Then I research each candidates stance on those issues Then based on the research decide who to vote for. I don't watch or listen to "spin" I am always skeptical of spin and figure that person has an opinion and they want their opinion to become your opinion. I recently talked my dh into not listening to talk radio as it was really stressing him out. I also ignore political commericals as I find most are just critical of their opponents. So with great peace of mind I know who I am voting for.
  17. Generally I will reach a day when I can't remember the last time I rested. Today is that day so I am resting. The fact that it is going to be 90 out and is already humid has nothing to do with it:glare: Oh and dh asked me lst night if I wanted to walk in the morning, he also got the glare....needless to say he did not try to wake me this morning. I slept in until 6:30 (school starts at 6:45 in our house) and it was lovely to sleep in, I really needed it.
  18. Just chalk this up to the vast amount of information I have learned while homeschooling. The amazing thing is I am remembering this stuff . I asked my son at dinner and he remembered too....it warms this mom's heart to know the lessons are sinking in.
  19. This sounds like it could be Anne, at least she was the first person I thought of when I read the description We studied her last year and read the book Trouble's Daughter (excellent book)
  20. Yes I love my husband , Yes I love my husband...sorry I think I have to keep repeating that today. Just kidding. I am really enjoying our walks in the early AM This morning we decided we know who we want to vote for (amazing we agree on the same ticket too) and that we are no longer going to listen to the "spins" as it irritates us. Life is grand! Now back to school.
  21. So at 4:40 this morning dh says "walking buddy" to me and wakes me from a perfectly sound sleep. Turns out he decided to start his diet today and wants to walk every morning. So off we went in the dark, the stars were stunning, and we walked 3.2 miles. Now time for coffee!!!
  22. I have decided on who to vote for and the information about Gov Palin's daughter will not change that decision. Here is my take on why some might think this could have an impact. 1. If she can't keep here family on the right path how can she keep the country on the right path. 2. Maybe she need to be concentrating more on her family and not own personal advancement These are not my personal opinions just what I think people will be thinking.
  23. Dh calls me the energizer bunny of walking LOL Remember though don't even ask me to jog or run. Even before I started losing weight I was walking every day. I have just increased my pace to help take off the weight. Also I walk on a flat terrain which I think helps me to walk greater distances. I do inclines when I use the treadmill though. Thank you for the kind words!
  24. You are an early riser. I am just getting up and trying to decide where to bike or walk this morning. I never had a chance to get on line yesterday. I walked 2 miles in the yesterday morning and 6 miles last nigt(it was beautiful out) ****Update This morning dh and I walked 3 miles and than I rode the bike 5 miles.
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