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Mrs. Readsalot

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Everything posted by Mrs. Readsalot

  1. Clicker Training for Dog and also Betsy and the Emperor(this is an excellent book) We are getting a puppy in 2-3 weeks so I consider clicker training required reading. Karen
  2. The one I like best was the Bridgestone tire commerial with the Potato Heads...it is very funny! I always like the clydesdale commericals and this year was no exception Here is a link to the potatoe head commerical http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xE1HeVRmioM Karen
  3. We used Saxon for K through Algebra 1/2 and were always very pleased with the materials. We started with Saxon Algebra 1 and ds struggled for the first time with math (we did not used the dvd's) So I switched to Chalkdust. I will check out the Saxon DVD's and I thank you very much for your suggestion and the other post you made, bot were very helpful. Karen
  4. That said we have always presented college to our son as let's figure out what natural talents you have, what you love to do and then decide which college and program would provide the best education in that field. Our ds is working very hard so he can get into the physics with a micro electronics concentration at the school of his choice. He loves electronics and has been very talented at it since he was young. This is also my dh field so they do a lot of projects together. Karen
  5. I am interested in knowing what Algebra 2 programs people have used. Did you children do well with the materials? Did you have to reteach the material after they read the chapter or listened to the DVD? Where the materials worth the price you paid? Where you able to resell them easily? Do you feel they prepared them for the SAT well? My ds is currently doing very well with Jacob Geometry second edition text. He is an excellent math student. For Algebra 1 we used Chalkdust. He did very well on the test, but I had to reteach the material to him after he listened to the DVD's My choices as I see them are Chalkdust Algebra 2 with Dr. Mosley $420 Dr. Callahan Algebra 2 with Trig $275 Teaching Textbooks Algebra 2 $184.90 I am open to any other suggestions. At the moment I am leaning towards Teaching Textbook not because of the price but I like how the materials are presented on the DVDs. I have just watched the demos on the website and have not used the actual texts etc. I also watched the Dr. Callahan demo DVD and it seems like the whitebaord is hard to see and he often stands in front of it. So I am interested in what people who have used these programs think of them. Thanks! Karen
  6. I have finished Dr. Jenner and the Speckled Monster by Albert Marrin. My son and I both thought it was a fascinating book. I learned several interesting facts from it. I am still working on Dragonfly in Amber the second book in the Outlander series. It is verra good (said the way Jamie would say it) I just donna seem to have the time to read it. I have now started reading Fever a book about the Yellow Fever outbreak in Philadelphia in 1793. Karen
  7. and certainly not my home state of Maryland (where the winters are grey nearly every day - OK it's not that bad but I liked the rhyme. Karen
  8. My feeling, as I watched this is, that women love the story because we want a man to feel as passionately about us as Heathcliff feels for Cathy and to show those feeling as Heathcliff does(although not always to Cathy) When I watched the other night and he was banging his head against the wall all I could think of was:banghead: this smilie. I love the rawness of Heathcliff's feelings.Now as for Cathy she signifies that mistake many of us have made in love. Personally I let a guy get away that I thought left town and I didn't hear from for some time and I thought he just wasn't interested anymore. Turns out he was but I "thought" I had given my heart to someone else when really I let obligation and a promise to my new love keep me from being with the person I knew my heart wanted me to be with. I can relate to Cathy because of my own personal experience. I love Wuthering Heights because of the raw emotions it brings out even if they are painful. Sometimes it is good to know you can feel something so deeply even if it is painful. Karen
  9. I have a regular binder with slip sleeves in it. I put about two recipes in each slip sleeve(generally these are printed from the internet or torn from a magazine. I have empty sleeves in the binder for new additions. When I use a recipe I just remove that page from the binder and the slip sleeve keeps it from getting messed up. Note I also have another binder for take-out menus etc. Karen
  10. He is currently reading Albert Marrin's book about George Washington. I am also reading the book and I think it is excellent. A great book that is a living history style is called Duel in the Wilderness. This is about Washington during the time of the French and Indian War. My ds has read it twice, and he first read it when he was about 9-10. Karen
  11. Smooth Collies are wonderful dogs and fit you requirements. Although not all love to swim, but then I know a Lab that hates the water. Also Portugese Water Dogs are great and fit your requirements. They are a less common breed so you can expect to pay more for one. Karen
  12. One thing I would suggest is start contacting breeders now. I decided early last fall I wanted a Corgi and I hope to have one by March. (the dog is coming from an excellent breeder and will have certain traits I am looking for...ie intelligence and an outgoing personality. I plan to take the dog to nursing homes to visit the residences. You are looking at even less common breeds than a corgi so you could have a long wait, and also expect to pay a pretty penny. I have found the less common the dog the higher the price. Breeders are usually great at matching a pup with a family. Don't be surprised it they want to select the best puppy for your family and needs. Also breeders can probably tell you best if a certain breed (ie they ones you are interested in) match what you are looking for. I have found the best way to find good breeders is to look up the national breed club on the internet or contact the AKC. Also you could try going to a large dog show, just wait to talk to the exhibitors until after they have shown their dogs for the day. Please keep up posted on your search, and best wishes on finding a super dog. Karen (who bought doggie toys yesterday for her hopefully soon to arrive Corgi - tentitive names...Sparky, Ringo, or Winston or whatever suits him best.
  13. The book is about the French Revolution. I am always amazed at how much I learn from living history books. How I would have loved to have learned history this way as a kid. My ds also really enjoyed the book. We spent a lot of time talking about the American Revolution compared to the French Revolution. We can spend several hours on discussion of this nature, he is a great kid! Next week Dr. Jenner and the Speckled Monster. I am also slowly reading Dragonfly in Amber, the second book in the Outlander series. Karen
  14. OK we must have been in the same home ec class somewhere in Maryland. My dear sweet home ec teacher Mrs. Beers had to be one of my most memorable teachers(all for great reasons too) I can still hear her in my head when I make muffins, stir three time and gently girls(this was before they let boys in home ec)
  15. I know lots of people with disagree with me, but that was the book that I thought of immediately when I read the question. I didn't like the end. That is all. Karen
  16. I use my copy of "All Though the Ages" all the tim If someone asked me to make a list of the ten books they would need to homeschool this would be in the top three (after TWTM of course:D) It is also one of the few things I will keep when we have finished homeschooling. I have marked the book with when we read each book, and used a rating system for how well we liked the book. Karen
  17. Thank you for posting information about the book. After reading your post and the others, reading the description at Amazon, and watching the video I decided it is the perfect book for us to do when we have finished Rainbow Chemistry this spring. We will finish rainbow before the end of our school year and I needed a filler. This book looks perfect. Thank You!!! Karen
  18. The best thing anyone said was nothing....they were just there. This was the next door family and I just sat outside with them and no one said anything(I was 10 years old) But just having them there ment the world to me. When you have no words just be there.
  19. Taking a meal to them will be appreciated. My go to meal for families in crisis is Meatballs in sauce, a large bag of shredded cheese and a large pack of rolls. You can heat just as much as you want and it makes a fast and warm meal. Comfort food. Offer to run errands...I often go to the drugstore to pick up prescriptions for neighbors would can't get out. The really appreciate it. Do they have other children...offer to spend time with them so they can spend more time with their daughter. Your concern for them is very thoughtful and I am sure a wonderful blessing in itself. Karen
  20. We could title it "Book I read this week - Review That way even if you are not doing the 52 books in 52 weeks you feel as though you can post a review. I enjoy reading book reviews as it helps me to decide if the book is worth my time to read and if I think I will enjoy it.
  21. Wow Outlander was fantastic. I am counting it as two books since it is over 800 pages. If book of the month club can count selections as 2 books so can I:lol: I started Dragonfly in Amber last night. I am also reading In Search of Honor (about the French Revolution) and should finish it this week. Karen
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