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Mrs. Readsalot

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Everything posted by Mrs. Readsalot

  1. We have had the air conditionaing off since Saturday. It has gotten a bit warm during the day lower 80's in the house, but it's not too bad. The nighttime temp have been very nice. Even when we had the AC on it was set to 80 so it didn't run a lot It is nice to have on those 90 degrees days though. The house I grew up in didin't have AC so it's not a huge deal for me. Of course our ds could not imagine living without air-conditioning:lol:
  2. I am sure once you have a shower and coffee you will feel on top of the world. I am skipping my morning exercise today. Last night dh and I walked 2 miles at a brisk pace (wonderful for him as he is just getting over an injury) Then I did 6 miles on the bike. I seriously need to clean the house and that may me most of my exercise for today. Hey it's a big house!:lol: PS. I look forward to this thread everyday, as it helps to keep me motivated.
  3. Yep the Eastern Shore of Maryland is a very flat place LOL Our neighborhood is a wonderful place to walk. Very well designed roads that are wide. Very few people park on the road as we all have 2 car garages and wide driveways. This is a lot of the reason we moved to this neighborhood. Where I grew up we had hills so I feel for your knees.
  4. It looks like this took me about 70 minutes or so. I not real into check the times when I walk/run outside. I do know I am running more than walking every day. I really don't seem to have much endurance for running long distances, and I never did. I ran track in highschool and college, but my longest race was the 400 m. The 400 m was a killer race though, I was always glad to reach the finish line with that one. My favorite races where the 100 and 200 m
  5. Several of her characters names come from this book. As it is said that she and Tom Lefoy discussed Tom Jones.
  6. Everyone here is such an inspiration. It is a glorious morning here also. I did 7 miles on the bike first, before it started to get windy. Then I decided to walk. I think I must have looked really funny walking when I first finished the bike. My legs felt like jello. I ended up walking 3.2 miles at a brisk pace once I found my legs.
  7. We are on a mission to rid plastic from our lives. I know we are weird. We are using reusable grocery bags. We compost all kitchen scraps that are compostable (our garden really likes this) We use brown bags in our garbage can I usually wrap messy bones in a single sheet of newspaper to keep them from soiling the bag and thus breaking it. I use glass dishes/cassarole dishes etc to store things in the frig As a kid we never had plastic products in the house until I was probably a teen. It is funny how fast we get used to something and then feel like we can't live without it.
  8. I have no reason why it is just what I thought of when I looked at her. She is very, very pretty. Enjoy you new pup!!!!
  9. I was beautiful out this morning. The cool temps felt delightful. I walked 5.3 miles at a swift pace with a bit of running thrown in to get my heart rate really going. I am able to run for longer than I could at first. I will do my 45 minutes of weights this afternoon.
  10. Their uniforms are too small but,... well ... they aren't exactly well built anyway so what does it matter. The things my 14 yo has said in the last week. You just have to love this kid.
  11. I have lost 23 pounds since Mother's Day down from tight size 12 to a comfortable size 8 I didn't do measurements when i started so I don't know how many inches I have lost.
  12. posting late as usual. I went shopping this morning at Kohls for some clothes that fit. Wahoo I can wear size 8 comfortably :party:
  13. It was beautiful out this morning. I am also an early starter too. I was out the door at 6:30. In order to start school on time I am going to have to get up at 5:30 to exercise. I don't know that is even early for me. I felt wonderful after my workout this morning. I am very pleased that I didn't have any stiffness from my first bike ride in years yesterday. Life is grand!
  14. My ds used a playstation 2 for 2 year and really enjoyed it. He is going to sell it now because he has upgraded to a Playstation 3. He mainly played car racing games and we limited his screen time. If you would be interested in a used set we can let you know everything he has and would be happy to answer any questions. His set has been well cared for and it in excellent condition. He purchased the system new. Now to answer you questions (answered based on buying a new system) Is that in the range? A New Playstation 2 is about $130 this doesn't include any games What ELSE do you need? You will probably want to get some games and maybe another controller(the game only comes with one) you may also need to buy memory cards depending on the game syou use and if you want to save games Do they come with any games? No when you purchase it new no games are included How much are the games? 20-50 range Can you use a regular TV? Yes
  15. everyone was emotionally wounded from disco :lol::lol::lol: I just love my kid!!!!!! He cracks me up!!
  16. I went bike riding. I did 11 miles and it felt great. I have not tried to ride a bike in several years due to my dry eyes. I had to stop once to put more ointment in my eyes , but that was really not a problem. My legs felt like jello afterward, which I figure is great because I was using different muscles from walking/running. I really had a blast, it was so wonderful to feel the wind on my face(I wear special glasses to kept the wind out of my eyes)
  17. I waited until after breakfast to do my workout. We were out until 11:30 last night. We went to a 38 Special/Charlie Daniels concert. This morning I walked 5 miles on the treadmill at 4.2 (bumped it up to 4.3 for 12 minutes total, these minutes were at about 5 different times during the walk) Did an incline of 3. This was quite a workout, but it felt great. I seemed to have a bit more energy wating until after breakfast.
  18. Did my morning walk at 6 am on the treadmill. Too hot outside already for me. I plan to do 30 minutes of weights around 11am Tonight we are going to a Charlie Daniels/38 special concert so I won't be doing an evening walk.
  19. :party: and a major happy dance. What a wonderful goal to achieve. I am very, very happy for you!!!!! Wa---hoooooooo
  20. If you feel you can talk to Grandma about this I would say. "Mom, I don't understand why you have decided to emotionally hurt your grandchildren because of a decision their parent have made. My dh and I feel strongly that homeschooling is the best for the children. This is our decision and we stand by it. Your grandchildren love you but they don't understand why you are buying special school related items from your other grandchildren and not them. There are certainly school items(binders, notebooks, etc) that if you purchased them they would think of you whenever they used them. Please place yourself in their shoes(yes say shoes) and think about how they are feeling."
  21. It was brand new and I got it at a great price on that big auction site. I am so thrilled with the flute. It has a wonderful tone and playing it again has been easier than I thought it would be. I am working on tone a lot. I bought The Flute book and another book of exercises that are really interesting. Mainly I am having a blast with the Celtic music. It is so perfect for flute. You can listen to some of the composer playing it on You Tube. Let me know if you would like a link to it.
  22. I had just finished my 888 reading listed which includes lots of Jane Austen as well as history/school related books. I wanted something very different from all of that for summer. Wow did I find that in the Twilight series. Although interestingly the author is a fan of Jane Austen and you can hear that in the series at times. ie one of the character likes to read Pride and Prejudice etc and a few quotes have a very Austen ring to them. PS Jacqui My dh gave me a flute for my birthday and I am having a blast playing it. I have gotten very into a collection of Celtic tunes for Flute and Guitar.
  23. ....and they are still on order. What is wrong with these people! Oh well patience is a virtue. I have to say I didn't think I would like the books either because the the vampire thing. Well they really aren't what you generally think of as vampires. I would call it more of an internal struggle between good and evil. You would have to read it to know what I am saying. I don't want to give too much of the story away for those who haven't read it.
  24. Hmmm...if I waited to get it from PBS I wonder how long it would take. I don't think I have that much patience. Breaking Dawn is the 4th book in a series by Stephenie Myers The others in order are Twlight, New Moon and Eclipse. The target audience is teens although lots of adults enjoy the series. They are not for everyone as they are about vampires etc. Personally I don't like scary books and have not found them scary just a bit suspenseful. I had the first book(via PBS) on my shelf for a year before I decided to read it. Frankly I didn't think I would enjoy it much. Well three days later I had finished it and started book 2.
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