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Mrs. Readsalot

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Everything posted by Mrs. Readsalot

  1. The one in my right tear duct has been great. I have had it in for 2 years now. I can't seen to keep one in my left one though. The longest I have been able to keep on in it is 2 weeks. When I blow my nose it will just come out. I hope to have them permanently closed (cauterized) I also use Restatsis. I have Sjogren's. What type of information are you looking for?
  2. Pride and Prejudice. P & P is now my favorite comfort book. It is always on my nightstand.
  3. I really enjoy summer reading. I get to read books I usually don't have time for during the school year. At the moment I am read Twilight by Stephenie Meyers. This is really a different type of book for me. It is pretty good, and very easy to read.
  4. Happy day our local library book sale is quickly approaching. Usually I head straight for the children's books. But this year I need a new plan. My son is getting older and we have more than enough books around for him to read(note he is not a big reader) But now where do I go first....history(we love history)....DVD's that might be a good place to start as they usually go fast.....Best sellers I have a few I would like to find....Oh dear what a dilemma. So what is your plan of attack at a libray sale? Oh I am usually one of the first in line.
  5. We have harvested several cucumber and tomatoes this week. I have also picked about a dozen green tomatoes to make fried green tomatoes with Yummy!
  6. We also showed them. They are wonderful in the house dogs. They are hardier then they look. We often had to rescue bunnies, birds and other things they would catch in the yard. The sitting thing is funny. Ours hated the sit command, we did obedience with them after they became CH. I think they hated the sit command because it ment putting their bare bottoms on a cold floor LOL. I used to call them little heaters because they loved to get under the covers and they were so warm, warmer than the Shelties I have owned as an adult. Our IG's also loved to lay on the heat vents, Shelties prefer AC thank you very much. They do like to chase things and will run after something at a drop of a dime.
  7. Read 8 book in 8 catagories during 2008 you can also overlap 8 books so you really only need to read 56 books. For example Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice was in my Jane Austen catagory and my movies catagory.
  8. Yippee it is happy dance time at my happy. I have finished the 888 reading challenge. The book I finished with was the Ultimate Gift. If you want me to post all the books I read I will come back and do that later. Now I just want to bask in the the glory of being finished. My favorites were all of Jane Austen's book (I had never read them before) Now I plan to go back and read them again and take my time, noting quotes I like etc.
  9. Wahoo as of today I have lost 15 pounds, and I have 15 more to lose to reach my goal weight. I started at 165. Basically have have been eating lean protein, low cars and no sugar and about 1200-1500 calories a day. I have also been walking 5-7 miles a day(this is why I have not been posting much), doing 100 sit-ups a day and some strength training. It was been much harder to lose weight in my 40's then it was when I was in my 30's I am planning to reach my goal in the fall.
  10. Here is a link to information about the book. It is a lovely touching story about how a teacher recognized Patricia's inablility to read an helped her.
  11. I ordered sees from Baker Creek Here is a link to there website http://rareseeds.com/
  12. We had our first ripe tomato from the garden last night. This is a gardening record for us. We have never had a ripe tomato before the 4th of July in the past. What makes this extra sweet is that I started the tomates from heirloom seeds this year, I have never grown tomatoes from seeds before. I was a wonderful feeling harvesting that tomato!! Another bonus is the taste was amazing. Tonight we will be having fried green tomatoes. Our peppers, gourds, cucumbers and swiss chard are also doing well, all grown from seeds. With the economic outlook I am already planning to expand the garden next year. I am also planning to make a lot of sauce and freeze or can it. I would love to hear how everyone elses gardens are doing. PS - Doran if you read this you are welcome to come by for some tomatoes, I was so sad when I read about the plight of your garden. Last week we had a terrible hail storm and my biggest concern was the garden (who cares if the window screens now look like swiss cheese)
  13. The word is not used in our household. Interestingly both my dh and I disliked the word before we even met.
  14. This is a bit of a take off from my earlier thread about my upbringing. So What is your moral compass. Are you choices and decisions based on how you were raised..... what you gut tells you is right.... what you have been taught at church.... what you have learned from religious books..... what you see others doing... combination or something else. Mainly I go by the golden rule...do unto others etc... I also go on gut feeling too. For me watching other families has been very helpful at times.
  15. I understand your feeling toward family. I also do not speak with my mother. I tried for a few years to forgive her, but she did not feel she needled forgiving. Her bad example continues so my husband decided this was not good for our son. If she ever needs me I will be there, but for now it is best this way.
  16. My childhood was disfunctional at best. My father died when I was nine and my mother started dating soon after. She went out often and also would go away with men for weekends etc. My female role model was terrible. I had no rules. The less my mother saw of me the better. When I was 18 I returned home from college and told my mother I was spending the summer with my boyfriends family. She didn't even ask for a phone number. When I was 11-14 I was treated inappropriately by one of my mother's boyfriends ( imagine the worse and you will probably be right) I found out as an adult she knew about it and had no excuse or remorse over doing nothing. All of this lead to a great deal of nonmoral behavior on my part. Frankly I just didn't know any better, and I wish I had. I became a Christian as an adult and at times I regret not having a more moral upbringing. We are raising our son to be a moral young man, but I don't even talk to him about my past. I am very embarrassed by it. He recently talked to me about wanting a purity ring and the first thing I did was praise the Lord for the moral lesson we have taught sinking in. I wish I had had the same lessons...Thanks for letting cry on the boards shoulder.
  17. William Wilberforce God's Politician by John Holzmann. I know Sonlight sells it, at least that is where I bought it.
  18. I think any orgainization has room for improvement, whether paid or not. I would suggest a suggestion form to be delivered with each meal that includes a self address stamped envelope. You could then fill out the form and make your suggestion anon. The only flaw with this is the postage and the fact that some may not use the forms.
  19. The follow always work for me when I want to drop some weight. Never let yourself get very hungry (you will tend to over eat. So I eat several small meals and a few snacks during the day. Snacks are usually a piece of fruit. Drink lots of water this will helps to keep you full. Eating foods high in fiber/whole grains also helps will keeping you full. Eat lean proteins (fish, chicken breats, lean pork etc) I have to have a light evening snack so I make it something healthy(a granola bar, small bowl of cereal etc) I exercise several times during the day ie I will do 2 30 minute walks and then some strengh exercises in the evening. I think this helps to keep my metabolism up. Also this is a great tip don't put all the food for dinner on the table. Fix your plates away from the table and do not go back for seconds. This really helps us with portion control.
  20. I was married to a Marine officer at the time and President and Mrs. Bush were visiting Hawaii. Millie was due to have puppies in a few weeks and the other wives directed Mrs. Bush to me as I had whelped several liters of puppies. We talked about taking care of Millie and the puppies. She asked for my best whelping hint and I told her why I like to use a plastic baby pool for whelping. She loved the idea and I was thrilled to see she had used it when the book about Millie came out. She is a very nice down to earth lady and it was a joy to met her.
  21. Ok I am have a terrible day and it's my birthday. Today started out with dh asking ds if he wanted to go to work with him so ds could see the fire parade. Ds didn't answer right away so dh took back his offer and they ended up in a somewhat loud discussion. Bottom ds would rather hang out with his friends. Nice start to my birthday. So ds stayed home. About 2 hours later I told ds we would work on his geometry for the next hour. He had a major meltdown about his friends don't have to do school during the summer yada yada yada. Needless to say Geometry didn't go well. Now ds just found out his best friend is going to the fire parade with his grandmother. Guess where ds now wants to go. Unreal. Needless to say I told him no. Why do I need all this on my birthday. Because of the fireparade dh well eat lots of parade chicken and not want to go out to eat for my birthday. I will probably end up having dinner by myself. What a terrible birthday.
  22. Our family just watched The Last Season and really enjoyed it. I also like movies with Alan Rickman (Truely, Madly Deeply and Something the Lord Made and Snow Cake were great) The Ultimate Gift is very good. Other favorites include...Elizabethtown, Atonement, Falling for A Dancer, Wuthering Heights.
  23. it's colorful, easy to read and use. The book is by Geoff Hamilton and you can look at a preview of it at Amazon.
  24. Sisko is beautiful, and I understand the sadness of losing a beloved pet. They love us so unconditionally and are such a presence in our lives. I made the same trip last summer and I still miss my dear Ace. Cry all the tears you need to cry and take all the time you need to grieve. My thought and prayers are with you.
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