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Mrs. Readsalot

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Everything posted by Mrs. Readsalot

  1. You were following the law, the owners of the charging non-leashed dog were not. Neither you nor your friend owe an financial responsibility.
  2. I cook bacon in the oven just like this video except I also use a cooling rack in the cookie sheet to keep the bacon out of the grease. http://www.associatedcontent.com/video/3408/how_to_cook_the_perfect_bacon_in_your.html?cat=22
  3. fine, thin, straight hair with a high forehead yep that is me. I have found that a short style with a bit of volume on top and a little wispy bangs looks best. Click on my name and look at my profile picture for an example. Interesting I am growing mine out at the moment as I am a bit tired of having it short:001_smile: I will probably go with a pony tail most of the summer and then try a shoulder lenghth cut I have been wanting for years.
  4. I have been using bookmooch for over a year now. It is wonderful. You list book you are willing to send (for keeps) to other members. For each book you send out you get a point. You also receive a tenth of a point for each book listed and each book you mark as received. I have received over 200 book via this site int he last year. Each book costs 1 point. Here is the link if you want to investigate the site http://bookmooch.com/ Also I will try to answer any questions posted here. The only expense to use this is what you spend to mail books to other members. A year ago there were more homeschoolers but several of them have put their account on vacation(usually because they are moving or something)
  5. Have you read all the literature about using SS. It is great at giving poor spellers a lot of confidence. I would start with book 1 and see how it goes. Here is a link to the first few lessons http://www.avko.org/sequentialspellingsample.html There is also other information provided on their website. I have used the program through Book 5 and it has worked very well for my son. My ds was a very, very poor speller before we switched to SS.
  6. I purchased a set of Emeril Stanless Steel pots, that are made by All Clad, about a month ago and wowo they are fantastic. I was so happy to get rid of the Circulon (no more cleaning in those grooves) What I like about the Emeril wear 1. Heats up evenly 2. Heats up quickly 3. Handles do not get hot 4. Easy to clean 5. It is very sturdy. I found a sale on it at Boscov's and got a 10 piece set for $169.00 plus they threw in an extra piece(steamer insert which is great) and a 4 piece steak knife set and a $20.00 Boscov's gift card (recently purchased Croc on sale with gift card) I am one happy camper!!!
  7. When I used to yard sale a lot I noticed that few people had them on holiday weekends. Now that can be good or bad. If you live in an area where a lot of people who go to yard sales and you are the only sale going it could work to you advantage. Although I suppose that less yard salers go out on that weekend. We are having a yard sale this weekend, and at the moment I should be pricing and organizing things.
  8. What type of dogs are they? Personally I think you will need to work with one dog at a time. If you have a crate you could take that with you to the class and switch the dogs at times. I have never taken a dog to obedience classes at pet smart so I cannot say if they are good or not. I would go and watch a class a Pet Smart before I signed up. If you have a local AKC organization you could call them and ask about classes. Also some Parks and Rec departments hold classes. Call you vets office they usually know about obedience classes. Also there is a great show on the Animal Planet with a British lady that goes to people's houses to help them train the dogs to be good housepets. I will try to find out what it is called. Do you have any other goals for the classes?
  9. I am using these along with Sonlight. My ds and I really enjoy the projects. He usually works on the projects while I am reading aloud to him. So far every project has turned out great. We are using the Colonial Life and the American revolution set. They dove tail each other at times. The American Revolution starts with Jamestown (1608) so it you want to do the Jamestown model I would order that one earlier than when you will be covering the Revolution. The American Revolution set also covers the French and Indian War (1755)
  10. I have been thinking about you and your puppy. I am thrilled to hear things are working out so well. Thank you for posting the update, it is always wonderful to hear such great news.
  11. Our furry friends are such a huge part of our lives. They give us unconditional love and our hearts are broken when they are no longer there. The void is unbarable at times. We lost a furry friend last August and I will still tear up over it. The first few weeks were the hardest though. It does get a bit better, or maybe we just get cried out. I don't know. Like your family my dh and ds seems to handle it better. I could not even talk about it for a few days. I few things that helped me were. Making a stone marker for where we buried her in the yard. Making a picture collage for our family photo album. Cry bucket full of tears if you need too. Again I am so sorry for your loss.:grouphug:
  12. he was not a happy camper. He is currently on book 7 of wordly wise 3000 and plans to finish the series and than maybe try classical roots again. Why he likes ww3000 1. He likes the stories, articles etc. 2. He likes writing the complete sentence answers to the questions. Frankly this shocked me, I thought he would like Classical Roots better because it required less writing. 3. He feels like he is learning more vocabulary with the ww3000 4. He does very well on the ww3000 tests usually scoring 96 or 100 so he talked me into sticking with what is working.
  13. we were in the same boat as you. I kept thinking it must get better. Ds kept saying this is boring. We did not like it at all.
  14. Hi Jessica, Fix it and forget it is great. I make at least one recipe from it every week. Today I started the Carmelized Onions and will make Onion Soup with them tomorrow. Other favorites are page 194 BBQ Chicken, page 128 Piquant French Dip, page 128 Tamale Pie, page 101 Horseradish Beef (dh could not even tell it had horseradish, and he loved it), page 101 Spicy Pot Roast, page 198 Shrimp Creole, page 205 Refried Bean. Enjoy Slow cooking it great. I would list it in my top ten things a homeschooler needs!!
  15. MIL recently gave me 6 sports bras that she purchased hoping to wear them after her shoulder surgery. Note before she purchased these, I told her that in order to get into a Sports Bra requires gymnastics moves and abilities at times. **Per a responders answer I do wear sports bras. I mainly go overboard when I try to talk my MIL out of "trying" something. Because ususally she ends up not liking said thing she had to try and giving it away. We have been down this road before. Well she had worn all of them a bit and they all smell of Bengay. Would you wear them?
  16. You really have to pay attention or you miss something. There are a lot of subplots going on. Actually I probably could not say what the main plot is:001_huh: I suppose it is just life in Cranford. Maybe it is supposed to be disjointed frankly most of the women in town seem disjointed. My favorite is the lady that owns the cow Bessie. Hmm I can remember the cows name but not the ladies. Dr. Harrison's friends retaliation prank really made me mad, Grrrr. It was just mean , mean, mean. I feel so bad for Miss Mattie sniff, sniff. So now that Jim and whats her name that works for Miss Mattie can be together something will probably happen to one of them I suppose. Since he already fell out of the that tree (ouch!!!) I guess it will be her. So in the end who do you think will end up together?
  17. Last night was wild. We thought the house was going to blow apart. Flooding everywhere, we cannot get out of our neighborhood at the moment. The rain is coming down so fast the rain gutters look like waterfalls. Talked to dh a while ago and he said town is a mess. I am amazed that we didn't lose power.
  18. could you come over and go to my MIL's for me this weekend. My dh and ds used to go camping, then dh decided to sell our Jeep and well a Mazda 3 will not hold camping gear and bikes:glare: Boy do I miss their camping trips. I know the joy you are feeling. I used to have a big bowl of popcorn and watch a chick flick whenever they went camping. Enjoy your special Mother's Day weekend treat, you deserve it!!!
  19. The book is very good. Have you seen the Rabbit Proof Fence?.....It is also a great movie.
  20. Yes this does fit for me INTJ I am going to have my dh take the test tomorrow.
  21. Him Dear you know we are going to have to spend Mother's Day at my Mom's Me: Yes Dear Him: You know my brothers and their wife/girlfriend are going to be there Me: Yes Dear Him: You know Brother A will just talk about the new house he is buying (this really bothers dh becasue Brother could care less about our lives) and SIL B will have to be catered to because she is just that way ( this really raises dh blood pressure) and Brother B will talk about his money woos (and then take a big vacation in September) Girlfriend of Brother A will grill me about homeschool and actually say it is just wrong to homeschool(she has done this twice in the past) MIL will pout about one Brother who is not there and cut himself off from the family 20 years ago. Me Yes Dear ( wow I am really looking forward to this) Him: Honey you know if no one wishes you a happy Mother's Day I am really going to be mad. Me: (laughing to myself and wondering what would make him think any of these people would even considering saying this) Yes Dear Me: New subject Please!
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