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Everything posted by MelAR05

  1. The Blind Side Julie & Julia (now one of my favorites) Pretty Woman Meet the Parents
  2. I bought 4 jars of this in August traveling through a city that has a TJ. The closest one is 4 1/2hours away. :tongue_smilie:
  3. I watched the first episode the other day and thought it was hilarious. Started the second episode and was uncomfortable with the content. I will probably keep watching though because I like Louie CK.
  4. One of my family's favorite recipes - PW Pasta with Pesto Cream Sauce!! :drool5: I dream of having my freezer stocked full of pesto for the winter. :D
  5. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: Praying for you and your family!!
  6. Arkansas also grows rice and use to grow cotton. Riceland rice uses rice from here and other states in the South. Add all the lovely Tyson chicken farms and we are rocking it here. :tongue_smilie: And now off to study about mercury in high fructose syrup. :banghead:
  7. I prefer a headband. Mine goes on when the temp is below 60. :tongue_smilie:I get a headache if my ears get too cold.
  8. Spaghetti Chicken and Dumplings Polish Keilbalsa, Mac n Cheese, and Ranch style beans Hamburgers and Hot Dogs on the grill Raspberry Chipotle Pork Tenderloin, Crash Potatoes and Roasted Green Beans
  9. I don't remember. :tongue_smilie:And it was even an Honors English class. I remember the books from 9th, 10th and 11th but not my Senior year.
  10. My daughter wants to have a report card this year and I thought it would be good motivation with a goal to work toward. So I went on a search to see if someone had already done one and I found your report card. It will work great! Thanks for sharing this! :D
  11. This is my husband. He has great bosses, gets to telecommute, is paid well and receives wonderful vacation time; yet, he hates the actual job. He is trying to find another job, but not many offer all the other great benefits. I'm thankful and perfectly content with where we are but I want him to be happy too. *Sigh*
  12. Just preordered it. :D I am so excited about this! Thank you!
  13. I am thankful I know how to cook. I couldn't boil water when I got married. But after 18 years, I'm pretty good AND I enjoy it. :D I wish I knew how to write well and with ease.
  14. I voted The Cricket in Times Square. We listened to the audiobook with Tony Shaloub. My girls still talk about that book.
  15. This place is really cheap and is in a VERY safe area of Crystal City. Located right off Thomas Jefferson Hwy. Haven't stayed here personally but stayed right across the street for my husband's job. Always thought if we came on our own dime instead of the company's, this is where we would stay. Good luck!
  16. Praying for mercy and wisdom! :grouphug: I currently have a alcoholic brother who has abandoned his daughter and is currently missing. Last we heard, he had checked himself out of the hospital but because of privacy issues, they can't tell us why he was even there. Not fun!!
  17. I am using Memoria Press for the first time this year too! I am excited! I like the simplicity of studying a few subjects deeply. Not sure how to fit it all in since I am teaching 4th, 2nd, and K, but I am trying to take a more relaxed approach this year. My goal is for all of us to enjoy what we are learning and not just have it be about checking boxes. Currently, we have started math and Latin and start the remainder of the subjects next week. So I guess I will have to report back in a couple of months to tell how we are doing. :001_smile:
  18. Bobby Petrino, former coach of the Arkansas Razorbacks football team. He had his dream job and a great chance to win a National Championship this year. By having an accident on a motorcycle, it is revealed that he was having an affair and lied about it. You could probably google it and find out more than you want to know.
  19. I don't live there but have spent a few months on and off there for my husband's job. Others much more qualified will be of better help, I'm sure. But my two cents, the Cherry Blossom Festival is usually the end of March or first of April. We were there in May one year and it was really crowded with Senior trips!!!! Buses everywhere! We like to stay in Crystal City and take the metro over to DC. It is 3 stops to the L'Enfant Plaza metro stop. Marriott Crystal Gateway is right above a metro stop, but very expensive. The Americana Hotel is walking distance to the Crystal City metro stop and is probably the most inexpensive in the area. Sheraton and Embassy Suites are in the area too. All of this area is very safe too. I would walk all over this area with my 3 little girls and never felt unsafe. HTH!
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