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Everything posted by readwithem

  1. I remember thinking that even if we just "maintained" (in middle school) we were still better off at home. Just last night both dh and I said how much we hated 7th grade. Sigh.
  2. Ditto to everything Michelle said. We're using Apologia, with the supplement DVD, and the Teaching Company DVD's.
  3. Thanks for that! I hadn't thought about ebay! I don't think she knows what she wants - we were just thinking something electronic would let her make changes better than a hand written Daytimer.
  4. I guess that's what I'm talking about :) :) My dh has a blackberry and I know she doesn't need that. But you've given me an idea - he had a Palm a few years ago, till his company bought him his current berry with all the bells and whistles. Maybe she could use his old one? Hmm.....
  5. What a sorry state of our system that a child who doesn't have "enough" evidence of abuse. Hugs to you sweet Cathy.
  6. My 16 yo dd wants an electronic planner, can you suggest something for her? She's never had even a written planner but we thought an electronic one would be better for when changes (i.e. real life :) happen. Thanks so much!
  7. Yes, that's what it does. If you want to add smileys, an icon, or dress up your response with quotes or other fancy stuff you have to go advanced :)
  8. Okay I'm REALLY tired. (Mammogram today - waited in the waiting room for 90 minutes - need I say more). Anyway, I thought you were talking about a pg test. Sigh. I've given you rep every time I could - they keep telling me to share the wealth (shrug) You and Peek both deserve it though!!!! Raising a toast and bowing to your awesomeness. :)
  9. Yes she taped in November I think. She got the call about a month before her taping. And you're right - she's not saying how she did! Maybe they have to sign something :) I don't know her personally though she has helped me at the Homeschool Store, we have mutual friends.
  10. A lot may depend on which course. In general the biggest thing is color illustrations vs. b&w. Also he took feedback from students to refine each book, some books have more experiments and more test options. You can look at specifics at this link, where "ec" before another letter means "exploring christianity" and the other letter means "b" for biology, "c" for chemistry, etc. https://apologia.spinweb.net/books/
  11. That's ironic, because WTM recommends so much R&S!
  12. You might try Turbo Tax, we've used them in the past with great success. I think it's about $50 but if you look online you might find it cheaper :)
  13. Totally agree. I know you're frustrated but I wouldn't take it out on him when he's sick. Get a liquid for now. Then when he's better have him practice with a small M&M or a Sudafed. My dd has found if the pill is "coated" it's easier to swallow. Until you can get a liquid, try putting the pill in some apple sauce or yogurt and see whether he can swallow it that way.
  14. You know I would call them tomorrow and ask whether you can add to your order - I think actually they would have to cancel your order and start all over again - but if you're not in that much of a hurry (and really it's been only 2 days) maybe you can start all over again and get a game or something :)
  15. I've bought IEW from Adoremus books, they occasionally have sales - I got the last set for 20% off reg. price. If you sign up for their emails, they'll let you know when they have sales (and they won't bombard your inbox :)
  16. We have a saying around here that we don't want to leave money on the table. So whether it's a car, house or piano for our daughter - all of which we purchased within the last few years - we start fairly low (20-25% off the "asking" price) and work from there. I would think a lot may depend on how long the car has been on the lot, what year it is, etc. My dh bought a new car in Dec. but it was special order so he didn't get any off the sticker price, but I think the manufacturer had a kickback or something.
  17. Honestly? We didn't do much formal science till 7th grade. So I would say you're doing fine.
  18. We've never had cable, but we've stayed many nights in hotels with it :) What I've found is there's never anything good on when it's convenient to watch it!! I would spend the money on buying DVD's of shows you actually want to watch and then they're ready for you, when it's convenient for you. Or check your library. Between what our library has (I live in a huge city) and what we can get from ILL, I've found 99.9% of what I want to either watch or read :)
  19. We weren't getting along with Henle till we got the MODG (and we still have our moments but it's better now). I ordered it from All Catholic Books http://www.allcatholicbooks.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=ACB&Product_Code=MG25f1
  20. well I'm NOT a music major and I found the songs contrived. I definitely wouldn't get VP for the songs :)
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