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Everything posted by Tenaj

  1. I registered today to and it took forever because I forgot that we had blocked gambling sites on our server 🤣🤣.
  2. I guess I'm one who needs to confess that my 11yodd will not be masking as soon as our mask mandate drops which is currently scheduled for June 2. We've been following the mandates and are going to continue following them. If numbers start going crazy again or kids begin to be more at risk, we'll reevaluate. I'm not going to continue to mask (and have already stopped - went to Sam's club yesterday - it was awesome 😎). I'm fully vaccinated and am following our state guidelines. If you all want to view me with suspicion whenever we're out and about I guess I'll have to live with it.
  3. This is a really, really small church! When we walked in yesterday, our pastor greeted us and I asked what we were going to do. He looked at my dh (a deacon) and shrugged and said we were following local mandates as always which meant any one who was vaccinated doesn't need to mask. So it's a few anti-vaccine ladies who are annoyed.
  4. In a strange and ironic twist of life, I am in trouble now at church because I didn't wear a mask yesterday despite the fact that I am fully vaccinated. Our church has been masking since the state mandate started - I think it was in July. Our family was masking from the time we started back meeting in person last June so before it was a mandate. Our state dropped the mandate for vaccinated people, so yesterday, I didn't wear my mask and today on fb have discovered that I am accused of being divisive in our church because those who are not vaccinated had to still wear a mask. I'm done! So done! I know some of you might not agree with me about not wearing a mask but the situation is that we are a very small congregation and are very well-spaced out. I play the piano for our services and am completely by myself in one corner for the majority of the service. For most of the year, I have been ostracized because I insisted we wear masks and follow the state mandates in a different situation (not church) and we were the only family involved following the mandates. Now I'm in trouble for following the mandates for the opposite reason. I'll be masking now until . . . forever? Because no matter what I do, I'm wrong. . .
  5. Just checked in with my 13 and 15yo. Over 48 hours post vaccine. Both no symptoms except slight sore arm yesterday. 13 year old says his is still sore if he pushes in it - then proceeded to demonstrate by digging his fingers into his arm. Dude, that would probably hurt no matter what! 🤣 Happy to report that my 19yods got his first Pfizer today. At a mobile unit at our local ice cream shot so he got a t-shirt AND free ice cream!
  6. We were just having a similar conversation. So, if we follow our new state mandates, my dh and I and our 17yods don't have to wear masks, my 20yods(hasn't had the time to get the vaccine - works nights, 60 plus hours a week at a new job) and 11yodd do, and my 13yo and 15yo (first shot this week) do. What a mess!
  7. My two sons who received their first shots last night each got a free t-shirt! I was jealous, I didn't get a t-shirt! This week I have seen a bakery offering a free donut to those who come get the vaccine in a mobile unit in the parking lot and an ice cream store offering free cones for the same at their lot. If that had been going on earlier I definitely would have picked one or the other instead of just getting a shot 🤣
  8. My two are doing fine. They both said their arms were sore but that it was no big deal.
  9. 15 yods and 13yods received theirs an hour ago. 15yo did fine. 13yo was very nervous and had to put his head down between his knees because he thought he was going to faint after the shot but is fine now. This is a known reaction for him and wasn't a surprise.
  10. They are including everyone. There is no penalty for already being vaccinated. Everyone who is vaccinated will be entered into the drawing. There is going to be a way to check or register sometime next week, I think I saw. My ds who is 17 is excited about the prospect of winning the scholarship money. He has free tuition at a private college near us but he is my kid who would love to go and have an adventure and the possibility of free tuition, books, and room/board made him all excited last night. I didn't point out the remote chance that he wins! He can have fun dreaming until it's all over - LOL! (sorry - typing the same time as Storygirl)
  11. My 15yods and 13yods are both scheduled for tomorrow evening.
  12. This was my reaction when I read the news. So ironic . . .
  13. I was relaying this news my 11yo, 13yo and 15yo this morning. I looked at my youngest and told her that meant that she would be the only one unvaccinated at our house but since she turns 12 early in September it wouldn't be a long wait. She looked sad and then said ( with an eye roll), "Mom, you know that as soon as I turn 12, they'll lower the age to 11 or younger anyway!". It made me laugh. I was surprised that they were all three so enthusiastic about the idea of two shots!
  14. I haven't seen anything referring to it as compulsory at this time.
  15. It's hard for me to think about sending a kid off to preschool at 3 or 4. Kindergarten has become so much more formal than it was when I went to Kindergarten and I'm afraid that the idea of "preschool" will become more formalized with this proposal. Little kids need to play, and use their imaginations. If they can keep that atmosphere, that will be great. On the other hand, if it stays at a true preschool level and does NOT become mandatory in any way I can see the huge benefit to kids who have parents who need the help. My own daughter is a single parent at this point and I can see how this could be a true benefit for my grandson and her as she navigates his next few years. The community college program I have reservations about mainly because I think it will essentially turn into another two years of high school with there being little value to it. Of course, I may be proven wrong 🙂
  16. My granddaughter suffered from a lack of oxygen during a forceps delivery. She was placed in a hypothermic coma for three days. That was a long three days but today she is a perfectly normal 4 year old. They did monitor her closely for the first two years, watching for any signs of developmental issues but she hit all her milestones right on time.
  17. Is it possible I've been here since 1999? Maybe 2000? My oldest is 29 this year and we started homeschooling when he was 7 almost 8. Back in those days I had 3 kids and WTM was the first book I read about homeschooling along with Mary Pride's Big Book of Homeschooling? (I think that was the title). So I've been homeschooling for 22 years this year and still have 7 to go if my youngest stays home. Makes me a little tearful to think of what life would have been like without the encouragement of all of you here over the years. There were times where I didn't know any homeschoolers in "real" life but I could always come here and find others who were having similar experiences and who had great advice.
  18. Could it just be cultural from his native country? In some countries it would be impolite to indicate preference as a guest?
  19. Of side effects? For the second shot, I was slightly worried and made contingency plans for the few days after (including telling my kids that Easter dinner might not happen) but aside from a very slight headache and a slight sore arm, it was a non-event. My dh has fatigue for a day or two but a good night's sleep seemed to solve it. My 17yods had his first Pfizer yesterday. Said his arm was sore this morning but that was it. He doesn't have a very high pain tolerance so I was surprised he wasn't complaining more. Hopeful that all goes well for you!
  20. We've already decided that unless something drastic happens, we are going to continue grocery pickup forever. Saves us money because of no impulse buys plus I don't forget things as much. Also, my Saturdays are days off again! No shopping for three hours! It takes my about 30 minutes to meal plan and make my order. Also, kids know that if we are out of something, they'd better add it to the list or they are out of luck until next week.
  21. That's interesting. The only people I know who've had reactions (fever, unwell, serious headache, overall achiness) are women, too. My mom, my mil, our Pastor's wife all were out of commission for at least two days. Well, my dh said he felt chilled for a day after the first shot but it didn't keep him from going to the A10 championship game with some of our sons so I'm not sure that counts 🤣. I get my second shot late on Thursday. I've already warned my family that Easter dinner may be cancelled.
  22. Sweet potatoes are an issue! Usually our store has the huge ones so I ordered an appropriate amount and then I got these tiny, skinny versions instead of the normal ones. I waited until the next order, ordered the same quantity and finally had enough for our clan 🙂
  23. We've always had to put either my dh or myself as a joint owner on the car in order for their cars to be added to our insurance. So far, each kid has then replaced that car when they were well over 21 so at that time they don't need our name and can get their own insurance.
  24. No, yes, no ....kind of? Baptist At first we shut down which was good but took a LOT of discussion and convincing for the pastor to agree with. Then he got on board. Everything canceled until June then we started back with just morning worship. No mask mandate at that time so our family was the only one masking then when mask mandate went into effect masking required. One family refused despite the leaders speaking to them. It was hard but I just stayed way away from them. They ended up moving away in the fall so problem solved. We've been doing congregational singing which I tried to stop but failed. All wear masks when singing so I figure it's as good as it can be. Almost whole congregation has now been vaccinated (at least the first shot) except my kids. Our pastor is amazed and distressed by the stories of churches in our area which are not being careful. I'm so relieved at how his attitude changed so quickly on the issue.
  25. So excited for the younger adults in my family. Ohio announced moving to include 40 year olds this week and all adults on March 29th. That just leaves my four youngest!
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