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Everything posted by Abecedarianmama

  1. thanks for bumping this up. anyone have anything new to share? I'm loving all of these ideas :)
  2. I think you have a great plan! I would say, from my experience, if he has fine motor delays, Handwriting without tears is an awesome choice, and that is what our OT uses for handwriting remediation. Our OT requires us to do 15 minutes of handwriting a day, so you may have homework from them to add in.' is sign language just for fun?
  3. I know I've seen this discussed, but I can't find it. Is the next FLL coming out for the fall? What is it called?
  4. i would try a math mammoth blue series workbook on place value. they usually are only a few dollars and worth the money
  5. I have done both. I used it for more than a year, then decided it was not working and tried to switch. When my son realized a regular curriculum involved studying the same words for a week, he realized how much he liked spelling power and we went back to it. Overall, I love spelling power, it's fast and easy.
  6. I do my own yard. It's relaxing and I work on it while I supervise the kids outside.
  7. I have an almost seven year old with visual and auditory processing delays. a teacher recommended doing sight words instead of phonics because he cannot remember what he is sounding out. he forgets the "c" by the time he gets to "t" in cat. Has anyone done this? What have you used?
  8. I like the look of MFW-k. but I agree that for kindergarten you don't need to stress. Phonics and an introduction to math and handwriting.
  9. here's the link for Primary Lessons in language http://books.google.com/books?id=GJAAAAAAYAAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=Maxwell's+Primary+Lessons+in+Language+and+Composition&source=bl&ots=6RdN1LZ4vt&sig=S_zHuu2-hp0vmjEjlQJ0R3r5c5g&hl=en&ei=UKmtTYugF9G20QG5n_CvCw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CBQQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q&f=false
  10. what other responsibilities would you have as a guardian dog? do they have certain diet requirements? that may add up to a lot of extra expenses to keep him in prime condition for them. I would look for a labradoodle rescue if you want the better allergy dog. But no, you aren't insane to add a dog, responsibility is a huge part of life. but be prepared for your children to quickly lose interest!
  11. :iagree: that is a lot to pack into one day. I wouldn't be able to do it with any of my children. but if she does one thing at a time and finishes you can start on the next part.
  12. I was wondering the same thing. Thanks for asking:lurk5:
  13. saying hi while testing mine :)
  14. we had kielbasa cooked in baked beans with onions and garlic. supposed to have thyme, onion powder, garlic powder and pepper. it was yummy!
  15. I don't like the tricks either. My dad (a middle school teacher) taught me the "pull-out" method for multiplication. I was like, the what?!
  16. I used a lot from enchanted learning. also http://fivejs.com/how-to-teach-kids-geography-without-spending-a-fortune-on-curriculum/
  17. how would he do if he stayed with you during the whole church? we use quiet activities and keep our children with us. I find that children's church is often disorganized and not a good choice. Or maybe you could go with him to kids church for a few weeks so he learns the routines and feels comfortable there?
  18. we saw the developmental eye doctor and she knew we couldn't afford the therapy, so she gave us homework assignments. I am curious about your comment "in one ear and out the other." Does he forget what the first letter is by the time you get to the end of the word? My son has suspected auditory processing disorder, where he can't hold and remember more than 2 things at a time. At a speech therapists reccomendation we bought Earrobics ($30 on ebay) and it is helping his listening memory to encourage reading later.
  19. I havent' had a problem with our 4th grade level. she is very quick to respond to e-mails so I would just contact her. I do think I'd check the file though not just the printed pages.
  20. What about lapbooks for science? Then he could study whatever he wants and get as much as he can out of it. Then I would do a regular kindergarten for the rest.
  21. we are using Bob Jone 4, and the grammar part is great, but the papers we lose it on. He doesn't get it, doesn't want to and I end up taking a partially finished paper and moving on. Right now he is supposed to be researching a country and writing a paper with 2 sources and a bibliography. It is like pulling teeth to get even the notes done, and it looks like he'll end up with a 1 page paper. How much should he be writing and how do I encourage this more?
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