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Everything posted by meggie

  1. ok ok ok ok ok ok ok I'm so computer illiterate, I can't get it to load. Phone, email, computer, just not working for me today. and of course, DH could figure it out in about a minute if he were here:glare: but he thought working was more important. So, Pigby drew a triangle (the cape) and crossed it out and wrote, "No Cape's" next to it. Hee hee hee, hoo, hoo, hoo, ha, ha, ha, yeah not as funny now that I have to use words to describe it. The picture's much better. Sorry for the buildup. And letdown. :tongue_smilie:
  2. I know he didn't mean to. He's only five. But......I laughed for a long time. He's been watching The Incredibles a lot this week.:lol: crap, hold on, the picture's not loading.
  3. I REMEMBERED!!! I FINALLY REMEMBERED!!! Only took me how many days? :glare: Anyways, Izzy's Somewhere Over The Rainbow. Just in case there was anyone who was dying of curiosity. Like I would have been doing.
  4. Ooo, I remember one. Different night and not about laundry BUT: DH went up to Salt Lake to watch his friends' film shoot. He was late, story of my life. So I told him he better be bringing me home some Chipotle. He said he was going to the nerd store up there. Since it was nerd poker night, he thought he could get some good trades. Knowing his inability to tell the passage of time, I told him he better not take so long that Chipotle closed before he could get there. *moan, moan, moan, groan, groan, groan, whine, whine, whine* "I don't know when it closes or where it is." My response: Aww too bad no one's invented a phone that can check the internet using a super huge touchscreen. Oh wait, they have. Use yours. If you return without a Chipotle, you're sleeping on the couch." I thought it was funny. Not as funny as the non-remembered laundry one, but *snap snap snap* I got him (and not in a mean way) I also enjoy a variation of the quote from the original Charlie and the Chocolate Factory movie. Wonka says, "My dear boy, if God wanted us to walk, he wouldn't have invented roller skates." I apply it whenever I can. OP, if someone were dishing it out to me and it was hurting my feelings, I'd be dishing it back to them in an equally hurtful way (I'm not very good at that whole turn the other cheek thing). If you don't want to do that, you could always give them the Hairy-Eyeball. Or just tell them to shut up. :001_huh:
  5. I really don't want to, but I could see how some act of God could come along and I would have to. I saw a marine biology course in the Rainbow Resources catalog and by Grabthar's hammer, I really want to do it. I mean have him do it. :D
  6. Oh you are being genuine. I thought you were talking about the other post too. If sarcasm is used to insult, belittle, or hurt someone, then yes, I agree with everything you've said. Like I said, I had to deal with my inlaws dishing it out to my husband quite a bit and they think it's funny. :glare: Totally agree with you on being the lowest form of "humor" (and the "" because they are the only ones who think they're funny) and everything else. I think it can have its place and for the life of me wish I could remember what it was because it was so funny. I know, laundry? Funny? Once in a lifetime moment.
  7. Am I tired of sarcasm? Oh yes, definitely. Wait, I said that sarcastically, so the real answer is no. In all seriousness, I never use it on my children. I know they wouldn't get it and I know it could cause hurt feelings. I have a friend who often used it on her 2-3 year old and I can see him growing up and turning very bitter with low self esteem, all because his mother seemingly insults him. And I don't use it as a way to insult my husband (or anyone). He grew up with that kind of humor. I had to put up with him taking it from his parents after we were married. A few months ago I asked him to ask his mom when he outgrew his lisp and she said, "You're speech impediment? You still have it." Har, har, har :glare: no. That kind of thing doesn't fly here. That being said, I did say something last night that I thought was Hi. Lar. Ious. And for the life of me I can't remember what it was. Something about laundry I think. Anyway, he was like, "Wow that was pretty snarky." Yup, it happens sometimes. Now I'm wondering if your post was genuine or sarcastic. Oh curses on you internet and your inability to convey tone!
  8. We're getting ready to start Aug. 22. This next week I'll be training him on how to get all his chores done. Exciting, isn't it? :lurk5:
  9. Of course I would be glad to pray for you both. :grouphug:
  10. Yes, it was term insurance. I know not to ever do cash value or whole life or whatever it's called. The only health questions it asked was to put yourself in a certain category. I chose the second highest one for both, since he's overweight and since my mom had cancer. Those were with the parameters given. Type 2 runs in both of our extended families, but neither of our parents have it, just grandparents and aunts and uncles. Other than that, we're both really healthy; we never really go to the doctor. We don't need to. Yeah, ultimatums usually backfire. With a speech about commitment and all.:tongue_smilie: My non-negotiables are don't be lazy, treat me and the kids kindly. Everything else we can usually work out. I was pleasantly surprised how well the conversation tonight went; we have a game plan, we have some goals, we are working together. As long as disaster can hold off for a few more months, *knock on wood* we should be fine.
  11. We have the Sunshine Radian so it could go up to 80 pounds. He will stay in it as long as he can as I belive it's safer.
  12. ok, feeding baby while he reads to the boys and put them to bed. The conversation is going pretty well so far. We've come to the conclusion that we can practice splitting up the responsibilities for a monthish as if I did have a job. Then it wouldn't be so chaotic when I do. $250k would be $25/month each. I didn't check out each of the prices in between, but I would assume it would be on a similar scale. No he's not self-employed. Yet. We're trying to get a production company started, but that will take awhile. He was helping his producing partners with contracts on a film they're doing. They will be done shooting tomorrow, then they'll have to do some post production stuff, then he'll be able to work on the business plan again, then try and get investors, etc.
  13. I made enough food at lunch so we could eat the leftovers for dinner. technically I still made it, but it makes my life easier
  14. MAC. I have to stay away from the website because I start coveting, but my mom and disaster got me some and it's amazing. I especially love the mineralize skin finishes.
  15. Yes, we're pretty young. He's almost 30 and I'm 27. I got a quote from Xander insurance on the Dave Ramsey site and it said we could get $500K 30 yr policy for $50/month. When we looked into health insurance, it was $205/month for an HSA account with a $10K deductible (some things like vaccines were covered 100% before the deductible and once the deductible was met, everything was covered 100%. I know it's a super high deductible, but I figured we could use the HSA to pay for most everything and keep adding to it until we hit the $10K mark.) So I think if I went to work part time in the evenings and on Saturday, I would be able to cover it. We talked about it a little yesterday and it was a huge :banghead:. He said we can talk about it again today, he had a super bad migraine. I'm not expecting much better today though. He knows what Dave Ramsey says about it, he just doesn't consider it a need. He grew up where his parents couldn't afford it and had to pay cash for everything. :banghead: I better stop there before I get into spouse bashing.
  16. You can check baskets out from the Provo library. I don't know if they have a limit though. Also, from personal experience, each basket will hold about 50 children's books. And be very heavy. I used plastic milk crates from Walmart to help organize them. History books went in one basket, science books went in another, Mommy's books went in another. You would probably need a lot more than that with 200 books.
  17. I think it's supposed to be their heads that can't get stuck anymore. Unless the walls were solid wood, something could get stuck if they made it so the slats had to be closer together (arms, fingers, toes) I think she means it would be easier to contain them so they couldn't go wandering about at night. OP, both of my kids were regularly getting themselves stuck. Pigby the chubby child and Digby the skinny little peanut. Chuck is in a pack and play, so she doesn't get stuck. Once Digby's leg was threaded through the bars, his thigh was going out, his shin was going back in and his foot was out. It was the middle of the night when he started screaming and I couldn't see well and I thought his leg was broken. Oh my gosh, that was so scary. Eventually they seemed to learn. We thought about getting a crib tent, because it looks like it has a mesh covering to go around the crib. But I couldn't tell exactly and wasn't going to spend so much money on it..
  18. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:I'm sorry you have to deal with this, especially with so much other stuff going on.
  19. I'd probably be up a creek. DH doesn't think we can afford life insurance right now. :glare: I'd have to get rid of as much stuff as possible and go move in with my mom. I'd get a full time job, probably at minimum wage, to offset the costs of us living there. I'd have to do independent college courses from BYU to earn my degree. I've told DH if I die, he's to go move with his parents. They have 40 acres of land and his mom homeschools his siblings. He can go to work with his father. I'm considering getting a part time job in the evenings or working from home so we can afford health and life insurance. We're just one lucky step away from disaster.
  20. I used to be really good at doing people's hair for fancy occasions. I could never do it on myself. It's really hard to hold your arms behind your head trying to use the curling iron for a really long time. Also, it's hard to see what everything is looking like back there and where the next piece should be pinned. I had to prep my hair (aka straighten it, since my hair is very curly) ahead of time and give my friend step by step instructions on how to do it.
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