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Everything posted by meggie

  1. Is there a reason you can't put a sign on the door and not answer it? And then when she calls you to complain about you not opening the door you say, "I'm sorry, I'm not available right now. I can talk to you after 3." And when she offers to help you, can say, "Not your problem to worry about." Repeat. Best six words in the English language for a mom who doesn't know her boundaries.
  2. Yikes! I hope he feels better soon after his temp comes down. :grouphug:
  3. Oh no problem. I talked a little about it in my blog today now that I've thought about it some more. If there's anything you'd like to discuss, please do. I love talking about movies.
  4. :lol: Time to "visit teach" her and let her know we're always here for her. We love you Ginger.
  5. If it is wrong, I don't want to be right. DH stops at the store almost everyday because I forgot things. Or bc we need more produce; we go through that so quickly
  6. :iagree:I actually used that as part of my POV: "I'm new to this and not sure what I'm doing and everyone who's already a contributor seems to be so perfect, I would definitely show the 'real' side." Lol, that's why I thought I wouldn't get it, who gets inspired and encouraged from someone so spacey? Maybe just the rest of the spacey people. This blog. It's not a Utah-only secret :lol:
  7. Did you just sterilize the jars before you put the jelly in and sealed them or did you actually process them in a water bath or pressure canner according to your altitude?
  8. Stock up for the year? I have to stock up every weekend:leaving: I made egg and bagel sandwiches for my husband to eat for breakfast so I could sleep in:D (this is changing as we are now going to be having green smoothies for breakfast) I buy a pack of ground turkey from Costco (about 6.5 pounds) and cook with onion and garlic and freeze for spaghetti sauce, taco meat, stroganoff, stroganoff sandwich, etc. I buy chicken and pour in some kind of marinade and freeze. Then when I cook it, I usually cook some brown rice and a vegetable to go along with it. It is simple and plain and very boring, but that's just how it is now. Although I think we're rethinking cooking at all right now. It's so freaking hot and the swamp cooler isn't doing much to help, so we've been buying loaves of "French" (with the "" because DH spent two years in France and that bread ain't French) bread and making sandwiches with chicken, cucumbers, tomatoes, spinach, and cheese on them. It's often paired with a green smoothie. Once a week I crockpot a pack of chicken so we use that on the sandwiches. We also use that chicken in salads and make chicken salad with it for DH lunches.
  9. Thanks guys. I feel so silly. The night before I found out I was running a list of ideas of things I could post on my own blog and when I found out I could not think of anything I would be able to write about. :glare: Which is so funny because I usually can't shut up. Dangermom, I am so impatient, I went to the Yahoo group to see if someone announced it there. :D Patience is not one of my virtues. So excited. But I will wait for her to announce it here.
  10. Ohhhhh, my heart just hurts for you and your little guy. I'm glad your lawyer is accepting payment that way, I know how easy it is to rack up legal fees. Hoping and praying for a speedy recovery for your son.
  11. I have a confession to make. I also applied to be a writer on the LDS homeschooling blog. I didnt say anything on the other thread because after I applied I felt so stupid for doing so because I was so sure she wouldn't pick me. Anyone who's ever read my blog knows how incoherent I am. Ummm....but she did :001_huh:. I'm excited. I think it will be fun. Did anyone else find out?
  12. Of course. How do you think I ended up with three kids? I'm pretty sure they didn't come from the stork or the cabbage patch. I was very much physically attracted to my husband before we got married. I wouldn't have married him if I weren't. I am attracted to him now. With all the TeA problems we had, I imagine it would have been much worse if I had never wanted to. That's just how I interpret the question since it says "EVER" and doesn't say "anyone other than your spouse." Now, so far as other people, yes the thought comes that they are attractive, but I don't dwell on it or let the thought stay and build a nest.
  13. What is the "issue"? (you don't have to answer that here). Does it need to be addressed before moving on to cleaning house? In my case, I seem to have a strange addiction to the internet and this board. It doesn't matter what cleaning method I use, so long as I have that addiction, my house cleaning will suffer. I hear you on the Motivated Moms. I bought that once (if it really was MM that I'm thinking about and not some completely different program) when I only had one child and there wasn't much he could to do help out and my goodness. I saw that list and wanted to run the other way. Lately I've learned the real blessing (and frustration and annoyance and inevitability) of baby steps. Pick X number of things to do every day. Even if they're the easiest things. Even if you have to count clearing off the dresser when it says "dust the dresser" instead. Who cares if it's actually written on the list or just easy things on the list? If you reach X number of items and want to keep going, pick something else. If you reach X and want to stop, pat yourself on the back and tell yourself how good you are for getting it done. And if you don't get to X, no guilt! Tomorrow is another day and another chance to get it done.
  14. :iagree: Shy people will usually warm up, it just takes longer (a LOT longer). If it were my son and he liked it and it was his biggest social outlet, I would keep going with him. And don't let anyone scare you about child #3. In my experience, the "ease" of adding a new baby to the mix is so totally dependent on that new child's personality. (I suppose my experience is kinda limited, since I only have 3). So for me, child #3 was the easiest, because I had enough experience to know what I was doing, unlike with child #1 and she was a much better sleeper and so easy going, unlike child #2. And there's absolutely no way of knowing that ahead of time. Looking back on my blog entries from when I was expecting (my private blog, not the one in my sig), oh my heck, in my third trimester I was absolutely certain I would die once child #3 came along. It's almost laughable how worried I was because it was so unfounded. Good luck, it'll be ok.
  15. Ok, I know I'm kinda late to this party, but I just found this sweet gem. (I just tested out posting a picture, let me know if it doesn't work right)
  16. picture test and poll test
  17. I still have some Udo's that Richelle made me get:ack2::leaving: Maybe I'll give it another go and I'll stop putting the butter in the cupboard and the peanut butter in the fridge and forgetting to put the paddles in the bread machine:lol:
  18. With Digby it started at 4 months pp and I'm not exactly sure when it stopped. I got pregnant again when he was 11 months, so it grew in nice and think. With baby girl Chuck, it started at about 3 months pp and is slowly getting better at 5 months pp. I think it'll still be going for another month or two. And yes, I always worry about going bald too. And hate the annoying angel wings as the hair grows back. Oh well, pregnancy and babies do such strange things to the body, this one isn't *so* bad compared to some others.
  19. Have I ever told you you make me laugh? Maybe it's just because I can so totally relate. It's funny how something so "normal" is so foreign to us. Good luck with schooling at the table. I think I would drive my son crazy with the "tap, tap, tapping" I do if forced to hold still for too long.
  20. I watched one the other night called Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead. I don't necessarily agree with their method, but it was very moving. There's nothing in it that's bad for kids, but I don't know that kids would be very interested. It's about two men who overcome auto-immune disorders with a juice cleanse and getting into a healthy lifestyle.
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