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Everything posted by meggie

  1. Mine come from the show Pushing Daisies. Pigby-named after the pig. When he was about 3 or so he was giving some really wimpy hugs, so I kept saying, "Squeeze Pigby!" in my best Kristin Chenoweth voice. Digby-since Pigby and Digby are best friends, it was just natural that he be Digby. Although "maniac" would be appropriate too :D Chuck- I really wanted to name her Charlotte so we could have a girl named Chuck, but DH refused. Well, ha ha DH:tongue_smilie: I got my Chuck anyway. Even though I mostly refer to her as baby girl on these boards.
  2. too big for my liking.:glare: dh thinks they're perfect though:001_rolleyes:
  3. thank you for the suggestions, i will listen to the ones i dont know when i get back from baby girl's dr appointment. she's not lds, i'm not sure what denomination she is, but i do know she wanted him baptized before they took him off life support. sorry for the poor grammar and punctuation, typing one handed here.
  4. I'm generally pretty shy, but once I warm up I talk talk talk talk talk. I think I'm pretty hilarious sometimes, usually after 11 pm. If it's after 11 and I'm not being hilarious, I'm usually being witchy. Lack of sleep does weird things to a person :glare: Back in college I used to be so fun and full of life and spunky, but having three kids kinda drained my energy. I think I'm getting a little back though, you know, now that I'm getting some sleep and all
  5. My husband and I volunteered to put together a slideshow of my cousin's baby (he died less than 48 hours after he was born). Her friends and family got lots of pictures of her holding him after he was gone. The only song idea I have is Josh Groban's "To Where You Are." I had one other idea, but I was looking up the lyrics for the Josh Groban one and now I can't remember what it was! Are there any other songs or poems or scriptures or phrases that would work well in that kind of thing? I know it's kind of a downer of a post, but just the small amount I talked to her, I could tell it really meant a lot. Any suggestions welcome
  6. I am the same way, I had no idea! I think it's mostly because I'm a visual person and mainly recognize people from their avatar and their username. I would be hard pressed to give info about someone who has no picture if I was JUST given their username. And when people change their avatars :svengo:it confuses the heck out of me. Like when Rainefox changed, I only noticed because someone asked her about it. And I only noticed Nakia did because she kept talking on (and on and on;)) about how she was going to marry that guy. Usually I'll see an avatar a lot and then notice several days later that it was a regular. :lol:Please people! My poor brain is gonna explode (although on a side note, I do remember someone a few months back talk about how she got custody of her sister's kids and now there were a ton of them living in the house. Someone today mentioned her, was she one of the trolls?)
  7. No wait!!!!! I think I did do the math wrong!!!!!!:smash: It's gotta be about $60-$80! That's it, I'm telling him again. Although I still doubt it will change his mind. Little Izumi, I am going to set up a weekly alarm on my phone to remind me to go to stinkin park day! This is ridiculous, I need to be going! (side note, do you know if we're allowed to bring friends who are interested in homeschooling? I have a friend who wants to ask me questions so she's coming over for a play date and I may or may not have (MAY!) told her we do park days and she can come if she wants to talk to other homeschoolers too. My thinking is: It's a public park and no one would know she's not part of the Yahoo group, right? See, I had to ask you here while it was still in my head before I forgo.....oh look a bunny! :tongue_smilie:) And if anyone else has any stories about how they are not perfect housekeepers but still stay on top of the diaper laundry, please let me know. I've totally tried telling him this before (ummm....hello? have any of us ever gone naked before? I don't think so.) And who cares if the baby dipes aren't folded, I'd probably just hang the covers up to try on the shower curtain and dry the inserts in the dryer and put them in a basket. How is that not easy?
  8. Big boxes at walmart and they've been in the same size for a few months now (Digby's a tiny little peanut, baby girl is.....a nice healthy sized child)
  9. My youngest two were born at home, both planned. And I know this has nothing to do with homebirth, but can I just say you have the most hilarious quote in your sig!!!:lol:
  10. YES!!!!! Or you could bring them to park day ;) If I ever remember to go to park day again (How did I forget that today was Friday? You don't want to know how many times that has happened :glare: But I'm sure you understand :001_smile:) Let me know when and where (if you are serious; if you are not, pretend like this never happened or just laugh and go, "Oh that silly, crazy lady who thought I would really let someone look at my cloth dipes." $150-$200 is huge to us. I just can't take that much out of the account without him agreeing to it. Speaking of..... I talked to him after work. Started crying actually. "I'm so mad at you *sob sob sob*" And he's all :confused:. I was mad that he was so unwilling to discuss it, but according to him, texts messages during a 15 minute break are not the time to have a lengthy conversation. :tongue_smilie: Anyways, his answer is still no. He says maybe if I can stay on top of the laundry for the next two weeks (always have it folded and put away and no mountain of dirty laundry) we can revisit the discussion. I can't say I blame him as I am somewhat (ok, a LOT) impetuous and am always jumping into things just because I want to. Oh well.
  11. I've never seen it, but now I really want to.:001_smile:
  12. I dunno. Pigby kept talking on and on and on about the sister he was going to get. :glare: Turns out I was pregnant, I just didn't know it yet (not far enough along to miss a period). Now he keeps talking about the next sister that's going to come.:svengo: But if it makes you feel any better, my nephew kept talking about his sister that was going to come (similar situation, my SIL didn't know she was pregnant), but turns out he got a brother. So maybe they know someone's coming, but the accuracy is off? Lol. Who knows.:lol:
  13. baby didn't make it:crying::crying::crying::crying::crying:
  14. I am so sorry. We will be praying for you and your family tonight.:grouphug:
  15. I would probably react as you did. My oldest is not allowed to make rude comments. My middle will eat whatever he wants and throws what he doesn't on the floor. Then he gets to sweep/pick it up after. My baby, well, she doesn't count yet. If DH and my oldest don't like it, they can say it in a nice way. If DH were to complain and be rude about it, he'd find himself in charge of making dinner. I am so sorry you had to put up with such rudeness. I am glad you stood up for yourself, even if the way you did so could have been different.
  16. Oh I forgot my other question: Would I be able to use the laundry detergent I make to wash them (it's the recipe with Fels Naptha soap, washing soda and Borax)? DH has been wondering about that too. Once our pediatrician told us about Digby's eczema, we switched to All Free and Clear, but that was expensive, so I started making our own. All the diaper website said for washing instructions said was to not use a detergent with chemicals, perfumes or dyes. It works well on our clothes and we don't have a HE washer:confused: As to DH's reason for opposing, well it could fill a book:lol:. I've been trying to convince him for 2 1/2 years. He's tried to throw every excuse in the world at me (he did the same thing when I first brought up homeschooling too:glare:) There has times he has said we can go ahead and do it only to change his mind. I have told him that we can recoup our cost in four months. We have plenty of money in the savings account to cover it. Every month we can put $40 back in to "pay ourselves back". The cost doesn't matter to him, he says it's worth it to throw it away and not have to deal with it again. In November when I brought it up, I was 7 months pregnant and to me we HAD to cloth diaper because we honestly didn't have the money to keep buying disposables (that was right before he finally found a job). His objection was that I would be overwhelmed. And that was true, so I conceded. Now I would not be overwhelmed; apparently having three kids is easier than having 2 and being pregnant. But I could manage it now. Baby girl has been having blowout after blowout after blowout, so I've been having to rinse and wash her clothes in the sink, it's not a big deal to me. He has said that if I do it, he won't change anymore diapers. LOL. I told him "Ok you won't have to. I'll even wash them too". *sigh* oh well, maybe I'll try writing it all down and presenting him with all the pros. Hard to argue with that. As for how many, with two kids, could I get away with 8 covers and 24-36 prefolds if I did the laundry every other day? We already have a bunch of Gerber prefolds that I got from Walmart and was using as burp cloths. Since she doesn't spit up much anymore (and I have other burp cloths in case she does) I thought I could save some money by using those. And I have already have 3 pocket diapers that can be used as well.
  17. I think you should only be the middle (wo)man in terms of connecting the seller with potential buyers and giving the seller your honest opinion. What I would do: Come up with a fair price. Give the potential buyer the seller's phone number. Give the seller your honest opinion that if he does a payment plan with that particular buyer, he will probably get burned. Leave the rest up to the two of them. If the seller doesn't want to accept a payment plan, he ought to be the one to tell the buyer. If he does, he shouldn't hold you responsible when you gave him the head's up.
  18. If you spend $40 a month on disposable diapers for two kids and could get cloth for about $150 (prefolds and some covers), would you do it? Can cloth diapers help with diaper rashes (Digby get awful rashes and I think it's because he's got sensitive skin/eczema. I keep the eczema under control on the rest of his body by using 100% cotton clothing, goat milk soap and goat milk lotion. I'm thinking the natural material cloth could help as well)? Also baby girl has eczema too and gets some diaper rashes, but not as bad as Digby's. Yet. DH is very opposed. If you really thought it would be for the best, especially financially, would you keep pushing the issue or drop it (keeping in mind we make less than $2,000/month and need every penny)? Also, I don't believe that one spouse should just "submit" to the other based on gender, so just in case, please don't bring that up.
  19. Oregon. I need to be somewhere where it rains alot but doesn't get too much snow or too hot (anything over 85) too often. I'm a wimp, I know.
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