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Everything posted by meggie

  1. Well, he is my youngest boy, I guess it wouldn't hurt too much if I ruined the boy PJs
  2. DH put the boys to bed before he left for nerd poker. About 30 minutes ago, Digby started crying. I went up to check on him and he was huddled in the corner of the crib with his diaper off and his clothes on backwards:001_huh: He had peed all over. :banghead: He did it a few days ago too. He also did it a lot back in January. Also in January, he'd take the diaper off while leaving his clothes on (even while wearing a body suit and overalls:001_huh:) and since it all looked normal, I didn't know until a big wet stain started forming. What do I do? I'm seriously considering duct taping it on. :crying:
  3. No and I was a freshman in Littleton when Columbine happened. Before Columbine, it was an open campus. After Columbine, everyone could only enter in the front doors and you had to show your ID card.
  4. if the main part of the meal is what needs to be reheated, you can eat the side dishes first and then reheat. honestly though, it's never been a problem for us
  5. We use the lunchboxes and bags from EasyLunchboxes.com
  6. :grouphug: I hope things work out with your MIL. And we'll be praying for no hospital visit for you. :grouphug: Welcome back. It was really quiet without you. ;)
  7. I won't play him in any 100% strategy game unless I want a divorce. Since he's pretty cute and I want to keep him, I stay away from those;). In games with any sort of luck involved, I stand a chance of winning and will play. We like Ticket to Ride, Small World, Carcassonne, Guillotine, Killer Bunnies, Blokus, Tri-Ominoes, Battleship, Life (we don't really like it as we think it's a pathetic description of "life." I mean, really, who earns their entire retirement on a freaking game show?" but it's kinda fun when we're bored)
  8. I was a young child when Hurricane Hugo hit in '89. My dad stayed, but my mom took the four of us to Florida. She said a neighbor was making fun of her for leaving, but when she got back he was so sorry and said it was a good thing. Since we moved to Colorado in '90, that is the extent of my hurricane knowledge. Colorado doesn't get too many of those ;). Anyway, good luck, I'll keep you guys in my prayers :grouphug:
  9. Oh yeah, Digby pitched a colossal fit when we tried to work while he was awake. I learned my lesson. No more school when he's awake!
  10. :iagree: To some degree, I wonder how much is just habit. Like, "it's too hard to throw this certain thing away, so I won't" and then it makes it that much harder to throw the next thing away. At least that seems to be the case with me, a recovering slob. I grew up with the mentality to "keep it, you might need it later," and it really was difficult to throw/give some things away. However, I acknowledge that that was my own experience and I realize other people could have completely different experiences with Hoarding. No matter what the reason, I do feel sorry for them and wish the best for them. None of the people in these situations like the fact that they hoard and they probably beat themselves up over it. No one deserves to feel that way about themselves. It's sad for everyone involved. The show makes me cry.
  11. Today was our first day of school and we did it! Finished spelling, reading, writing, math and grammar. Oh it was loads of fun. I'm so proud of my little Pigby. I posted details on my blog. It was a good day. How did everyone else's first day go? I'm still on a high, that was fun. One down, 179 to go.
  12. I think I was pretty smart, at least in elementary school. I found my old ITBS scores and I had 95 and 93 and 91 percentiles. That's not too bad, I don't think, probably normal for our school. But I never did well in school because I never did my homework. I would always procrastinate projects and have to stay after school to complete them. When working with other kids, I did a good job of making sure the work got done. I don't think I was unwilling, it's just my parents weren't the type to check up on me and make sure I was doing it. By the time I got to high school I felt really dumb, but that was ok, since the main point was to have fun. Anyways, part of the reason we're homeschooling is to make sure our kids get a really good education. I would highly recommend listening to SWB's lecture on educating yourself. I was listening to it yesterday and it gave me hope. I don't know how far this homeschooling journey will go, I'm hoping all the way through. But if I need to, I will spend a lot of money on Teaching Textbooks and other curricula that explains it all to the student. I plan on learning with them, but I need something that guides the way.
  13. I voted Yes. Does it count if he's technically a kindergartener? And we've only done one day of it? :D He's practically done with OPGTR, and I think he really needs to learn how to spell.
  14. I don't know exactly how long it took, but I know my two front teeth took forever. My uncle was always saying, "When are you gonna get some teeth?" They're here now, :D see?
  15. Has she read The Princess Academy? It's a cute book that has the same things (wanting to be pretty, liking a boy you've always been friends with.) I read it a few days ago, I'm a sucker for YA fiction, and loved it.
  16. Their reason is that if all the siblings were there, the number would jump to 29 kids.
  17. I know! Hurry up Pinterest invite, I've got a garlic knot bread recipe that needs pinning!:auto:
  18. This is part of the reason we put our TV out on the curb with a "FREE" sign on it. I don't need a five year old telling me we have to have Febreze or JIF. :glare: I think 8 might be a little young to grasp the concept of how advertisers are trying to trick them and all. I didn't learn it until I was 12 and in 7th grade. Maybe it was too late, maybe 8 would work, I dunno. But it seems to me at that age the "I WANT IT AND I WANT IT NOW!" mentality would overrule the rational and logical explanations. In my teen life class that taught us, the teacher had a bunch of ads from magazines and told us what things to look for. The only one I remember was a necklace advertising a "real diamond chip."
  19. Thank you all for your input. There is only one 9 year old and one 10 year old. Most of the kids are 7-8. Every activity will be hosted at a different house, so it's not one mom in charge of everything. I emailed the lady organizing. She said if I'm uncomfortable leaving him, I can contact the mom hosting and work something out. I think I will probably do that for a few weeks and see how it goes. Maybe the moms of the younger kids would like to split off. We'll see. I just desperately want something to work out for him. He wants friends so badly and nothing with the people nearby is working.
  20. I have my good days and bad (the bad ones where I wish I could leave for a day or twelve). I think I would have a lot more bad days if my DH wasn't around to help watch them. As a matter of fact, I did have a lot more bad days when he was gone all day. :grouphug: I understand
  21. Sending prayers for you guys. (Are you the one with the psycho neighbors? Are they still there? Are they still psycho? Definitely praying you can get away from psycho neighbors.)
  22. The homeschooling Yahoo group I belong to is starting a boys activity group. Since Pigby is DESPERATE for friends, I signed him up. I thought it would be similar to the park day, that we would all (me, Pigby, Digby, and Chuck) go, but let Pigby participate in the group, while the youngers and I would be there but hang back. I found out it's more of a "drop him off and pick him up 1 1/2 hours later." Which makes a lot more sense now that I think on it. The first meeting with be a get to know you social, but that's all the interaction I'll have with the other families before I entrust Pigby to them for 1 1/2 hours. Everything about it seems perfect. It's only every other week. There will be a short activity, but the main goal of the group is to let the boys play and socialize. There are 13 boys, ranging from 5-10. He's not the only 5 year old and there are a couple of six year olds too. I've thought about just dropping him off and driving around the neighborhood until Chuck and Digby fall asleep (it's during their naptime) and then parking by the house and reading a book. That's not weird right? So I need the advice of the Hive. If it were your son, would you let him go? Poll to follow.
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