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Everything posted by meggie

  1. I voted other. I hate that show and have always hated that show, but Pigby did watch a lot of it when I was pregnant or when I was so tired it was hard to get up. It won't ever be allowed in the house again, since we got rid of the TV. Now I don't even have to put up with the "Can I watch TV?" whining and I love it! ETA after reading a little of the other thread: the biggest reason I hate Spongebob is because of his laugh. ARRRRRHHHH!!! Like fingernails on a chalkboard. Also, in the interest of full disclosure, my kids watch one movie a day, so it's not like I'm completely opposed to screen time, I'm just opposed to the commercials being shown and some of the shows that drive me absolutely batty.
  2. :grouphug::grouphug: I'm sorry it was so scary and that they came so soon. God definitely seems to be watching over them. Praying for health, recovery, and most of all peace. Congratulations! I'm sure they are beautiful
  3. pigby will be getting a lot of beverly cleary books, depending on what's available on ebay. he's also getting a crocheted angry bird that I commissioned my friend to make. digby will be getting play felt food. still researching which ones. chuck will be getting some hair bows and hats (I'm not very good at crocheting them, so we will see how they turn out) dh got the documentary "life" and I got "when we left earth" sorry for typos, I'm on my phone
  4. :iagree: I was a pretty good teen, never drank, smoked or had sex. And even I did stupid things that I shouldn't have. The fact that he was crying and remorseful shows that he's a good kid. I'd be more worried if he didn't care or feel sorry or just got angry. I'm pretty sure he learned his lesson and won't easily succumb to peer pressure anymore. :grouphug:
  5. My friend and I just watched Charade a few weeks ago. I had never before seen anything with Cary Grant in it, but I really liked it. And Audrey Hepburn, so amazing. I always liked Michael Callan from Cat Ballou. And Denzel Washington (he's old to me:blushing:)
  6. So glad you felt uplifted tonight. That's so awesome. And yes, everyone else was mentioning your blog, so I had to peek too. :D Absolutely adorable; your son stealing the corn was way too cute. Totally reminds me of something my two year old would do. And I might just steal some of your fun homeschooling ideas.
  7. Hint of cocoa, my eye! I always hate that on the commercials. Oh well, their shady advertising won't keep me from it. :lol: And it is most definitely New-tell-uh. Because I said so.:tongue_smilie:
  8. Girls. Maybe it's because I had mostly girl friends growing up, so the drama is something I can handle. The anger from boys...I don't think so. Not like I have any real idea though. I just know my mom said the three girls she had were easier than the two boys she had. But again that could just be my brothers' personalities and the quasi-dysfunction in which we grew up.
  9. :iagree: with the bolded. We got rid of the TV completely. Pigby also went and downloaded something to my phone, so he completely lost all playing games on my phone privileges. I was telling DH yesterday how it was the best decision ever. Pigby's attitude is so much better and now that he knows the option is completely gone, so much less whining from him. We'll return the privilege of phone play at some point, chess and othello are easier on the phone, but for now we're spending so much more time together it is really wonderful.
  10. What's for breakfast and/or lunch today? The boys had Frosted Mini Wheats for breakfast. We'll probably have PB&J for lunch. I am feeling so unmotivated this week. We've only done math for school. I still have some ice cream in the freezer. I think I'm going to need some before the day is out. What do you wish for today? What don't I wish for? I wish I could put my Christmas tree out and start making Christmas presents and listen to Christmas music. I wish DH could find funding for his films. I wish I had more money to buy baby girl some cute clothes. I just put a winter outfit on her, it's a size 12m, she's only 7 months. It's tight. Definitely won't be lasting her through the winter. Also, I came so close to convinced DH to let me buy cloth diapers. They were AIO for $5 each. Now the site I was going to get them from has stopped taking orders since they're so backed up. I just about cried. What's news today? My friend gave me a lead for writing articles for $$. I don't know that it will bring in a ton, but I suppose every little bit helps.
  11. :w00t::drool: Well, I think I've just discovered what we're doing for Christmas presents!
  12. I looked at your blog. You look like you're doing great!!! So many fun things. I am so not that creative, so I hope you don't mind if I steal a few ideas ;) What you might want to try is during the fun times say, "Wow, isn't homeschooling so fun?" or something like that. He probably thinks it but doesn't say it. But when he's not having fun he says it, so it sticks out more. Just try and emphasize the positive a lot. Other than that, I think he'll adjust; you're doing an awesome job.
  13. oooo thank you for posting this. My baby girl is almost 7 months and she used to be an awesome sleeper, but for the past several weeks, she's been waking up every two hours. Digby was always a real terrible sleeper and I went crazy with the sleep deprivation, so I want to make sure I nip this in the bud. It's true every child is different. I wish I had carried Digby around in a Moby or Baby Bjorn. Knowing what I know about him NOW, I think he just needed more physical contact. What I've tried with baby girl is bringing her to bed with me when she wakes up in the night. I don't feed her and usually she'll fall asleep. I am going to have to kick DH to the couch for a few nights because I cannot sleep with all of us so squished. Sure, she sleeps and DH sleeps, but I don't. I'm hoping that if she learns to soothe herself back to sleep without feeding, she'll be able to stay in her crib.
  14. Meh, school here the past few days has been iffy. My blog has more info on that. Good thing this is just a practice year and I don't HAVE to do anything formal yet. I am forgiving myself and moving on. DH brought me mint chocolate chip ice cream last night because I was so dizzy and lightheaded. I thought something cold sounded nice. Weather seems to be cooling off. We now have to turn the swamp cooler off at night, it's getting too cold. Also, it only got up to about 77 in the house yesterday and that was when I turned the swamp cooler on in the afternoon. This morning I turned it on as soon as I woke up and it was freezing in here. I don't think it got up to 70 until noon, but I ran it so that it would help keep the house cooler once it finally warmed up. I am so excited for fall and Halloween and Thanksgiving and Christmas. It's going to be a fun year. Lunch: I forgot to eat again. DH always asks, "How do you forget to eat?" I don't know, it just happens. I was going to make fried rice, but the kids wanted applesauce:001_huh: I'll probably still make the fried rice bc I am betting Pigby will be hungry in about 10 minutes. I would like to tell you that I need another "not bashing the husband" thread. :banghead: Just let me buy the cloth diapers, stop being so slow, and pack your lunch the night before. Phew, ok, I'm better.
  15. I used to cry at home. About math. Particularly Algebra and Trig. Many a textbook and pencil went flying. That's all. (And I'm talking senior in high school crying over math. Heck, I think I even cried about a math class in college too. I am a crier. I cry over baby shampoo commercials and at the end of Cinderella.)
  16. All that worrying is doing nothing helpful, it's just sucking all your energy for what you should be doing. I know because I've had those exact same thoughts about my son last year when I was pregnant. And he was only 4! So no more beating yourself up! Put all your focus and energy into having a fantastic year!:grouphug:
  17. I had Pigby do this one and he's on a third grade reading level:blink: I had been guessing he was on a first grade level. But I agree about his comprehension not being at a third grade level yet. Does anyone know of a test for teenagers? A friend wants her high school sophomore daughter to take one
  18. I am not sure if it does or not. I am so computer illiterate, I consider it a success that I got all the lessons actually planned the right way. :lol: For now, if we miss a lesson, we just do it the next day too.
  19. I would probably just let it go. Make a well documented case for your side in the housing issue and let the rest slide.
  20. I'm not aware of another program out there like it, but I am not an expert on anything related to homeschooling, so who knows. It took a little bit of playing to get used to the HST program and I figure (since we're only in kindergarten) that if I use it consistently and like it, I'll go ahead and pay to upgrade. And so far (two weeks in) I really like it.
  21. It's only my first year homeschooling and it's got me melancholy: "He's in kindergarten, how could he be old enough for kindergarten? He's almost six, that's 1/3 of his time at home with me? Wasn't he born just last year? Where did all the time go?" :grouphug: I did manage to pick myself up a little by remember that Castle and Community will be starting again in a few weeks. It took some of the hurt away. :D
  22. Would Homeschool Tracker not work? I only have the free version and haven't fully explored all its capabilities, but I think it does most of those if not all.
  23. I am obsessed with living in Oregon. I hear it rains a lot. Which I so desperately want. I'm so sick of the desert.
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