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Everything posted by meggie

  1. maybe diaper rash? I know some fruits gave my second son awful diaper rashes in the beginning.
  2. Thank you for the great post. So much helpful advice. And thank you everyone else. This is going to be a long and windy post, there are so many things floating around in my head right now. First, I decided that I need to brush up on the basics right now: grammar, logic, writing. I will probably buy the FLL and WWE books ahead and work through those. I don't remember which covers diagramming, but I really need to learn how to do those. DH was surprised that I had never even heard of diagramming til I read WTM. It's funny, as we go along in our life, we find out what a good job his dinky, podunk school did at educating him. And my great big, wealthy suburban school kinda failed in a lot of areas. We were discussing logic as a formal curriculum and he was surprised we had never covered that either. My geometry teacher said proofs weren't important and just completely skipped them. We only did a little logic in my freshman writing class at college. All I remember was the discussion of logical fallacies. I couldn't even tell you what they were. I went ahead and downloaded and printed off SWB WWS sample. Oh. My. Heck. It's just so amazingly brilliant. I read the part about copia (writing sentences in different ways) and thought it was amazing. DH and I have been struggling with different ways of saying things in the articles I write and in the business plan he's writing. So very grateful that I'll probably get to use all SWB's curricula. She makes it easy enough to use, but has such great content. I am confident enough in math to get through algebra. Once Pigby hits the middle grades, I'll have to focus more on the upper grades. Geography was really easy for me to learn, but I don't remember all the rules and would need a little bit to reacquaint myself with them (and learn what those blasted proofs are). A couple months ago, it was super late at night and DH and I were so tired. But we started talking about the decimal system. Silly me, I thought our "decimal system" meant that we used the decimal. No, apparently it means that we have 10 numerals and that's our base. So then he started explaining a binary system and how you would count on that. Then he was explaining how it would be if we had a base 16 number system. It was so mind blowing to me. I was just amazed, it would never have occurred to me to think that it could be different. I knew binary code existed in the computer world, but I have no idea how. And then I asked if he thought it would be worth teaching the kids when they are older. And he said, "I guess, but I can't really see why." And I was like, "Who knows? Maybe someday someone will figure out a use for a base 8 system that will change the world." And he said it was doubtful. But I said, "You never know. I bet no one thought binary would be as important as it is now." Anyway, I just can't help but think there's so much to learn in this world. So much that I never knew existed. And I know I won't be able to cover it all. But I am really excited at the possibilities.
  3. I can't read the story, so I don't know all the details beyond what you've posted. But I am so sick to my stomach thinking about it. Just no words. And maybe some people will tell me I'm arrogant for homeschooling or tell me I need to put my kids into PS because I have some obligation to help fix the system, but I don't give a d*mn. My kids will be safe.
  4. Of COURSE!!!!:svengo:Don't you know our arrogance knows no bounds? We must stay ahead of PS no matter the cost. Did you not receive this info in your "Everyone homeschools for exactly the same reason" monthly newsletter? Tsk tsk tsk.
  5. oh you know, differences between king and california king. ana-white.org. stuff like that :lol:
  6. Thanks, that's a lot of excellent advice. I downloaded and printed off the sample WWS and am excited to look through it. I'm just bummed that I have two articles to write today and cooking, cleaning, diaper changing in the way right now :glare:. Marathon, Megan, marathon. But I'm excited. I was hoping that homeschooling my kids would help educate me. It sounds like fun.
  7. Am I wrong in thinking the alcohol would pass through the placenta and into baby's bloodstream? I wouldn't want my fetus or babies to have alcohol in their bloodstream anyway, whether or not 1-2 drinks a week is going to give them Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. But maybe that's just me being weird. I don't drink caffeinated beverages while pregnant or nursing and don't drink alcohol at all. Although sometimes hearing how it helps you all cope makes me awfully tempted ;)
  8. I have the L'equip VitalMill. If I could do it again, I'd just get the Nutrimill. It is the easiest way to access the flour. My motor sits on top of the canister and I have to pull it apart to get the flour. And in the process I get flour over EVERYTHING. Cleaning it is a bear. Grinding wheat day is such a pain.
  9. :D Maybe it was you? It was someone on either Joanne's post or the S/O. I don't remember who, I just remember being intrigued. Then realizing how much work I need to do and I better get busy. Thank you for all your help. Ok, knowing that I HAVE to do it makes me feel better. I think I relax by planning too. My biggest reason for homeschooling was to give him the best academically. I can do this. Just gotta figure out when :001_huh::lol:. I was listened to SWB's talk about educating ourselves awhile ago. I think it had some good ideas too. Better get started. Skype? I am having the same anxiety over math and science. I'm now wondering if I should buy MUS and work ahead, just to get an idea of what's coming. Or if I should study Khan's Academy. I mean, it is free, but not what I'm planning on using for high school math. And honestly, I'm hoping the DVDs with MUS and Steve explaining things will help me. And if MUS absolutely fails, then I'm going with TT. And if that absolutely fails, I'm hiring a math tutor.
  10. Thank you both for your answers. (I forgot to look at your siggies.) Did you guys homeschool any of you kids in high school? Do you think studying ahead made a very noticeable difference?
  11. :iagree: My five year old LOOOOVES Calvin and Hobbes. He has been known to make a duplicator or twelve and refer to himself as #4. He also loves Garfield and is learning to love Peanuts. Terry Pratchett is a well-known hilarious author and has a YA series called Wee Free Men. I only read the first two pages, but DH read the first book and loved it. DH also loves his books for adults.
  12. In a thread recently, I saw someone mention that they used to study ahead of their children, ie studying logic stage stuff while their kid was in the grammar stage. I was wondering how many people did this and any details you want to give (how far ahead did you study, did you buy the curricula and practice it yourself, etc). I thought it sounded like a good idea. For me, I had never even heard of diagramming a sentence before I read WTM. I'm still not exactly sure what it is, but I've seen some of the sample pages on PHP's website. I just wondered when I would need to worry about it. Obviously, kindergarten is not so hard. But I have a feeling algebra will sneak up on me and knock me out. :bigear:
  13. Breyer's Mint Chocolate Chip. Now I need to tell hubby to get some. Thanks :thumbup:
  14. Ok thank you. I will definitely be nursing whenever she wants and I've got a little puke bucket handy. I hope she sleeps too.
  15. I didn't nurse her before I put her to bed again. She went right to sleep again. I had heard that when children get the stomach flu you aren't supposed to give them anything for a few hours. Is this the correct thing to do? I have a feeling she'll be waking up in the middle of the night (because she always does) and wanting to nurse.
  16. Dang, is cold season starting? :glare: I hate cold season. It seems every time we step outside, the kids catch a cold. And then with each cold I'm worried they've caught mono or RSV or meningitis or something. I swear, the anxiety these kids' illnesses give me.
  17. Baby girl is 7 months. She hasn't spit up in months. I was in our bedroom watching Project Runway and I heard her spit up. She started crying, so I picked her up and we were watching together. About 7ish minutes later she threw up again, kinda forcefully. As I was taking her shirt off, she threw up again, much more forcefully. She cried a little bit, but stopped when I started walking. She hasn't cried since then. She had some rice cereal earlier in the evening and then about an hour later I nursed her and she went to bed. Her temperature is 97.7. I had noticed her coughing a lot throughout the day. She's not listless or anything, just seemed tired. Can someone please tell me she'll be ok? I've never had a baby this young throw up before. I know I should worry if she can't keep anything down or if she gets listless, right? Is there anything else I should keep my eyes open for?
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