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Everything posted by Greenmama2

  1. My 6 yr old & I hold three monthly(ish) meetings where we plan out what she wants to do over the next period. It's then my job to both source the required materials and hold her to some semblance of her original master plan. Maybe something similar would work for you? Perhaps more frequently, even weekly. So that you become more of a sounding board/guide than a teacher.
  2. Personally I would go with Pp's suggestions of getting the books as a guide for you to make other, easier writing activities such as writing in sand etc. I regret not doing a little more formal handwriting with my dd at that age when she was more eager. Now at six she isn't so interested in fixing the bad habits she has taught herself ;) I'm planning to be slightly more formal (but still gentle) with my just turned three year old.
  3. Beast Academy costs so much here because of shipping :( I think she'd love it but DH would faint over the cost. Especially since epgy is due and she asked to add mathletics in as well. He already thinks we are too math-heavy.
  4. We have Penrose and one of the Sir Cumference books, both have gone down very well. I need to order the other SC books. I didn't realise HoE had an app, she would LOVE that. Thanks. I need to look at challenge math. She does love the story of 1 already :)
  5. Me :D DS was born at home. Hard but the best thing I've ever done. Fast birth too - 4.5 hours. My mw and doula lived two hours away. MW arrived as I started pushing but doula stopped to get a coffee & arrived after his head was out. So yep, call early. Being comfortable in your own space makes such a difference :)
  6. :iagree: I make porridge (oatmeal) from oats we roll ourselves the night before, with chia seeds and LOTS of coconut cream yet I still get hungry in an hour and shaky if I haven't eaten two hours later. Pancakes otoh are filling here as in our house we use 3-4 eggs per cup of flour and serve with yoghurt or goat curd (soft cheese). No snack suggestions. I'm :bigear: too
  7. Sigh. 71 views and no suggestions? This child loves mathematics, just not arithmetic. The concepts come easily to her but the "facts" not so much. I was hoping this would be the place to find suggestions of other things (doesn't need to be apps, could be curricula, games, books) etc that she might enjoy.
  8. In three days, probably about four hours total :001_huh: What now? She still isn't entirely clear on place value. Sigh. Would love your suggestions of other things she might enjoy. :bigear:
  9. Too many. Homeschool swimming class, drama class, ballet class, violin lessons and choir. Oh & DD just got a part in a local theatre production which will happen in December so in a month or so we'll be adding theatre rehearsals to that list. Sigh.
  10. Your post was so encouraging for a parent of a similarly asynchrous 6 year old. I followed your blog :001_smile:
  11. :iagree: although I'll add the caveat that the purpose of the shower mat is to give your feet a warm *dry* place to step onto when they leave the warm shower. If the mat has been dripped on and not hung up by another family member then :cursing:
  12. Yes please! I wondered two days ago why nobody had posted, then I realised it wasn't quite the 15th there yet :lol:
  13. Priorities are ballet & violin (equal first) followed by any available science classes (rare because they usually start at 7/8 and she is six) then another big muscle physical activity (swimming this term fir both of them, has been gymnastics) if can afford it/fit it in our week.
  14. Happy birthday to your twins Amber. I can't wait to read all these posts :)
  15. I insist on practice...because DD6 wants me to insist on practice. We take time out regularly to talk about stuff candidly and she tells me that she wants me to make sure she practices because she really wants to improve (and she is in fact quite motivated). She struggles with actually doing it everyday because of course there are brothers to play with and online tv shows to watch and books to read and and and... Sometimes she even argues with me about practicing. If I back off though, she always comes to me sadly a few days later and says that she wishes she had practiced and could I please make sure she does it. Strange kid.
  16. Yes, DD 6 is just like that. Large motor movement BEFOREHAND does help a little but I still need to be firm otherwise she fidgets and gets distracted by what she fidgets with.
  17. :bigear: we've been doing a bit of a unit study because DD is really interested in this but I've yet to find anything that really knocks my socks off.
  18. Magical, yes I agree. I'm a chronological gal, with the exception that TLTW&TW be swapped with Magician's Nephew. The story is so much more magical that way. With the later books it doesn't matter as much and I quite like to read them chronologically.
  19. Yes, I use the kindle edition. I actually prefer it to the book. I have a hard copy vol 1 and kindle vol 2. I find I do a lot of flipping which is obviously less annoying in the kindle version (as long as I make notes/bookmarks).
  20. I think this is important. I was an early and fast reader. I learnt to skim very quickly and I was in my twenties before someone pointed out to me that the word is in fact adoLEScent, not adoscelent as I was pronouncing it.
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