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Everything posted by theYoungerMrsWarde

  1. Best Time to Sell Curriculum on eBay? Definitely after you're done using it. :001_smile:
  2. I would go with the girl and talk to her mother together.
  3. http://www.thinkgeek.com/geek-kids/3-7-years/c1de/?cpg=fbl_c1de I don't know if this will make it better or worse but it looks like fun! :D
  4. This reminded me of the test the gave me in elementary school after I "passed" the GATE test. They showed me a picture of a glass of water on a table and wanted to know if it was half full or half empty. I had never heard of that before so I told them there was no way of knowing. She told me to guess anyway and I figured that if it was on the table that meant someone had filled it up, drank some, and then put it on the table for later. Therefore, half empty. :tongue_smilie: :iagree:This is why I said it. Sorry about hijacking the thread. :tongue_smilie:
  5. I was a huge reader as a kid, partly because I didn't have any friends. I became "famous" as "The Girl Who Reads at Recess." My family didn't encourage it, but my elementary school librarian let me check out a new book every day instead of every other week like the rest of the kids did.
  6. Bumping in case someone else can benefit from this. Dh told me to get three! :D
  7. Can you tell me where? I'm missing some letters, but I don't want to have to buy the whole toy all over again.
  8. :lol: What, the teacher has never heard of Brenner? My kids have a lot of pop culture gaps, too. We were driving around looking at Christmas light displays with a friend. She excitedly pointed out and identified Rudolph the Reindeer and ds was :confused:. They also don't eat string cheese like kids. I tried to show them the "right" way to eat it, but they weren't impressed. And now that I think about it, I should probably go and get them juice boxes and teach them how to use one...
  9. :lol::lol: Two wonderful words: Amazon Wishlist. You can even print it out if you need to mail it to a computer-less/internet savvy-less person.
  10. Birthdays are about celebrating the child, not about what relatives want. :glare: If he's really into camping, and you don't mine missing out on more birthday presents, I say go camping. Happy birthday to your ds! :party: ETA: To answer the original question, our parties are small. We only have dh's tiny (6 people) family in the area, and we haven't found a local homeschooling group yet, we're the only young couple in our church, and I only have one friend who has kids, so our parties are 14 people or less.
  11. I was The Moorchild in elementary school. I was The Bluebird and the Sparrow in high school. (I was the Sparrow.) I don't know what I am right now (mid 20's.)
  12. Just saw this on facebook and it made me think of this thread. :D
  13. Making an upstairs room more noise proof Oh my! :blushing: You must be very...enthusiastic.
  14. Please help my son and I with this grammar question It's supposed to be "Please help my son and ME with this grammar question."
  15. :smilielol5::smilielol5:I loved the blog link. I'm disappointed she didn't write more. And was I the only one who thought of a...different interpretation of the phrase "man up" on the Summer's Eve add?:blink: :D
  16. For dh's 18th b-day (we were high school sweethearts) I got him the R.A.T : the Real-world Aptitude Test study guide. It's mostly for high school teens preparing to go to collage and it's probably out of date (I got it 10 years ago.) But they might have a new edition. I'm on dh's phone or I'd link it. I can try in the morning.
  17. I didn't know there was an alcoholic version of a Shirley Temple! :confused: I used to order it as a kid for the Marciano cherries :D
  18. I had a nonalcoholic beer as a teen. I felt very grown up, but I HATED the taste. (It was O'Dool's) :ack2: I drank it down because my friends did, but I've never had a real beer since. I am completely uninterested in trying some. I occasionally drink sweet, not very dry wines, maybe once every 6 months, but that's it. So you could let him try it. If he doesn't like it it could be a good deterrent. ETA: I was raised at different times by both sets of grandparents. The ones I lived with at 11-14 years old believed in letting a child have a sip once in a while and "demystifying" alcohol so that it wasn't a big temptation/rebellion opportunity. At the same time my younger sister was being raised by my other grandparents who forbade it completely, but had a bit of a liqueur cabinet. She sneaked drinks and got secretly drunk at a young age. (I didn't find out about it till after we were both adults. And she's had small problems with it in the past when she got depressed.) I'm not saying that will happen to everyone. My sister and I are very different people. Just sharing what my experience was.
  19. I just showed ds5 a live showing on a news network online, and he was very unimpressed. Oh well.
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