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Everything posted by Down_the_Rabbit_Hole

  1. I am using it this year with dd. We are using it for ideas mainly. Our spine is Children Just Like Me, but the book suggestions and a few other things I am using from GTG. We are not using GTG for anything but the geography study. Someone posted yesterday a great site for notebook pages to go with a World Cultural course for younger students: http://homeschoolcreations.com/Geography.html I can post our first few weeks schedule if you are interested.
  2. This is just for history, but Mystery of History is all research for the older student. There is also a lot of Bible research in it as well or research on a subject of the Bible. It helped my son look at the Bible with more interest after completing volume 1.
  3. It's because the IDEA of SL is excellent and they know how to sell it. You look at the samples and think WOW. So you order and 6 weeks into it you are wondering where the love went and all the problems are magnified. Send it back and the following year you hear of all the changes they have made. New IG's, better maps, blah, blah, blah. The idea is still great and you figure surely they have got the bugs worked out. You buy it again only to see the changes are looks only but the meat is the same. Send it back...only to go through the cycle again. You WANT it to work, you do, and hope is eternal. Personally I think they infuse their catalogs with a love potion and somewhere around week 6 it wears off. You wake up and wonder why am I using THAT:confused:
  4. Used vol. one last year with a High School student and will do vol. 2 this year. I just made up his schedule for the first 2 weeks but they pretty much resemble how we will do the entire year. Mon: Read Fire Ignites, pg 3-5 and do pretest. Tues: lesson 1, do 1B #3, do not write answer but discuss with me. Wed: lesson 2, do 2 B , all Thurs: lesson 3, do 3C #1 Fri: Memory cards pg 19 and what did you miss pg 21, finish it on Mon. Do map work #3-4 Mom:Finish Fridays work and do Pretest pg 22 Tues: Lesson 4, do 4B Wed: Do 4C Thurs:read lesson 5 Friday:read lesson 6 do 6B and 6C#1 Since he is in HS, all work must be in paragraph form, typed and the work cited. Memory cards are written on index cards. Usually we get 3 lessons completed in a week. He enjoys this class and will spend anywhere from 1-2 hours but this is him mostly looking at related things online as he searches for the info for his answer paragraph. Most assignments will be a paragraph but every few weeks I will make one a much longer assignment. He will also be reading about 8 books, the Bronze Bow is the first one.
  5. Saw it. I am trying to be good and not say much. Hubby wanted to know why I was considering them again...if the same people are writing it then the same problems will be there. I hate it when he uses logic on me, but he was right.
  6. Well, maybe a little moonshine is what is needed. At this point I am willing to use whatever it takes to find a La that will work for us. The sentence reads... Besides, Lucy's still asleep. Contraction, right?
  7. Once again I was thinking of using SL LA. I have tried SL LA many times only to send it back because it was unusable for my family. But here I am again trying to find a Language for dd and since SL redid the LA I gave it a look even put it in my cart. The 3 samples they give online for LA with 4-5 readers actually was what I wanted and was getting excited...THIS might be it. Last night I downloaded the first 3 weeks and my excitement plummeted. Week two has a nice copywork passage from More Stories in Grandma's Attic where the grammar lesson is on possession. You teach that possession is shown by using 's and have them find the word that shows possession in the sentence...Mrs. Carter's baby. Great job! But now to confuse the child...also in the copywork passage is the words... Lucy's still... which is not a possession but a contraction for Lucy is. Now the child is confused. Are you telling me that SL could not find another paragraph in that whole book that had only 's for possession in it? Why use this passage? Yes, it is a small thing but why not eliminate these small problems that confuse? I also saw SL continues to give examples of the writing assignments that were written by an experienced writer. How are you suppose to get a feel for what level of writing your child should be doing if the examples are written by someone well above the level of the intended student? So...after many years and many tries I can honestly say FAREWELL to SL LA. You will not tempt me anymore with words like 'NEW" and "IMPROVED". "REDONE" or "EVEN BETTER". I can honestly say I am finally cured.
  8. We just went through this 2 months ago.:grouphug: Someone here told me to use conditioner and tea tree oil mixed and then comb comb comb. It was so much better then the harsh NIX chemicals and easy and safe not to mention cheap. Every morning I mixed TTO in white conditioner and coated her hair. Then I combed it out with a regular metal comb...this got the tangles out and the conditioner in. I then used a lice comb. We did this daily for a week, then every other day a few times then every 3 days, then once more a week later. The conditioner helps the comb go through easy as well as keep the little bugs from moving around. The TTO is nasty to the little bugs.
  9. Thank you so much for this link. I am also doing a Children Around the World theme this year that I am making up as I go. It will be for a 8yr old and this web site is perfect. It actually is similar to what I was doing except they have cool worksheets and lapbooks.
  10. Yes, this is very helpful. It gives me a better picture then what I saw in the examples.
  11. Didn't read the replies so this might have been suggested already.. Donating Plasma gives big bucks. Almost $300 (maybe it was almost $400, can't remember). I live in a college town and the Plasma center is always crowded. Middle ds looked into it once when he needed money but was turned down because he had gotten a tattoo a few months before...piercings and tattoos have to be at least a year old
  12. Algebra is needed, you will use it. You mat not realize you are but it crops up in life. I think the lack of a foundation coupled with the fear of higher math will get in the way of grasping it, this plus telling yourself you are not good in math. I have seen the fear of fractions keep a bright student from advancing until he conquered the fear. When my dd made a comment last year that she will never be able to do Algebra I started treating her math as an Algebra problem and letting her know she did Algebra (simplistic Algebra, 7+X=10, solve for X, but still Algebra). She is now excited about getting to that level with an I can do attitude.
  13. When we did 7 and 8 I never noticed any slant, however being a Christian it would not stand out to me (not saying this with any attitude).
  14. How intense is their science for Bigger? We just finished MFW Adventures and found the science very lacking. More of supplemental science lesson to say science got done for the year type of thing. Is HOD similar? Or is their science portion a "real" science course and treated with as much weight as history?
  15. Not really corrections, but I do pick some words I see misspelled and add them to the spelling list. These are words I think they should know or words I see them use often but keep misspelling.
  16. BJU Beginnings (K) Wordsmith Apprentice (4th) MOH Vol 1 for High School(haven't used the others yet, but this ranks #1 for ancients for High school for us)
  17. Question...is this a bootcamp type thing with the National Guard? If so it is a very good program and no worries. My middle son went through one in Louisiana and it was one of the best things for him (he went voluntarily, not court ordered but half the camp was with boys sent by the courts). Many :grouphug:.
  18. I found a lot of their choices to be too dark. Too dark in my opinion for the ages they have it listed for. You can teach about missions/missionaries without the dark/mature issues. One of the reasons I will not buy a complete core again.
  19. These are on the Apologia site. Go to the page with the book you are doing and they are in the list with sample chapter, material list, contents page. We used the free pages when ds did the books. They worked great for him. I did find the pages for Zoo 3 were not as good as the ones for Zoo 1 and 2 and Botany. This year I am doing Astronomy with dd and we bought the Jr. Notebook for it. For her I think these are great (my ds would have hated them). I love the list of books and extra activities they give plus the mini books. The free journals are good enough if you are use to journaling/notebooking. Using the pages they have and making your own. When ds did these books he used the free pages and the finished notebooks he created were pretty awesome. A lot of the pages in the bought notebooks will be the same as the free ones only more elaborate. pages.
  20. We are doing 3rd this year for dd(and I have used it off and on for the others). I do not use the manual. We do a page a day and review any rules we are working on. For the review pages we do not do everything but if there is some missed problems we will go back and do the ones we missed after a review session. Writing days we spend 3 days on an assignment...rough draft, corrections, and final draft. We have used the spelling in the past, but not this year. I do not follow the teachers guide, instead we do a list a week. Intro to words on Mon, work pages on Tues, write them on Wed, oral work and study on Thurs, test on Fri. I also take the take home list and put it on the fridge and orally quiz a word or two throughout the day/week.
  21. Have him read into to a pocket recorder. If he has a younger sibling, have him record a childs book for them. Have him read dialog and come up with voices. Read into a microphone.
  22. The Intro to Algebra came this week. We decided to use this book for Algebra 2 (email from AOPS said it is equivalent to an average Algebra 1 and ALgebra 2 book). Figured we will work through the first half fast so ds can get use to the way AOPS does things and review anything he might need review on. So I can get use to the book, I decided to work through it also. WOW! I am blown away. I am on ch. 3 and already am seeing different ways of looking at how to solve problems. It makes solving the problems so logical. Anyway I am hooked and want to work through this book and get the others to work through. Feel bad I did not use AOPS with my Mathy older son. He would have enjoyed this better then what he used. Whoever mentioned this to me on one of my math threads, thank you.:001_smile:
  23. We are getting ready to do half year with World Geography and are using these books for our kick off each week. http://www.amazon.com/Children-Just-Like-Me-Celebration/dp/0789402017/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1343565397&sr=1-2&keywords=kids+like+me http://www.amazon.com/Children-Just-Like-Me-Celebrations/dp/0789420279/ref=pd_sim_b_4 These are more about the culture of a country but will give us a jumping off point for my dd.
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