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Everything posted by Down_the_Rabbit_Hole

  1. My yougest son did 2 books a year for 5th and 6th, would this help them? If I were to pick a book to skip it would be Swimming creatures. Astronomy, Birds, Botany, Human Anatomy are all things most children can view regularly and have a base knowledge with. However of all the books Swimming creatures was my son's favorite. I am so glad geology is going to be published, their are so few geology curriculums for the grammar/logic stage.
  2. We are another family that had a potty seat in the back of the van. Even with it there, I drive to a very secluded place before I would let it be used. I don't think some moms are able to think past an action, they get focused on what is happening not on what is happening around them.
  3. Another vote for BJU. The teacher's manual has many demonstration and experiments for your child to do. Very methodical experiments. If you want to keep using Apologia, just vamp up/do more with the experiments. Ask your DH for a better way to do the experiment. We used Apologia for my youngest son and he loved them. I am using Apologia Astronomy with my dd right now but added Jan Van Cleaves Astronomy for every kid to go with it, maybe she has a book on Zoology that will work. Or look at the TOPS books, maybe there is a book that will work with your studies, these are great and easy to use.
  4. Why do people think just because someone is doing something out of the norm they need therapy? At what point is just a habit a weird habit? Who is to decide? finger nail biting-acceptable/ thumb sucking-not acceptable curling with a pillow-acceptable/curling with a teddy- not acceptable Personally I think those who worry about others habits that are not harmful to them self or others needs the therapy.
  5. They have grammar review pages (on the teacher CD) to do during the writing chapters.
  6. Charlotte's Web Freddy the Detective Mr. Popper's Penguins The McBroom series
  7. What grade are you looking at? I used the old BJU grammar up to 6th and the new BJU to 3rd. It was not bad. We did most of the work orally during the teaching (following the teacher's manual) and only used the workbook for extra practice if dd needed it. The writing lessons were good (sometimes the subject of the writing needed to be changed some). They always had you and the student work on a writing piece together using a word web, outline, etc. or to show writing a different way (letter, directions, story). This I thought was good, let the child write but with hand holding before letting them do it on their own.
  8. This is a great site for math. They have math by the week up to grade 6 (or 8) http://mathlearnnc.sharpschool.com/cms/One.aspx?portalId=4507283&pageId=5048438 Scroll down for weekly work
  9. :D Thanks all. We will happily continue with our short days. Maybe I need a multi sided sign to put out on the front lawn when dd is out there:Nature Study in Progress, or role playing, cooking simulation(for mud pie and nature soup making), animal husbandry(when playing with the dog), botany class, PE...things like that. Might make her happy knowing school is still in session even though dd is out having fun.
  10. Thanks all. Just needed reassurance. At the time she said it I just let it slide but as one gets comfy in bed and is going over the days events I started to dwell on her words. Left me sleepless and second guessing. I will proceed as is.
  11. I was blessed with 2 like this, my oldest son and dd...both think school is/was a bother so lets get it done and life can begin. The other two sons would stare out the window and only come back to earth with prodding.
  12. I can only think PS. Her children are all grown, but she did homeschool for a while.
  13. This is my dd...and us (one son is HS level and other 2 sons are finished). The one thing I think about when I get the urge for another child is teaching them to read....the most torturous thing in homeschool. Sitting and listening to the cccaaat, ccaatt, c..a..t, cat sounding out. But the flip side is, not having those crayon, diapers, sticky days. Instead you are left with kids doing their own thing and mom alone in the house with nothing to do. I find myself roaming the house looking for something to do and feeling all alone.
  14. I hate that. You are going along with your life, happy and content, then someone questions you and adds doubt.:glare: So either reassure me we are fine or tell me what to do. Dd is 7 and in 2nd. Her schedule is: Bible (our own thing) 5-15 mins Spelling (old 4th grade speller done every other week) 15 mins Vocabulary (Wordly Wise book 2 done every other week) 15-20 mins Language (FLL 3) About 15 mins Oral Math (using a vintage math book) 20 mins Assigned reading time varies but average 20 mins break ideally this is a 20 minute break unless I need to help my ds on something Math (BJU 3rd) 45mins Science (Apologia Astronomy and ES Astronomy) 20 mins World Geography (my own curriculum) 20-30 mins Book Basket time which consists of books on the subjects being studied in Geography and Science...30 mins Art and some Latin are thrown in during the week but will-nilly like, no scheduled days. Times do vary but we are done by lunch. This was what was questioned, her being done by lunch. The person felt she was doing too little and I need to add in more work. What is your opinion? Should I add more or spend more time in a subject? Keep it the way it is? Grrrr, I hate when this happens.
  15. I am glad this system is in place, sort of knowing their is someone looking out for you. When we moved to Iowa and started using our card here it was blocked..the cc company knew we lived in Louisiana and seeing all the Iowa activity put an alert on it...they thought it was stolen. Quick phone call and it was taken care of. They were even apologetic, I told them not to be, it was better safe then a big sorry later.
  16. One of the many reasons I do not buy from RR. Sorry you have to wait even longer.
  17. Do you plan on coloring the figures or leaving them black and white? I like the 2 color idea of a timeline...BC and AD but do see the benefit of color coding. You could use sticky dots or even punch a circle out of the colored card stock and put it in the upper corner. This way, if you do color your timeline figures it would not be too much for the eye.
  18. Bumping for you. But, at least in the younger grades, you can switch their ideas for yours when evolution/or not crops up. I just finished MFW Adventures and I cannot remember any beginning of the world being discussed. I do know they use Apologia Astronomy for one of the years and that is young earth, but you can skip that part in the book.
  19. Yep, and the consolation prize of a single line is Aunt Flo arrives...Oh Joy.
  20. It is more for the 7yr old. Thanks for the ideas, I will look into them.
  21. It gets to be where you hate to use the bathroom when it is near the time of the month. Sending prayers your way :grouphug:
  22. Bumping in hopes someone out there has an idea.
  23. I was so sure. 10 days late is a good sign. An almost sure sign I would see a double line. I even perused the baby aisle at Target to see all the new things out there. But alas...just a stinking single line that tells you you know how to pee on a stick. :crying:
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