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Everything posted by Down_the_Rabbit_Hole

  1. This dog has been with us for 5 yrs but never a very lovable thing, had an old lady peronality. The dog before this one was great, a pug, but died during our evacuation after Hurricane Katrina. We really wanted it to work.
  2. :iagree: I do bleach all towels once a month along with all other whites. We have never gotten sick. I also use cold for weekly washing and hang dry.
  3. I posted before about our dog getting more aggressive but now she has actually bitten my dd. This is the second time in a week. The first time was more a nip when dd went to pick her up and put it in the laundry room to get her away from company (the dog has been taught to go to its room when someone is at the door)...the dog refused to go on its own so dd was going to take care of it. Yesterday something similar happened but this time it was an actual bite. Broken skin and a bruise. Earlier the dog aggressively growled at dd when they were playing with a stick...dd was throwing a stick and the dog would fetch it. But then when dd when to get the stick from the dog (like a few times before) it growled (not a playful growl). The biting is new but the refusing to listen to commands has been getting worse. I am going for a second consult with the vet on Friday but I think it is time for the dog to go.:(
  4. Galloping the Globe can be used with both of your children.
  5. We are doing this while I wait for dd to be ready for HOD Bigger. I am using Children Just Like Me as the spine and getting info from Galloping the Globe to help. We just finished MFW Adventures and felt she needed an Intro to the World before doing another year of US History. There is also a site someone here posted about that goes along with this http://homeschoolcreations.com/Geography.html It has lapbook ideas, printables, and ideas.
  6. Thank you. Interesting. I need to process it more, sometime later when I am more awake.
  7. We almost didn't have a first day. Dd started this weekend with sore throat followed by clogged nose/slight fever. Figured it will be next week before we start. But after a night of prayer she woke all bouncy and eager to start. We got it all finished. Ds started over the week end...his own choice. He was interested in starting art and Classical Mythology and More. Sadly we did not take any pics. I do plan on adding a blog post about all the curriculum I am using (the likes, dislikes, how used)and a post about the World Cultures class I am making. We did however eat out on Saturday as a pre-celebration for the start of school and when the local store makes their Back to School Cakes we will get one.
  8. I honestly could not understand a word she said. I felt like I was watching a cute bobble head doll that went berserk. What is TLC thinking? Sad.
  9. It might be too old for her but Barry Stebbing has a Nature Drawing DVD, http://www.howgreatthouart.com/products/103.html And this book http://www.howgreatthouart.com/products/111.html I haven;t tried them yet but did see a sample of the DVD on You Tube and it looks great.
  10. Your right. I have done similar with spelling and handwriting with dd and I feel it is working. Thanks for the words of encouragement.
  11. I do have the book and read it...guess I need to reread it again. Thanks for your incite:001_smile:
  12. Right now the college students are moving in all over town. There are sofas, chairs and everything else from perfect condition to 'good lord what happened'. Sheldon would be in a coma by now. The chair was bought at a very clean/neat second hand store. I really don't think anything is in/on it but want to play it safe.
  13. Did an inspection and no visible signs. The thermometer is in the car to see how hot it gets, right now it is over 135 degrees and rising.
  14. Funny you should mention the Comic Strip Grammar, I just realized I had this when I was cleaning out my download files. This and a few other scholastic downloads I forgot about:glare:. Thanks all....lots to think at and look at, will give me a starting place if nothing else.
  15. This is what I want to do, problem is I like some sort of list or something to let me know I am covering what needs to be covered. Sometimes you think you have it all but it might not be the case.
  16. I bought an old rocker that has wooden feet and arm but the body is fabric. I do not want to bring unwanted guests into the house...bed bugs, lice, what-nots...so am leaving it bake in the car. I have heard this can kill bed bugs but how long should I leave it? I was thinking a few days but maybe a week or two....what does the hive think? I really, really what to use it in the library. I have been sitting in a worn out bean bag chair for the last two weeks getting schedules and things ready for next weeks school so my patience level is low. Any ideas?
  17. We used 1 cup sugar and 6 regular tea bags for 2L of water. If you want it to be a real Southern Sweet Tea...lemon and mint is needed also.
  18. I don't know if it's because English is the subject I personally don't like or because I have been teaching it for 20 yrs, but I am having a very hard time finding a curriculum I like. Dd is a strong writer which is not helping because I find myself becoming relaxed in this area. We are getting ready to start FLL 3 after I looked at a ton of other curricula but the warm fuzzies do not come over me when I go through it...make any sense. I have been toying with the idea of not using a curriculum instead taking something she wrote or a paragraph from her books and working through the parts of speech this way as well as punctuation. Diagraming sentences she writes (not all of them but her sentences will be the samples we use on the days we do diagramming). What else does a 2nd/3rd grader need to know? Has anyone done something like this, do their own thing for English? I will be doing Wordsmith Apprentice (love, love love this)with her for the 2013-2014 year so she will not be totally without structured English. And we have done BJU 2nd and Abeka 3rd Language in the past so she has had a foundation.
  19. Complain. They did not disclose this and the good/great condition tells you everything is there. Give low rating and ebay will tell you how to handle this.
  20. Last year we used twine and clips for dd's timeline and will do the same this year.
  21. :iagree: Open and go for just reading SL core books. That is if you as the teacher do not do any prereading. If you add in anything else, science, math, language...you need to do some oganizing, preparing and rearranging. Personally I think the advertising is a tad misleading. In all my years of HS I have only found one true open and go curriculum, Calvert. For all other curriculum, if they say open and go I take it with a grain of salt.
  22. There is a book called The History in Harry potter or something along those lines. It talks about the historical themes the different aspects of HP is based on. This could give you a great bouncing off place.
  23. I would. I keep eying my husbands cashmere/wool sweater he only wore once last year. I keep thinking I would make much better use of that lux yarn then he is and appreciate it more too...to him it is just a soft sweater, troglodyte:glare:
  24. A lot is based on events and people from the Bible, they make up a good portion of Vol. 1.This is not so much religion but taking events documented in the Bible or historical figures from the Bible and learning about them, what happened in reference to them or what happened around the time they lived. However the actual research might go a different route Some examples from Vol. 2: Lesson 4 is about Nero but the research is not. Middle or Older students, research the Colosseum of Rome, it's size, meaning of it's name, and how used. or research the catacombs of Rome, investigate some of the art work found inside the catacombs, symbols from Christians, along with other catacombs from the given web site. Lesson 6 is about Josephus Here the Middle Student is to use a Bible Encyclopedia and look up the 3 secs of Judaism. Or they are to research a woman named Boudicca. Older students are to look at the original works of Josephus and compare his testemony of Creation to the Biblical one. Or they can research the Temple of Jerusalem, the history beginning with Solomon and give account of who held it and when, include sketches, What is found at the temple site now? Lesson 11 is on the Apostles Creed Middle and older students should memorize it and do a research on a woman, Queen Zenobia. As you can see, lots of research. Each lesson will tell you where to file it in the notebook they created...a section for each continent and one for miscellaneous things.
  25. I recently found there is great fun in taking an old sweater, unraveling it and re-knitting it into something else. I did this with a sweater I bought at Goodwill with the purpose of felting it but it did not felt. The sweater was $3 and the yarn was beautiful and soft...unraveled and reknit made a great pair of mittens. Buying wool yarn is expensive and the super soft stuff of natural fibers is even more expensive. Also I have bought yarn and swatched it only to find out I did not like it is an expensive trial. But at the used clothing store you can see the yarn in action, feel it, see the drape. You don't even need to worry about yardage...if you buy a mans sweater you will have enough yarn for a basic childs sweater, a vest, hat, scarf, mittens/gloves, or slippers. It's cheap, earth friendly, and fun.
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