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Everything posted by Down_the_Rabbit_Hole

  1. I have used it. It is a very solid program. The word lists are given in a phonetic grouping or as word families. Use of words, journal writing, dictionary skills and even dictation are part of the weeks work. The amount of work each day is minimal, about 15 mins and repetitive (Monday introduce list, Tuesday do work pages, Wed practice test (we did not do) and dictionary skills, Thursday journal, and Friday final test). They keep a running list of missed words that you pick from each week to add to the weeks words. As for being behind, I never found this to be true. They do start each year with a lighter list but it gets harder as the year progresses. All my kids have used it. I strayed for a while to try other programs but i am back because I did not find a better spelling curriculum for us. We tried the Teacher,s Manual but never stuck with it. Not worth the money. You can easily give the test without it and make up your own dictation sentences (they usually have 2 each test).
  2. That's it! I think it cost $16. It was worth every penny since ds is actually using it.
  3. We go through lots of glue, both liquid and stick. Lots of crafts, notebooking and things.
  4. LOL, you have no idea. He is a collector and a Lego guru all needing to be spread out so he can survey all he owns. So this mama will not venture into it unless a safety rope is attached and search and rescue on stand by. The isbn # is 978-1-4521-0172-9
  5. BJU is good and has daily review. There are also fact practice on the teacher help CD. Thinking outside the box: My dd was having trouble last year so we stopped using a curriculum. Instead I used Maximim Math for the list of skills she needed and we did daily math playing. It took the pressure off and allowed her to absorb and learn the skills needed plus gave her confidence with out the workbooks to bog her down. She excelled. We did do a daily fact page (10 fact problems I timed her own and she tried to beat her own record). We are back to using a curriculum (BJU and and old Math textbook for oral work) but she is a different math kid now. She needed the break to mature and absorb. Maybe this approach could help. (I can give more detail if interested, Pm me)
  6. Another August 1 start date. We school year round but am taking this month off and officially begin the next school year when we start up.
  7. Yes, Mystery of History. When I bought it many years ago I thought the readings were too much for my intended child (lower elementary)but the work was more busy work then I wanted so I shelved it. This year I pulled it off the shelf and looked at it for my ds (high school) and loved what I saw. Glad I saved it. Ds loved it. Turned out it was a great curriculum I just did not have a clear picture.
  8. :iagree: Is there any redness? Just because there is no fever does not mean there is no infection. I would take him in. In the meantime have him drink tons of fluid. Sometimes if urine is concentrated it burns.
  9. I do not sort for the majority of the time. Every 3 months I take all the whites (true whites) and run them with bleach and take the towels and sheets and wash them in hot (super hot). Other then that I wash all the clothes together in cold. Colors do not bleed and come out clean.
  10. The lesson plans have chalk board exercises and some verbal teaching and helps. It did give info on journal writng and writing helps. What is nice is they have the spelling words listed in the spelling plans. I used the words for dd but we did not use their spelling workbook. She just wrote the words the planner gave, wrote sentences for them, and took the spelling test.
  11. Abeka can be done orally if you want. I had dd do the workbook orally for some and write for some. My dd is very vocal too and would rather talk it out.
  12. Bible, History, Reading, and Science are all included. Add in your own Language arts and Math. Great price for what you get, but if your budget is tight even their great price can be hard to swallow. Look on Ebay or on the For Sale board for a used set. Edited to add: Art and Music are also included.
  13. EASY! Science actually gets done with ES. And yes, 15 mins tops unless there is an activity scheduled and that usually is not a long complicated affair. Read a pg in the book, chld narrates what he learned (a sentence or two that you can write or child can write)) and cut/paste the picture or draw your own. There are some ongoing projects you do and if you want, poems to memorize. it looks too simple to be effective but it is. I usually take the topics covered for the week and get library books for dd to read/look at but those are not planned out. We just finished ES life Science and my dd loved it, learned a bunch, and retained lots. We start Earth/Space Science in 2 weeks.
  14. Great list. I agree with Merry. Either make the list with a week# or no number at all. If you want certain read alouds to go with another subject then make a note when you need the book read. I make a list of read alouds and readers at the beginning of the year but no order to them. The lists contains books I think need to be read, I want to read, dd would love and what would go good with a subject being learned. usually I wind up adding a books in, eliminating books and switching books out.
  15. :iagree: When a child's vocabulary was built from advanced reading levels and living in a house with teens and adults their vocabulary is not the typical vocabulary for their age. I would expect her to be able to sound them out and write phonetically though or look it up/ask for help.
  16. No, that is not the one. I will post the ISBN # soon as I can get into my son's room.
  17. Thanks all. I really like his art books and figured it would add an extra to the lessons.
  18. What a beautiful sculpture to remember the children who perished by evil hands. http://www.kuriositas.com/2012/07/remember-lidice.html
  19. Found a cool book at Target, a Writer's Notebook (The isbn # is 978-1-4521-0172-9). Has form pages for developing characters and all parts of writing a story. It is actually pretty thick and high end paper. It was in one of the new boutique displays. Got one for ds(who is toying with the idea to write a book) but now I want one.
  20. Are these any good? I saw samples on You Tube but are they worth it? Are some better then others? I am looking for something for the family to use together as a fun thing to do so ages range from almost 8 to way up there.
  21. I found this on You Tube, showing a sample of the DVD for Nature Drawing and Journaling. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIDob8unXd4&feature=relmfu
  22. Have to post pics later but finished a hat. This was the month between projects which translates into looking through all my old knit magazines and checking out all the knit books from the library to find my next project. I did get my stash organized according to color but am going to redo it according to size. I'm gearing up for Christmas Presents...hats for everyone, small coin purses for girls. 1 down, lots to go.
  23. :lurk5: These all look good. I am looking for books ds can read about chemistry that are not "school" books. I will have to have him read about these and pick one or two, or three. This year we are reading about chemistry, basic info but some histories behind the science too. Next year he will do lab work (half credit each year).
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