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Everything posted by Down_the_Rabbit_Hole

  1. This is what my ds will be doing for 10th grade Mystery of History Volume 2 Mythology and More Learning Language Arts Through Literature Gold Book Vocabulary from Classical Roots book A and B Sonlight readers from core G and British Lit. Algebra 2 Geometry (We have not picked out the exact curriculum we will use yet) Apologia Biology HOD Science books from Mission to Marvels for first half of his Chemistry study (we will add in Micro Chem Kit and a few other things along the way) Latin, finish translating a Latin Reader Begin Spanish (not sure what we will use yet) Piano, he is teaching himself how to play and will work through 2 adult piano books Computer, he is working on learning Prezi and will add in others over the next 3 years Art, Nature Drawing and Journaling Fencing Diving, plans on taking some beginner classes in high diving
  2. Yesterday I sat down to transfere my camcorder files to the computer then to DVD. It took HOURS!! The file transfer from camcorder to computer went fine, it was the files to DVD. Is there a company that I can send files to and they stream them together to make a movie? Unless I get a high end computer with a super fast drive I am looking at hours upon hours of this.
  3. Looks good. We just finished ES Grammar Life science so will have to wait till we do it again for Logic stage. I just hope with this new series they do not neglect completeing the main course
  4. By a certain age I do not wash "streaked" undies due to poor hygiene. The child is made aware of the problem, they have a choice of hand washing their dirty undies or the undies are tossed and if this keeps up they will have to purchase their own undies when they run out. Problem usually is solved if I hit their gross factor or their wallets. My method is harsh but works. Of course if the child is sick, I just quietly toss the undies and replace them, no need to embarrass a sick child.
  5. We have always felt dinner was a family gathering besides eating. All members (unless sick ) sat at the table. Babies either sat in a high chair or on a lap if they were awake. It was family time and a baby is part of the family.
  6. For my ds, he learned to read it and apply vocabulary knowledge to other vocabulary words. He did learn Latin grammar also to help with his reading. Along the way he did pick up how to pronounce words and can put sentences together. Learning to speak it was not our goal. When he finishes translating a reader he will have earned his 2 high school credits in Latin.
  7. I have used SL and WP. As far as instigating each, they are similar to use. Read a few books, discuss, do timeline, map work, that sort of thing. WP has notebook pages to use and web sites to visit. There are also hands on activities with WP. SL has vocabulary and depending on the core, writing exercises. They both use a grid schedule. WP has 2: one for the parent, one for the child. SL uses a spine and historical readers. WP uses mainly non fiction type books with a set of adventure readers. I used WP Sea and Sky and American Culture. SL we used about 9 cores. Between the two I felt WP got the history across better since you read more non fiction you knew what you were focusing on, then it was cemented with a notebook page. SL was more a glorified reading list.
  8. This is why my stash is so big. I see a yarn I love and it's on sale I buy enough for a typical sweater. Problem is, when I find a sweater patter I just have to make, the yarn in my stash is not the right kind.
  9. Yes, this is what we will call my exploding stash...being prepared for the next season of knitting. :D
  10. Either I am backwards or they are. I knit my winter projects in summer so they are ready for the winter and my summer projects in the winter so they are ready for the summer. However trying to find winter yarn at the knitting store is hard and the few choices they have are icky. The lady even laughed when I asked for a super bulky wool...made a snide comment about it being summer. Sure I can order online but the color choices go down in the "off" season for the yarn I need. So do you knit summer things in the winter and winter things in the summer...or are you "seasonally correct" with your knitting projects?
  11. Over the years we have used Trail Guide to World, Around the World in 180 Days, CLE Paces Geography. All were great. In the Trail Guide, the student creates a book of Geographical terms they define and draw.
  12. Are these similar? I have the Upton Arithmetic set and am curious. (asked about it on the WOW, thread too, but figured it would be lost in the many pages)
  13. I wonder how different the Strayor Upton books are from the Upton Arithmetic (1945, American Book Company). I stumbled on a complete 3rd -8th grade set, unused, and have been considering it. Anyone have an idea? (What is neat about the set is it has a letter stapled to the front cover of book 3 from the American Book Company to the Superintendent of the New Mexico School explaining the curriculum. dated May 1948)
  14. Yes, Have encountered that problem with dd and spent $$$ on curriculum to try and meet her needs. I finally realized it was impossible with full curriculum. Now I will use the curriculum as a base line or jumping off point for the week. I then add in more readings and writing and drawing. We discuss more and take rabbit trails, add in hands on, and have fun with the subject. Ex: We are using MFW Adventures. This week we learned about Daniel Boone (They had 2 days spent on it) and a few states. We spent all week reading a biography on Daniel Boone and she drew a picture of him making the Wilderness Trail. She then dictated a paragraph about him and typed it up. We traced the trail on a map making note of the geographical features he encountered. Indian tribes of the area were looked up and a notebook page was made listing the different tribes and something about them. tracking was discussed and animal prints looked at. As a family we went hiking and tried to track each other through the woods.
  15. Dolphin Adventure Ibis: a True Whale Story Namu: making Friends with a killer Whale
  16. A day to myself. It was Mother's Day and my hubby woke up early took the two boys (all I had at the time) and left. Did not return until night. It was an entire day at home to do what I wanted.
  17. I think I posted about this once before but my brain is on vacation so please bare with me... Once your child is beyond the phonics stage, should you pursue a spelling phonics program or a vocabulary program? I am torn between what to use for spelling. Right now I am using a spelling program that uses phonics for the lists (ar words, ion words, that sort of thing) but these spelling lists are forced and not a true example of word dd will be needing to spell in her writing. Maybe I am looking for a spelling program that uses vocabulary type words, words that dd encounters in her reading and uses in her writing. Or not use a program at all...just take the words she uses and misspells and make a spelling list from that. What type do you use...phonics based, word based, or personal spelling lists?
  18. Found used copies of PETZ Dolphinz Encounter and Ocean Patrol at Gamestop. Dd is loving them. She has played them non-stop. They are challenging and educational. I ordered the Magic School Bus Oceans and hopefully this will be just as fun.
  19. Careful with MOH, depending on the level you will need to do lots of research on the computer. If she has poor internet service this might cause a problem. Ds is using the Older student level and is daily on the computer. Doesn't HOD use Diana Waring materials in their older levels?
  20. Thanks all. I am sitting down with the two books this week end and working through a few chapters to see is "I" can understand it. That was the problem with the 2 books I already owned, the actual lessons and what they were asking was riddled with typos and inconsistencies along with to many assumptions and no review. I know math, this is one thing I can be sure of and these books had me going :confused:. Maybe in August when the center opens I might be able to find the Jurgensen books. There is usually several texts for each subject.
  21. Elemental is mostly read a bit each day on the topic and narrate a sentence or two which you write down on a notebook page. You can add one of their pre-drawn pics to the narration or draw your own. They also have an experiment you do each week but these are basic experiment type things. The RSO is mostly lab/experiments but these are by far the best I have seen for the age group. They are very engaging and the impact is big. Both are easy to use and quick but each is missing what the other has...so together make a great science program. I have tried many over the 19+ years of homeschooling and these two together have been the best I have seen so far.
  22. Do a year of geography. Read about children around the world. places, and geographical features. Color maps. Save history for later.
  23. My oldest used it for High School. I gave him a Bible, History, and English credit (total 3 credits each year/core) I graded any writing he did and added the grades toward his English Credit along with a list of books he read that were considered classics. I also had a vocabulary workbook with weekly test to add to his grade in English. For history credit, if the writing was based on a history theme it also was then counted toward his grade for history. Weekly discussions, current event, and notes taken while watching a documentary DVD were given a pass/fail grade. The research paper was history centered so it counted toward his history credit. Bible was pretty much a pass/fail class. I also had a page attached to his transcript that stated the requirements for each subject and the credits earned.
  24. You could do a year of Beautiful Feet History of Science for your history and add in Elemental Science and the corresponding Real Science Odyssey for your science. Use the book lists from these curriculums for your readers, add in spelling, language, and mah and you will have a great science filled year. All three curriculums mentioned above are easy to use and quick. Any experiments take normal house hold items, easy to do, but have great impact.
  25. I happen to find them by accident on Amazon, 2 are about Dolphins and one is about Ocean Rescue. I also saw a Magic School Bus DS game for Oceans. I am hoping these are worth a 7 yr olds time, they would make a great addition to her study.
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