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Everything posted by Perry

  1. Excellent. Thanks for taking the time to write this out.
  2. We had wood floors installed in the entire house last fall. Every single thing in the house (except what was in the bathrooms) had to be moved to the basement or garage. It took two weeks, although the kitchen was unusable for only one week. It was a good opportunity to declutter, and we got rid of a bunch of old furniture. It was a pain, but worth it in the long run. If you are doing wood floors, my only tip is make sure you move the fridge. We left ours, and the odor of the varnish and polyurethane accumulated in the fridge and all the food had to be thrown out. All the appliances smelled bad for weeks. Wish I'd known that before.
  3. I'd think if it was copyrighted it would say so on the product information page, and I don't see it there. Maybe it's okay to copy it for personal use, as long as I don't sell it....
  4. I want this necklace. But I don't want to spend $350 on it when I can make it myself for a fraction of that. I enjoy making jewelry but I'm not good at design, so I use others' ideas as a jumping off point. I haven't ever copied something exactly. I bought some similar beads but started to feel guilty that I was stealing someone's intellectual property. Obviously, designers are copying someone else's ideas to a degree all the time, but I'm not sure where the line is crossed. Is it illegal to make a similar necklace myself? Or just tacky?
  5. I wish I'd had the opportunity, but they didn't travel to Iowa much. Who are you? Perry. Sort of. Where are you? At the skating rink. How are you? Fine. Hungry.
  6. Sure. Unless I was worried about earthquakes. ;)
  7. Good question. I don't know.:confused: I'll try to monkey around with it later and see if I can figure it out.
  8. I just use water and a salad spinner for lettuce. I use Fit for things like apples, grapes and broccoli.
  9. I don't think you can organize them at all. You can sort by most recently used, author, or title, but there aren't folders. I don't know about the Kindle 2 or Nook though. They might have more options.
  10. Me too. I am slowly getting rid of my cookbook collection. I occasionally use "Joy of Cooking" but haven't opened any other cookbook in years. My Allrecipes binder is growing and growing though.
  11. I would have no problem letting my 15 yo dd do those things. Those are all places where they are doing a shared activity. But I have really discouraged them from hanging out at the mall. I don't like that focus on shopping and consumerism.
  12. I'm shocked at how much I love mine too! I swore I'd never want one, and finally broke down only because I travel so much and got tired of lugging bags of heavy books everywhere. I'm a convert.
  13. I think using technology in the schools is important. But *phones*? Really? Not everyone has a phone. Not everyone has unlimited texting. Mine don't, and won't. The schools here have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on Smart Board technology with clickers. There is absolutely no advantage to texting. It seems to be coming from the younger teachers who want the students to think they're cool. There is a huge problem with kids using their phones in class. Using them to text answers is only going to make the problem worse.
  14. Like this: I just got some last week and ended up throwing it out, because it had black moldy spots all over it. Around here it's best early summer and later in the fall.
  15. Here's a good source. It lists each vaccine, and explains route and location.
  16. Teachers are constantly complaining about students texting during class. Seems to me a no-phone policy would be better.
  17. I posted about this last year. The link to the article doesn't work anymore, so here is a cached version. I think it's ridiculous. Plus, they have smart boards and clickers, so if teachers are worried about peer influence they can use those.
  18. Ah. I read less than half and tossed it aside. Guess I didn't read far enough. :)
  19. It was a cross sectional study, so they can't establish causality. They showed an association, but with this study design, that's all they can do. The conventional wisdom is that chocolate improves mood. I don't know how much research there is to support that though. I did a quick pubmed search and it looks like the evidence isn't all that great. Here's the study abstract.
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