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Everything posted by Perry

  1. I have felt like that 3 times in my life: 18 years ago, 15 years ago, and 14 years ago. ;)
  2. I hang my scarves on the coat tree. This is how I keep my necklaces:
  3. My male cat had lots of urinary problems, but has been fine since switching him to canned food. I didn't realize how important wet food is for cat health. There is great information here.
  4. Dining room table for holidays, kitchen table for everything else. Dinner is the only meal we all eat together though.
  5. I've had issues with severe anxiety all my adult life. Consistent exercise, a good diet, and eliminating caffeine was helpful, but I still had symptoms. Going on meds was the only thing that truly made life pleasant again. It took quite awhile to find the right med, but it was worth it, for me.
  6. Haven't heard of it yet. The current stunt here is pantsing. Very original. :tongue_smilie:
  7. The MSNBC article goes into more detail about the study. I think it's a reasonable study to gather preliminary information. What we really need to know is whether there are long-term effects. But that type of study is much more involved and expensive. It's impossible to get funding for long-term studies without this kind of information first. What bothered me most was this: :glare:
  8. :grouphug: No answers, just sympathy. We're having similar problems.
  9. Did they commit the crime in Iowa? If so you could try Iowa Courts Online.
  10. No. But I don't eat any kind of ground up meat.
  11. How are you caring for your dog's nails and feet? Keeping nails short and using a dremel to smooth them would help, if you aren't already doing that.
  12. They are talking about this. I'm staying out of this discussion. ;)
  13. This is absolutely not true. Anyone can report something to VAERS, not just doctors. There doesn't need to be any relationship to the vaccine. If you receive a vaccine and break your neck in a car wreck 2 weeks later, you can report it to VAERS. I'm not being hyperbolic. There are reports like that in the VAERS system.
  14. Deaths As of June 22, 2011 there have been a total 68 VAERS reports of death among those who have received Gardasil® . There were 54 reports among females, 3 were among males, and 11 were reports of unknown gender. Thirty two of the total death reports have been confirmed and 36 remain unconfirmed due to no identifiable patient information in the report such as a name and contact information to confirm the report. A death report is confirmed (verified) after a medical doctor reviews the report and any associated records. In the 32 reports confirmed, there was no unusual pattern or clustering to the deaths that would suggest that they were caused by the vaccine and some reports indicated a cause of death unrelated to vaccination.
  15. They hurt like the devil. Luckily, they usually heal quickly, within a day or two. In the past corneal abrasions were always patched, but studies didn't show any benefit and some studies showed it actually slowed healing. I don't think patching is routine anymore.
  16. People with nickel allergy have problems when the nickel contacts the skin for a prolonged period of time. The nickel in pots and pans wouldn't cause problems. Lots of jewelry contains nickel, and it's common for people to have a reaction from earrings, necklaces and watches. I can't wear certain jeans, because I get an intensely itchy rash around my belly button from the clasp/fastener. Flip flops wouldn't contain nickel, although some sandals might have rivets or metal decoration that would potentially have nickel in them. Flip flops are likely to have other allergens, like latex, or chemicals used to stabilize the plastic. Or she could be having an irritant reaction, similar to a burn, (rather than allergy) from the chemicals in the flip flops.
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