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Everything posted by QueenCat

  1. Are the guests likely to be adults or kids? Two adults or one? I wouldn't put two adults in less than a queen. Just not comfortable for normal-sized adults. For one adult, a full/double is good, a twin is tight. We've have friends that we now stay in hotels when we visit. Waking up after a night in a double/full was just too achy. Can't do it, the older I get.
  2. I'd check your local laws. You can't do that where I live. Not the trolley thing, nor the cable to the tree thing either.
  3. I ran into a guy I'd known from kindergarten through college while at Disney. We hadn't seen each other in 25 years.
  4. Amazon has the same exact thing for the same exact price 😉. I need paper and with Prime, can get it shipped free. I'm glad you mentioned it or I wouldn't have looked in both places.
  5. I think that unless the carpet is gross, I'd leave it & give a flooring allowance.
  6. Our town was a stop on the Underground Railroad. There used to be tunnels under the streets connecting safe houses. They routinely do tours but on Juneteenth, they step it up with stations around town that have interpreters. I've only done the regular tour but I've heard good things about the Juneteenth event. If you'd like to know more, I'd be happy to send you a link to the historical society that puts it on. It's in Ohio.
  7. We go on vacation at the end of the month. We budget annually for travel, so it's covered. For inquiring minds, our annual travel budget typically includes our annual vacation, our Christmas trip to family, one trip to dh's family, assumes one out-of-state wedding, 2-3 long weekends, and one unexpected emergency trip. Long weekends are driving distances, as is the Christmas trip. Usually, everything else involves flying... I really like having moved to plan the travel budget this way. I use a spreadsheet to plan the expenses and determine needed funding.
  8. I used to go into the Smithsonian/Mall area by myself all the time as a teen. I'd go to work with my dad and walk from his office. I know that was a long time ago, but that area is still safe. If they stay in that area, they won't need transportation other than their feet. Except to get to and from wherever you are staying. There are food trucks in the area and some of the museums have eateries. The above is always an option and is likely to be more leisurely than a fast-paced tour.
  9. Definitely not a thing... unless it's something specific for use that day.
  10. I hate stackables... so washer on left, dryer on right in the basement. I definitely wouldn't want it in the kitchen or bathroom. But really, I don't like any of the options. I want mine on the same level as the bedrooms and never in the bathroom. That would make the bathroom get too hot.
  11. What's really interesting about that is that when I first joined these boards many moons ago, it was the opposite. The conservative way of thinking was predominant and more left views were shot down quickly. I do think the exchange program you are involved in sounds interesting. I hope it's successful in the long run.
  12. Just know that if everything else is good but the seat isn't ideal that the seat can be swapped out for something more suitable.
  13. We watch Muir most nights. He's one of my favorites. I personally like his voice, but that's not why I watch him.
  14. Just checked... it's 211... It's pretty hazy out there.
  15. Some moving companies won't store for you. They will take it to a storage place you rent and then get it back out when it's time. As to costs, we've packed ourselves moves (last one was over 20 years ago) and done several corporate relocations/movers. dh knows that I am not willing to do a "pack it myself" move again. Granted, I don't expect that move to happen for at least 15 years and I'll have it 70 by then.
  16. Dh got a Trager a few months ago... smokes things so well!
  17. It never occurred to me not to travel when they travel.
  18. We have three homes that border ours. Between the house to the left and us are three large fir trees that allow some light through but you can also see minor glimpses of each other's property. You have to be trying. Between us and the house to the right, it feels private, but it really isn't. Fir trees take up the back half of the fence line. The rest is more open but with the way their deck is situated, we can't see it. We do visit over the fence and their dogs like to visit us from their side when we're working in our garden. The house to the back has some trees on one side of the fence line but is open for most of it. We can visit over the fence but no one bothers each other when we're at our respective fire pits. It just hasn't been a problem. But I really do like some visiting with the neighbors.
  19. 🤣Oops... I missed my typo. It seats 10 comfortably.
  20. I totally get this. Well, except I'm trying to imagine catwalks inside the house. There are three of us and a little over 5000 square feet of finished space. Everyone has their own office/study area. Ds has his in the finished basement, along with a good-sized living room area. I no longer have a separate dining room as that's where my office area is. BUT our dining area off of the kitchen is huge and comfortably fits the table that seats 110. We definitely like our space. Shoot, the backyard has three different areas to sit in. The firepit, the dining table on the patio, and some seating on the deck. Granted, we like to entertain.
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