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Everything posted by K-FL

  1. I just read the series! I did love them & see the "potential prophetic" nature of them. The capitol all about pleasure & the territories supplying their needs.
  2. I agree. It's just the newest version of correspondence courses. They've always had a high drop rate--that self motivation is hard to keep going.:blushing: As to the reputation of the 100% correspondence schools like U of Phoenix & other for-profit schools--Like others have said I've seen it most for folks in the work place that need a degree to advance. Or like at our cc who offers the 2 yr degree, but to get the 4yr they've partnered w/Hodges to finish the Bachelors.
  3. Since she'd have a homeschool transcript, they would admit her as a hmscl grad, IMO. They would want a transcript from the ps also, so you probably would want to "withdraw to homeschool" officially. To get into U of FL (a selective state school, fyi) the core classes have to either be taken at an accredited school (virtual or physical) or have SATII tests. Since she's had her core classes @ ps, that wouldn't be an issue. Esp. if she takes Freshman Comp I @ the cc to cover English IV.
  4. Yes to going west or even south. Dollywood would be a great choice. Since it's on the east side of the mountains, you shouldn't have Irene weather.
  5. Our cc offers the 2yr RN program, but not the LPN certificates at this time. I suggest you compare the classes for the 2yr RN & 4 yr BSN. If you can dual-enroll the basic AA classes (they're mostly what you'd want for hs anyway) the Nursing part is 2 yrs. As Melissa said, there are some jobs you just can't get w/the 2 yr degree. If we get a form of Nationalized Health Care, it's only going to get more restrictive, IMO. Dd#2 is going for a BSN. She has 58 de credits. Unfortunately, she didn't decide on nursing earlier because she needs 9 pre-req classes for the nursing program (mainly she didn't take the right sciences for nursing). Still she can apply for the program in January so it's possible she could have her BSN in 3 yrs.
  6. Not that I could find. It is a NCAA grouping.
  7. Sue, Since the state system is "all equal" in classes, these numbers are set by the state. The 19 in Math will get them into Statistics &/or Interm. Alg (which doesn't count for math, but is a college level elective); a 21 is needed for College Algebra. Also U of F requires SATIIs for homeschoolers or any from non-accredited schools for the core classes, unless they've been taken through an accredited school (FLVS counts) or as DC.
  8. What is Challenge I & II? I've never seen those classes listed here.
  9. Thanks! Although I'm not seeing things for <$1, it is interesting! I don't think I'll be buying one of the wedding dresses anytime soon!
  10. Here in FL, for a BA degree you need 2 maths. The usual choices are Statistics, Math for Liberal Arts, or College Algebra (or above.) There is Intermediate Algebra which is an elective college credit class, but will not fulfill the required math. The ACT score required is a 19 for Stats or Interm. Alg.; 21 for College Alg. The truly remedial classes (no college credit) are Basic Math, Intro to Algebra, Developmental Math I & II. I think they're phasing out the basic & intro classes & just going to the develop. sequence.
  11. It was inexpensive things you'd had sent to friends at college or such. What was that? I'm thinking of sending #2 something in the next week or two.:D
  12. I just read this article in WebMD about music therapy at Sloan-Kettering in NY. I would think they'd be a good place to start.
  13. No UCCS info, but I thought of you when I read this article about music therapy today.
  14. I put "stay the same" due to if you don't like who he is NOW, you'd better keep on looking. ;) I don't/didn't expect him to remain static, but who he is, is who he is (and me too for that matter.)
  15. I was amazed at how difficult it is to find a mattress topper! I finally got this one from Walmart shipped (for free) to me.
  16. "It was back in November 2004, that a relatively unknown 34-year-old from Leicester appeared on our screens as the tall, dark and thrillingly proud Victorian mill-owner John Thornton in Elizabeth Gaskell's North And South. Within hours, the BBC's message board collapsed under the crush of breathless admirers. Not since Colin Firth's Mr Darcy emerged from that lake in a drip-dry white shirt has British womanhood fallen into such a deep collective swoon." Read more:
  17. I just left getting my hair cut & a bride & her maid were getting their hair done. It's not uncommon for this to be done for any special occasion (prom, banquet, etc) anymore. I see it more as a special, fun thing--not a bridezilla. Like others have said--most of us don't do those fancy up-dos that really take extra hands sometimes!
  18. Is your pic already on-line somewhere (snapfish, etc)?
  19. They're great as read alouds or book-on-tape. The stories are engaging & if a dc is reading, it's a good thing IMO! If you've been given them, do the series then pass them on.
  20. I used the stick in the past, but haven't seen them in our stores in a while. FYI: Dd#1 says the Purex 3-in-1 laundry sheets are the best!
  21. Please! I'd be happy to help. FYI, here's the link to our cc's DE page.
  22. Not a nurse, but my dd#2 will be a pre-nursing student as of 8/22. By associates, do you mean an RN or a AA/AS? There are some RN to BSN programs but if you want to be a nurse, I've been told to go ahead & get the BSN if you want flexibility in jobs. There are so many options once you get the BSN & a couple of years experience! (That's what has hooked dd.) You can be a travel nurse, school, cruise ship, insurance co., etc! Also, my cousin is a "head hunter" for medical sales & BSN's have great opportunities there too. Not only in the standard pharmaceuticals, but selling & demonstrating how a piece of equipment works. BIG BUCKS to be had there according to her.
  23. Covenant College has great info on their homeschooler page including a transcript you can fill in & print. HSLDA also has lots of info for high school (incl. a transcript.)
  24. Is this the cc test? Ours just changed to the PERT so no experience w/the one you're speaking of. The best advice I can give is look for a study guide. Our cc has them both in the advising office & on line. BTW-dd#1 got a 19 on her ACT in math which placed her in Interm. Alg & Prob & Statistics (both college credit classes) with having taken just Alg I & Geometry in hs.
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