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Everything posted by TheAutumnOak

  1. I was wondering if you have ever seen the read alouds in Memoria Press?...We are starting MP's first grade tomorrow and using their read alouds... I am not sure how many books are assigned in Sonlight, but at the first grade level of MP, there are about 33 read aloud books, one for each week...
  2. :iagree: This is how I feel...CPS is there to help protect children from various forms of physical and s*xual abuse...It is not there to protect children from a bad education, unless that "education" includes physical or s*xual abuse...Trust me, I feel for anyone who does not receive an adequate education...I feel for people who receive next to no education...But that is not what CPS is for...
  3. Short on time at the moment, so my quick response is "no", I would not call CPS or anyone else to report what I thought was educational neglect...The situation would have to be horrible for me to even consider a call to CPS, and there is nothing educational that I can think of that would warrant that call...
  4. I have Amazon Prime for the shipping...I forgot they even had stuff to watch :leaving:
  5. Yes, I have a son I want to sometimes send to school...Everyone in the house has a difficult time with him... The problem I see with that though, is that I still have to parent him, and it may be more difficult if he is at school and then comes home...The influence of school could make matters worse... If my reasons for wanting him to go to school were academic, I would consider it...But as it is, my reasons are just parenting issues...I am going to do the best I can and teach all of my boys how to get along with others... But the thought of peace during the days is very tempting ;)
  6. :grouphug: I am so sorry you are dealing with this... I have also gone to a church since 1996...I also left this year, not because of anything like you mention, but just because my views of Christianity has changed dramatically...It is tough to leave behind all of your relationships and people who have been there for you and you have been there for also for the past 17 years... Pray for wisdom and guidance...I will pray for you as well... :grouphug:
  7. I think you are right in what you would remove...You would not need to do the Famous Men of books or the Geography...If you are doing the Bible parts of TOG, you wouldn't need Christian Studies either... The main problem I can see though is with the literature...Trying to read TOG selections and the literature in MP would be too much in my opinion, and the MP selections will not cover the same time period as your TOG year plan... In the past I thought of trying both, but decided one or the other was better...
  8. I am starting MP in January, and I am not adding anything to it...When we are done with the year plan, we will read the books I want the boys to have exposure to that MP does not assign, but I am not tweaking the MP packages...I am tired of tweaking things... Coming up with my own plans and tweaking things is not working for me right now...
  9. My husband is a self professed "jock" and loves sports, working out, and mountain biking...When he is not at work he is usually - playing outside with the kids (I have three boys and he spends a lot of time with them) - doing yard work or some kind of work around the house - playing inside the house with the kids - watching a Netflix movie with me - baking something with the kids or doing some sort of craft with them - going window shopping or actual shopping with me - mountain biking through the woods when the weather is warm enough - working out at the gym - listening to me go on and on about whatever happened on the forums or where ever that day I can never understand how my husband has enough energy to work all day and come home and do more stuff...He is very active and not lazy at all...Some people are just like that...I like to relax more than he does :tongue_smilie:
  10. I am finally going to give the Memoria Press packages I bought back in the spring and summer a try...So I will have all three boys doing MP starting in January...I was never really ready to take the plunge, but I am ready to give it a try now...We will do the literature orally because I want to cut down on some of the writing and I love having discussions with the boys...They want to try MP, and I am committed to giving this my all...I am tired of trying new things and want something I like that I can depend on ;)
  11. I won tickets to Six Flags when a radio station saw their magnet on my car...I also won $20 in a Bingo game once...Nothing major...
  12. Yes, my views on some things have changed since being on the boards...Life is a learning experience and I let everyone I know in real life know that I reserve the right to change my mind about anything I no longer agree with...Sometimes you are faced with a point of view or evidence that just makes sense...I would have to be a know it all or a fool to never change my mind about anything ;) I know people who pride themselves on never changing, but I don't think that is a good thing or something to be proud of...Please learn something :p
  13. I didn't get mine yet (will order after Christmas), but laminating is a good idea...Maybe sheet protectors depending on the size of them?...Are they about 8x11?
  14. The most open and go phonics program that I can think of is Ordinary Parent's Guide to Teaching Reading...It is very straightforward... The most open and go math to me is Rod & Staff is your friend is open to R&S...Not everyone likes it...
  15. I have no idea what Elf on the Shelf is...I saw it in a store and figured it had something to do with a cartoon...I went to college in the 90s and still don't know what Zima is...I also have no idea who Jack Johnson, Duck Dynasty or Adam Levine is...I did know who Paul Walker was though because I saw the first F&F years ago and thought he was cute...I didn't realize they had more than two of those movies... I haven't had a television in ten years so you have to excuse my ignorance :tongue_smilie:...I watched Downton Abbey on Netflix after a couple of friends recommended it, but that is the only show I have seen in years...I miss The Nanny... This thread is fun to read...
  16. Well if I am being honest... - I eat what I like and try to do it in moderation, but don't really avoid anything...You will find me in Whole Foods one day and McDonald's the next... - I want my kids to be well behaved and think many people parent too permissively... - I prefer the company of adults over children...I homeschool my kids because I think it is the best thing for them but not because I want to be around them all day... - I really don't understand why people completely shave their privates...Shaving your bikini line is one thing, but total hair removal or creating that line of hair in the middle makes no sense to me...Adults have hair and kids don't...I don't understand why people want to look like children...Or why a man would want you to look like that... - I like facial hair on a man and hair on his chest... - I don't think Beyonce is any more attractive than any other woman I see walking down the streets and don't understand why she is so famous...I don't understand why Jay Z is so famous either... - Technology is overused by most people...I don't understand why people need a smartphone, and a pad, and a nook/kindle, and a laptop, etc... - 90% of the stuff at Baby's R Us and Buy Buy Baby is unnecessary...I did not have a playpen, swing, or most of that stuff...I had a carseat, a wool mat, diapers, a few blankets, like two or three toys, clothes, grooming supplies and that is pretty much it...My boys were fine...ETA: I am pretty sure I also had a highchair and a crib :-) - Expensive weddings and engagement rings are a waste of money...So are expensive "sweet 16" or "sweet 15" , etc. parties... - Most people (myself included) own too much stuff...Many people who feel that they have outgrown a place really just needs to get rid of some of their stuff...Unless you have a couple of kids in a one bedroom :p - I love being a woman, and while I feel that men and women are equal, I don't feel they are the same...I think for the most part, men are better at some things and women are better at other things...I am not a feminist...Or a manist...Or whatever... - I think it is silly when people say, "Well that is true for you"...Truth is not like beauty - it is not up to the beholder...Either something is true or it is not...Matters of opinion cannot be spoken of like fact, so someone's opinion cannot be truth, but actual facts will always be true whether we like it or not... That is all I can think of right now :) ...Let the judging begin!
  17. I have read some responses, not all... I have read the WTM all the way through once (the 3rd edition)...I was about half way through reading it when I came to the boards...Didn't know they existed before that...I also now own the 1st edition, and have read parts of it...I also have listened to most of SWB's audio talks and have gone to hear her speak in person three times... My idea of classical ed is probably more in line with Andrew Kern's, but I find the WTM to be very helpful to me...Susan's advice tends to be very practical, and I appreciate that...Kern gives me the vision, while Bauer gives me some of the know how ;)...I use some recommendations from it and still refer back to it...
  18. This is very true and is what usually takes my focus off whatever is upsetting me...Things may not feel good at the time, but most likely they can be worse...We have medical bills from two years ago when my youngest son was very ill and hospitalized...There are times when I wish we didn't have these bills, but then I remember the two kids that never made it out of ICU when we were there and the ones that won't make it out that are there now...I will take the bills any day over losing my son...Same with hard days...I will take the hard days over not having my boys, or having easier days because they are not here... A different perspective helps greatly...And it is okay to cry while you are forming that different way of thinking...
  19. :grouphug: I was hiding under my covers crying too yesterday...You are definitely not alone...We all get down from time to time...Some of us just don't admit it... :grouphug:
  20. 1869 would be the 19th century and 1947 would be the 20th century... I would go with the century where he/she accomplished whatever they are most famous for or in the books for, or whatever century he/she was an adult for most of...In the case above, unless he/she did something incredible before the age of 31, I would list as 20th century...
  21. I loved the first Thor, but the second one was just okay to me...The plot was a bit strange to me...I guess it didn't do enough to suspend my disbelief...Based on the trailers and previews, it was different than what I thought it would be...I do love the Thor and Loki characters though, and would still go to see a third one if they make it...
  22. This may not be the right answer for many people here on the boards, but yes, I would consent out of fear... I grew up in the projects (ghetto) of NJ...My view of who the police are and what they can do to you is very influenced by that fact...Though it would be nice to feel as though I have the right to do certain things, experience has taught me that it is better to get out of the situation as quickly and painlessly as possible than to argue with the police...I have seen people beat for refusing to comply with police requests, whether they are innocent or guilty...The reality of filing complaints and standing up for your rights is different for most people who grew up in the ghetto...It doesn't always work out the way you think it will... Not all police are people to be feared...If something were to happen to me, they would be the first ones I call...But I still feel a bit of fear whenever I see a police officer...Like I said, I expect many to disagree, but experience does effect how you see things...
  23. This...I only have three kids but I told right away...I would not want to suffer privately either, so I wouldn't wait to tell for that reason...
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