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Everything posted by freesia

  1. Oh no!!!! Thankfully the wait for new trends seems so much shorter now that I'm old. And Bethben--I cannot even begin to describe the multi-tiered red with yellow roses worn with a peasant blouse and a huge brimmed hat that I wore all the time as an eighth grader. As my present eighth grader would say. "I can't even!" And she is s much better dresser than I was as a teen.
  2. I'd give the Cogat at level unless they are able to norm a higher level by age. You are most interested in showing how she is compared to others her age for the purposes of gifted camps.
  3. How nice! I went into labor on the way home from the doctor (who wanted to induce, but I'd talked him out of it) too. It was also an under three hour birth. And I'd wanted a home birth but had to do hospital bc of GD. So, your birth story is very very familiar . Anyway, congratulations! I'm so glad it went .
  4. I think so, but it would depend on how hard they work and how far in math they want to go. I would say a 14 year old could cover arithmetic in a year. If that is ninth grade then tenth would be algebra, 11th geometry and 12th algebra 2.
  5. Also, what do you mean by getting them to accept the classes? Does the school require Bio for graduation? If not, he'd just take other sciences at the high school. It's unlikely they'd list Bio on his transcript since it was not taken in their school system. That would be the same if he'd gone to private school or moved into the area. Math, they typically do a placement test. But again, it wouldn't go on his transcript, but that is unlikely to matter.
  6. The only thing I think you would need to have the AP class accepted is for him to pass the AP test. However, Pennsylvania Homeschoolers has an online AP class that has gone through the AP audit. http://www.aphomeschoolers.com/cgi-bin/choose.pl?class=humangeo
  7. I'd love to hear your experience if you've done Aleks' AP Stats class. Is it really AP approved? How did your student like it? Was it good preparation for the AP exam? How long did it take your student to go through the program? I am considering it for ds who will be a senior next year. He is doing Calculus this year. He did use Aleks at the end of precalculus for about a month, so we know how it works. Thanks
  8. For your kids I would buy the Student Writing Intensive A. Andrew would teach your children on DVD. You could watch along and learn the method. If your third grader weren't ready for the assignments, you could use sources at his level. Ideally, if you know anyone who as the Parent teaching series Teaching Writing With Structure and Style or can afford to buy it, you could watch that, then you could use one of the theme books. It would give you a framework for feeling confident about teaching writing.
  9. I agree part way. I don't think that the family should be set up or created in such a way that the older children's work is needed (like the Duggars). However, as in the case of families during the Depression, I don't think that it's wrong to ask older children to contribute to the families survival if circumstances happen (like for Farrar, as well). However, in the case of FaithManor's mom, where there was mental illness, I think that that is another thing altogether. In that case, I think the extended family needed to step in or help provide some alternate childcare. It's seems a bit arbitrary, but I guess I'm saying that if the family is healthy, extra work in extraordinary circumstances is fine. If the family isn't healthy, it isn't.
  10. Yes, we have co-oped in many ways. --We did one much like Lori where 1 week the kids taught (on tea or gold--something thematic) and led activities; one week was PE; one week French; one week writing workshop --Then I started a co-op. We expanded to 25 families I taught many things --Then we left and did a 3-5 family small Tapestry co-op. I teach writing, lit and history. I love this BUT --Next year we will probably be joining another big (70?) families co-op that meets every other week for enrichment and a second day once a week for academics for high school. This is purely because my older children need to tap into a new social group for various reasons. I found leading/teaching/being part of our large co-op exhausting and love our small one. I've learned that doing what's best for mom is not always the best thing to do. So, for the next season, we are trying something new.
  11. I think part of this, too, is that it matters if the amount of work is needed. In your situation your Mom/the family needed your help in order to survive. I think you knew that and were appreciated. I would guess your mom also tried not to ask more than she really needed. I think that a child who watches their siblings and does the above while their parents play or do little also know that and it is exploitative In the case of large families where the parents chose to have more children than they can cope with, however, it becomes more murky. Many times their help really is needed. The moms of large families I know, though, are careful to step in when their olders feel too much responsibility. I see older girls who see their mom overwhelmed and take on responsibility they don't need to. Those moms try to look out for that and step in and remind their older sibling that it is the mom's responsibility. So it's a hard balance between needing help, help being good for moral development, but making sure the mom/dad isn't being selfish and that they aren't letting the older child feel over responsible.
  12. Well, my favorite for your ages is IEW. Another choice would be using a used Write Source book: https://www.amazon.com/Write-Source-Student-Hardcover-Grade/dp/0669518077/ref=pd_sbs_14_t_1?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=06CQG6TERDF136D4TGT2 The link is the fourth grade one, which could be used for all your children. You could even use the third grade one. Honestly, I have them all and there is not much difference. My friend, who uses CLE, uses IEW sometimes and one year used Daily 6-trait writing. Organically, you could just use their writing and plan mini-lessons. Are their paragraphs weak? Why? Teach them how to use graphic organizers. https://www.eduplace.com/graphicorganizer/ Work through writing paragraphs: Topic sentence, at least 3 supporting sentences, clincher. Do this until it is easy for them.
  13. Yay!!!!!! So exciting!
  14. Well, a lot of the geometry is in the first part of Advanced math. Maybe do the 2 books and the first 30 lessons of Advanced math. That would be 3 credits worth. It also leaves less of Advanced Math which is a dense book.
  15. When my brother was like this, my mom and I would buy him nice clothes that fit. They wouldn't get worn. Eventually, he met a girl, who he liked, who said she wouldn't be seen out with him with the too short tops and jeans. Lo and behold, he started shopping and wearing the clothes we got him. He married her.
  16. Gently, also. You've posted a lot about your struggles with your family. You are really struggling. If I remember right your dh is not super supportive of evals for the kids and counseling. I think it's time to insist. Counseling can make a huge difference in your type of situation. In the mean time, in every situation, try to look at what is going well. What is each child doing that you like? What is one small improvement?
  17. Snowed in here. We have about 15 inches so far with a few more hours to go. sigh At least Tuesday is our stay home day (although the kids are missing TKD tonight).
  18. AWWW So exciting! I hated waiting so.................much.
  19. I think he should go ahead. Is he a junior or a sophomore? I don't think colleges look badly on a first score being low, anyhow, particularly if they go up. My ds is doing his second test tomorrow. I think he's nervous for the first time (he'd done the PSAT and an AP, as well). I'm not sure if that's good or bad. He has good scores, but we'd like to see them a touch higher for scholarships. I'm afraid I'm going to oversleep!
  20. Oh, and I'm pretty sure they live in South Korea, bc he is a professor at a S. Korean University.
  21. I saw that. It has made me laugh so hard all morning. I don't really know why, but the look on the mom's face. And the baby coming in after big sister- and big sisters arm motions-la la la la la--and then franctic Mom. And his deep breath. Oh, my goodness, it was awesome. And then, in the Washington Post article, he is quoted as asking "Is this going to go viral and get all weird" and the response is, "It already has".
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