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Everything posted by freesia

  1. We've done Homeschool Spanish Academy for 2 years. I don't see it as weak, at all. There is systematic vocabulary and grammar. And you can't beat the one on one speaking .
  2. I've used IEW and Jump In. Both--if you use the SWI videos for instruction--would meet your criteria. If she is reluctant and has difficulty writing coherent sentences and paragraphs I think IEW is a bit stronger bc of its structure. If she's run of the mill reluctant and developing as a writer either would work. If she writes strong sentences using a variety of sentences and strong words, I would lean toward Jump In.
  3. We started in Foersters with Math without Borders CD. We got bogged down b/c ds really needed more support from a teacher and it was hard for me to jump in. We switched to TT Algebra II, which was more straightforward and easier for me to jump in and help. My next child will probably use Saxon b/c that is working well for her and the new edition has the added stats that are on the SAT (although, honestly, ds's SAT scores were above 700 using TT Alg. II and Pre-calc and the Khan SAT practice giving him the stats practice/review).
  4. Excellent! I still can't believe that school. Our school never told us that they changed the site last year, so ds was late for the paperwork and they waited for him and were gracious. I am so glad that it worked out for you.
  5. I'm so sorry. Something always goes wrong for us at the local school--but it's always ended up okay. There are so many threads to keep track of in the homeschool life that it is so easy for something to be missed. I wish there was a way to take the APs that was easier for homeschoolers. It is crazy that it is so hard.
  6. I'll be interested to know how she felt the exam went.
  7. He's done! And, miraculously, feels good about it, which is an excellent sign. I fully expected to have to bolster him up and hear about how he didn't finish and didn't know how to do half the problems. I can't figure this kid out.
  8. What would *you* be happier with and enjoy doing most, then? Because, at that age in particular, what gives the teacher joy is an important facet all other things being equal. If she has a demanding sibling or will have a one year old sibling next year, I'd go for simple.
  9. Which looks the most fun and doable for you? If you think she'd do well with both, go with your gut on what will get done with the most joy.
  10. Okay, he's at the high school now. Of course, the office had never heard of him an the person we were told to check in with wasn't there (eye roll!) But we are old hats at this (he did an AP there last year and the PSAT this fall. Problems both times). We sat until the teacher who is his proctor showed up and knew all about him. I left the teacher to sort it all out. (So my advice to newbies--come earlier than they tell you to. And expect it might not be smooth. I am not a swearer usually, but I did let lose over the phone with ds when they couldn't find him on the list last fall and my dc will.not.let.me.forget!lol ) I can't wait for this one to be over (Physics). I'm not too worried about English language. He's doing great on the MC practices and well enough on the essays.
  11. ROTFLYou gotta make lemonade when you can!
  12. Oh and WMA-- I love the drawing builds muscles comment. I think our kids would get along.
  13. Oh, yes! Saturday he organized his work area which had been a disaster area for weeks. At least it's clean now. . .
  14. I only wish I'd thought of/ known about that book earlier! But thanks. He still had his final to go for his class and these are great ideas.
  15. This would be something else Ds would do. Do what's easy or fun and avoid the stressful project. We will survive teens, right?
  16. Huh. Maybe I should suggest that to him. These pictures, however, are anime and have nothing to do with physics .
  17. And, yes, instead of using extra time to study, he is drawing. Now, he does find drawing relaxing and a stress reliever, so I know I should think, "Awesome, he's doing self-care!" Instead I am thinking--did he study physics AT ALL today?????????????????????????????????????????? So, I am venting to you. Instead of fussing at him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (And,yes, I know I said it didn't matter. I have a tough time being true to myself.LOL)
  18. One thing to look into if you still have her work is NARHS. They are accredited and if you can submit the work they need to see, I believe she could get an accredited diploma from them.
  19. My ds is doing Physics 1 tomorrow, too. And I, as I also value my head, am not asking how it's going and NOT saying anything about how he's using his time. I am beginning to be anxious--but I need to remind myself that it doesn't really matter for us. I'm just too much of an over-achiever and my Type B kid makes me a bit crazy. But he doesn't need my baggage for sure. I hope you dd does well!
  20. I did. I didn't end up applying to any of the colleges that my dad took me to on the "official tour", but I applied to and attended the one I went on a weekend visit where an alumnae drove us up and we spent the weekend with students. I think that that was my senior year. I went to a "typical public school," which happened to be the best in the city I lived, but wasn't like the schools in the rich suburbs by any stretch of the imagination.
  21. Same here- but only two kids through sixth and two more coming up the ranks. I love the spiral aand the teaching in the text.
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