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Everything posted by freesia

  1. It's been 18 years, but we showed a bank statement. And I only remember doing it once ( but it is possible dh )did it at other times. We did not have to show $30,000 all at once bc he was doing a three year degree. We only had to show $10000.
  2. Congratulations! Babies are awesome. And yes, you can get GD earlier. I think I was diagnosed at 16 weeks with my last. Get the meter.
  3. We are only doing it for colleges that ask for one. There is not much room in the detailed area and we are glad to have a place to say more.
  4. Without any background info I can't answer this seriously. But it's been making me chuckle all day as I run from place to place and child to child teaching math and reading, working on all subjects with dd8, checking work, logging in for their online classes, reading with my youngest, sending middle to redo his math, out for one hour park day, oldest to work, back to proctor dd's French test for her online class, read her history paragraph, proof oldest's English paper, put dinner in the crockpot, answer homeschool related e-mail, make sure that I've checked up on my older's independent work, pick up books for next week at the library, start the next book for the junior high book club I run, make sure the blog posts are up to date for the high school lit class I teach, help dd with a write up for the chem lab she is doing at co-op, make sure ds writes his paragraph for lego club, grade geometry and chem tests, realize we didn't get to art today and that dd still needs to do piano (and did other dd practice piano and organ today? did ds do guitar--whoops), and sigh in relief that a birthday party scheduled for tonight is cancelled. Yeah, it takes a lot of time when you have 4 kids elementary-high school. It is absolutely a full time job (and I can now say it takes more work than when I taught elementary school). And it should be treated as such in the home.
  5. I think I prefer packing to water!
  6. Packing/moving dreams are my most common stress dream. They always follow the theme of learning I have to move or leave the country right away and I have nothing packed. Usually I get those dreams when a big change is in the works. If you were me, I'd say your job search was triggering it.
  7. Yes, laundromats are awesome for catching up. Or send dh.
  8. I've used both Jacobs and Saxon. I think that Saxon would be easier to use independently.
  9. Ds just got his acceptance for Messiah College.
  10. Suburbs of big USCity. We have twice a week garbage pick up and one of those days we have recycling pick up also We have bulk pick up once a month during March-Oct.
  11. I have started one medium size co-op, one small co-op and am now in (by not leading)a large co-op. The best book I read for starting a co-op is this::https://www.amazon.com/Homeschool-Co-ops-Start-Them-Burn/dp/0982924585/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1506369542&sr=8-1&keywords=homeschool+co-op
  12. Aww. I'm sorry everyone. Some days are so hard.
  13. I think Homeschool Spanish Academy would work because it goes at the student's pace. Also, it is not constant conversation. Some of it is lesson teaching, some of it is completing workbook exercises together, etc. The teacher's are very patient and calm and were never frustrated with my ds even when he wasn't as prepared as he should be or he wasn't making super fast progress. (I dealt with that, but was glad that they were patient b/c he had a lot of social anxiety about the process. It was *so* good for him, though). They just kept on plodding on with him and he make great progress. (Now, I know that you asked specifically about dyslexia and, if he is, he is only slightly dyslexic--we are a family with many, many diagnosed dyslexics in the extended family. I am planning on using HSA for my second ds, who is dyslexic for the reasons stated above.)
  14. Yep, that's one of my biggest homeschool lessons--never say never.
  15. You don't know how much better I feel knowing I'm not the only one who would have done this. Really the only reason I ever got gas in NJ is bc it is/was so much cheaper and I knew she would be disappointed I wasted the opportunity and I'd be embarrassed. Pure shame motivated me.
  16. Gas station attendants pumping my gas. No idea why. I was never so glad as when most places went self serve. NJ gives me a slight panic attack-- but a great opp to practice anti-anxiety techniques. LOL I also have an irrational fear of calling people I don't know.
  17. One good thing about NY is you can't get a learners until 16 and a junior liscense until 16 1/2. My former fuzzy head blew me away this morning when he said that he'd set the alarm (on a Sat!) for 9 so he could get up and do his English paper before work. He was disappointed no one was home to put the password in on the computer. Disappointed--not angry, not telling me he'd never get it done now. And who is this boy who gets up early to do work?? Oh, and then, when I picked him up from work he said --were you the one who left pancakes for me this morning? Thank you. Be still my heart!!!!!!!! Mom's, if my first born ds can get it together like this, there is indeed hope!
  18. I can't click on your link so I don't know if I'm duplicating, but I've pretend most of the books in Sharon Waylon's Illiminating Literature:When Worlds Collide and have found them engaging. The ones I liked that I did with my ds are--To Kill a Mockingbird, The Chosen, and Animal Farm.
  19. I make my own too. I would take it--I don't think it is too late. I love elderberry syrup here. O
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