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Everything posted by tntgoodwin

  1. Could somebody point me toward a message board for homeschooling dads? Seems like most of the homeschooling sites (like this one) that I have visited are oriented toward moms... Hoping to find somewhere I fit in better, KWIM?
  2. I can't give any details here, but I am getting so frustrated and irritated and even slightly angry! Still trying to remain optimistic though. If not now, then for farther down the road. Arrrggh. Thanks for listening. (Oh, it has nothing to do with anything personal/family related, so don't worry. :))
  3. Just going out on a limb here, but if one is all covered up at the pool or beach, thus standing out and looking differently than everyone else there, isn't that pretty much the exact opposite of modesty? Just a thought. :)
  4. What curricula are you currently using?
  5. Swellmomma: Please forgive me in advance, for I am about to be blunt. Is that by choice? Do you not like people for some reason or another? Or are you just very selective and have not found someone who meets your high standards of friendship? Or has it just kind of happened that way? Or is life just too busy? Or something else? You don't have to answer if you don't want.
  6. Hmmm. In private like you are describing, I see no issues with him being affectionate. I imagine he will out grow it in the next few years.
  7. I mean the type of friend you can count on in thick and thin. The kind you can tell anything. Is this something that disappears as you get older? Those that do have friends, have you met them since you've gotten older?
  8. Voice chat would be better. All he would need is a headset with a microphone. Video chat tends to use up too much bandwidth to allow enough for the game. One or the other, if not bot, will probably be choppy. The key is being involved. Keep the computer in the family room, and always be around. Teach him to not give out any personal info online, and to only chat (video, audio, or text based) with people you know and trust.
  9. Thank you. A. Marilyn Monroe was a 16, she had the perfect body. B. I think 6-8 is the ideal size for the "average" woman, with obvious exceptions. A. No, that can't be, that is too small! You are hurting women's self-esteem, you horrible man. C. Turns out Marilyn would be a 6-8 in today's sizes. ... A. :crickets:
  10. Another vote for Math Mammoth here!
  11. I lived three years on Okinawa when I was a kid. My parents are there now (my dad for the 3rd time). They have Amazon Prime and get free shipping for things they order from Amazon.
  12. That's why I said average. Median. Is it wrong to say an average woman is 5' 4" or whatever?
  13. Has anyone read this series by Margaret Peterson Haddix? I never heard of it until today. What ages would you recommend it for? Is it enjoyable for adults as well? Love to hear your thoughts!
  14. So much of the super skinny look being in must be because of women. Most men that I know don't prefer that look. Of course, there are always exceptions. I think 14 may be average, but then our country is overly obese. I think usually somewhere around a 6-8 is probably ideal for an average woman.
  15. Here in Hawaii there is a store that custom makes all kinds of bathing suits. We are thinking of splurging on one for my wife sometime while we live here. They may even do online orders, but you would have to send them all the measurements. It is called North Shore Swimwear, or something like that. I can find out for sure if you like?
  16. We call that empty seat at the theater a "man space." Just telll them they can share the bed if they both say "no homo" first. Apparently you can do just about anything, and no one will think you are gay if you say "no homo" first. :P But, it is a combination of the night erection (and nocturnal emissions, perhaps) thing, and the fear of being thought of as gay.
  17. Hmmm...is there another similar history program that uses a 3 year cycle? And would MOH work for a first grader (and then work for a 5th grader also, 4 years later)? How "open-and-go" is it?
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