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Everything posted by tntgoodwin

  1. There is a bit of controversy because they are using a taxpayer funded online public charter school.
  2. Thanks everyone! The reason I prefer a computer/phone based method is that I spend a good 9 hours a day in front of a computer, and when I am not at work I have my phone on me. It would be more difficult to keep up with any kind of paper based system, I think. I do appreciate the ideas that everyone has mentioned, and am looking into them all! Tell me more about this FlyLady...what/who is it?
  3. I have tried using day planner type things for a long time, but I can't get into it for some reason. I do have Internet access nearly everywhere I go though... good ideas everyone, keep them coming!
  4. So yesterday during a counseling session, we stumbled upon what we think is an important fact. I realized that a most of the things I have trouble remembering, are things to do, as opposed to facts. I generally don't have much trouble recalling facts. But it is the things to do that slip my mind or I absentmindedly procrastinate on - take out the trash, work out, study, watch the kids, read a book, make sure you have your keys before you lock the car, put away your laundry, go running, pick up milk, return books to the library, email so and so, etc. I don't, on the other hand, seem to have much trouble recalling just plain old information. Now, this isn't the only thing that gives me trouble, but it is a big chunk of it, so if I can get this under control, and find a med that doesn't make me overheat when I work out, I think I will feel so relieved! Has anyone else noticed something similar in them or their ADHD spouse or kids? How do you deal with it? My counselor wants me to find a way to maybe create a task list or daily planner type thing. We discussed using Google Calendar to put things I need to remember to do, and my wife would have access from home, and can add things I need to remember, and it can sync to my phone (when I am not at work - no phones allowed in my building). I can access it through the web online too. Any suggestions maybe for an app that could help with this? I found one that looked pretty good called ASTRID, but I can't access the webpage at work, and I need to be able to do that. Thanks!
  5. A friend of mine is preparing to have the "drug talk" with her 2 boys soon (they are 12 and 9), and asked if I knew of a good book that she could use. I figured I would turn to the Hive and see if you all had anything to recommend. She wants accurate info, not DARE-like scare tactics, but written at a an appropriate level for her boys. Any ideas?
  6. http://www.news4jax.com/news/Kids-turned-away-from-church/-/475880/8807406/-/15jjbj9/-/index.html In what universe is this acceptable?? :cursing::banghead::cursing:
  7. http://realtonygoodwin.blogspot.com/2011/05/on-homeschooling.html What we are doing for K.
  8. Glad to hear. Now I just need to figure out if we are going to combine it with anything, like Biblioplan or something.
  9. Great news! I am happy for you and your family. Would love to hear the long story at some point too. ;)
  10. Yeah, we just focus on the older one, and give the younger something she can do on her own if she wants. See my signature for more details.
  11. I like this one: http://www.amazon.com/Meltdown-Free-Market-Collapsed-Government-Bailouts/dp/1596985879/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1329698026&sr=1-1
  12. Oh, I'm sorry! I meant for adults lol. Although the stuff for kids will be helpful as well. :D
  13. Maybe going through a book like this: http://www.amazon.com/Bible-Doctrine-Wayne-Grudem/dp/0310222338 (which is a much lighter version of his Systematic Theology) or this one http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0310255996/ref=s9_simh_gw_p14_d0_g14_i3?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=center-2&pf_rd_r=0ZY9JR25T0WBJADB1QGT&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=470938631&pf_rd_i=507846 (which is even lighter!) could help her dig into the Bible more. I think if she is learning about the Bible, she will hopefully want to dig into it more herself.
  14. Ahhh excellent! The reviews I read must have been from an earlier edition.
  15. I was wondering what there is out there that would be a good alternative to SOTW 1 for a rather bright 1st grader? I like the idea of SOTW, but I am not big on the idea that it apparently treats various myths and whatnot as equally valid. Correct me if I am wrong, but SOTW 1 presents fiction and non fiction without differentiating between them. We are Christian, so a Bible based curriculum is fine, but I would want it to be more fleshed out with other historical resources, and to include more civilizations than just the ancient Hebrews. Is this a pipe dream?
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