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Everything posted by happyhappyjoyjoy

  1. Thank you so much for posting this. I saw a word ladder book a few months ago. I'm hoping it is 1.00
  2. French: we were going to start Latin. I decided that Latin would be better to start much later on. We are having a lot of fun w/ French so far.
  3. I'm not Canadian, but I just started ordering French lit. from Scholastic in Canada. I noticed that the catalog had Canadian history books. I have no idea if they are any good, but I you might want to check it out to see for yourself:)
  4. I remember combining many of the short vowels into one lesson. I was still very happy we started at the beginning, because of the key cards. It also gave us a chance to get the routine of the program down. Look for future levels used. I got a very good deal on 2-4.
  5. MODG is Mother of Divine Grace and illustrating/narrating the Bible is part of the Kindergarten Syllabus. I am still intending to write about how I combined these 2 programs, but I don't have time yet. I will do it eventually. We are on a break from anything teacher intensive, because I am unusually busy.
  6. When did you begin? My DS started level 1 last June right after he finished K at school. He finished Level 1 in 4 weeks (including time off for being out of town.) He finished Level 2 in 3-4 months. He almost finished Level 3 in 4 months. We're on a break from it right now. I combined several steps in Level 1, because he already knew so much.
  7. I love the visual presentation of Singapore. My DS1 is very similar to me, and I'm sure he does as well. I've been happy so far, so I haven't had any reason to look at MM.
  8. We're not that far into it, but so far I am really liking it. My sons are 7 and 4. My favorite aspect so far is that it is not teacher intensive (at least not right now). Normally teacher intensive is not a problem for me, but right now life is unusually busy. We are done w/ anything teacher intensive for this year. DS1 is already ahead of me and on Lesson 3. I hadn't planned on starting DS2, but he learned some French in preschool this year and was quite eager to join in. They both are really enjoying it. They especially like the exercises at the end of the lessons. I don't let them review the exercises unless they get a perfect score, because I don't want them memorizing the answers. I'm really impressed with how much we've learned already. I'm really glad we added it instead of just progressing ahead in other subjects (math, L.A.)
  9. reposting in hopes someone has info on the St Paul comic............:lurk5:
  10. I am really interested to hear if anyone has the Adventures of St. Paul comic book. I do not know if it is Catholic or not and would appreciate any feedback. I looked in our church bag and found the other one we like: Saints For Young Readers for Every Day. We only have vol 1 so far.
  11. I can't identify, because I'm not a box curr. kind of girl. I tweak every curr. I find. Have you looked at Angelicum Academy or St Thomas Aquinas Academy? Or, Have you looked at Connecting With History? It is very lit. heavy, but is not a box curriculum. I incorporate that with SOTW and MODG's idea of illustrating the Bible. I know many Catholic's that use SL. Can you use SL and tweak what you need to?
  12. I don't think anyone mentioned the Encounter the Saints Series. I just ordered two today. The first one that comes up is St. Maximiliian Kolbe, one of my favorites!!!! There is one more that I can't think of. I'll have to look in our church bag tomorrow.
  13. You doubled linked the vision books and didn't link An Alphabet of Catholic Saints, which is also one of my favorites, so I linked it here. St. Patirck by Tomie dePaola Francis, The Poor Man of Assisi by Tomie dePaola St Valentine by Robert Sabuda Can You Find Saints? I have more, but that is all I can think of right now. We are Catholic here, too.
  14. If you are open to a Catholic forum 4 real is a charlotte mason based bored w/ many unschoolers and lots of relaxed homeschooelrs on it.
  15. It was to cheezy for me. We decided to do French first anyway.:)
  16. I have. I use it with SOTW 1 and the MODG idea of illustrating the Bible. I have had to put history on the backburner and we are still around Joshua, but I do like the combination of everything I've done. It is going to take us two years to do Vol 1. I have promised to write a list of how I've gone back and forth between both programs eventually. I still will; I just don't have the time now. I've suggested to other people to utilize your library for books for Vol 1, and save your money to purchase the books for vol 2. Most libraries books galore on Ancient history. Few libraries will have books about the saints such as Augustine came to Kent, etc....
  17. Are there that many differences? I know the names differ between programs, but I didn't think there would be that many differences. I've adjusted some of the AAS names myself. We say ow, o may and ow, o oo u may not, etc.... I hope i got those right, bec we're on a break right now. You could adjust them somewhat to match up.
  18. We just started the Learnables. I like it and DS1 loves it, but he is 7. He doesn't need me to sit with him every time which is what I love. I only have to listen to it once for every 3-4 times he listens to it.
  19. They are both good programs, so I think it would depend on which would fit your teaching needs/styles
  20. I love the tiles. That was a huge draw for me, because my DS2 is very tactile. I started w/ DS1 after K and he was already an excellent reader. It does go quickly that way. DS2 is doing funnix. I use the Level 1 phonogram cards, but that is it for now. I won't officially start 1 until he is reading fluently. I also want to work on his handwriting first, before I have him write more.
  21. I've just decided to get this from the HSBuyer's co-op. Im going to get bundle 4 for ages 5 to 7. I need to read the details to see how long we get to use the site with that purchase.
  22. My DS finished 100 EZ lessons as an early 4 and went to preschool and K. I started AAS right after he ended K last summer. He flew through 1 and took 3 or 4 months to do 2 and 3.
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