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Everything posted by happyhappyjoyjoy

  1. I agree on talking with her first and praying for you two to foster a good relationship together.
  2. I haven't used those, but I don't think it is a direct comparison. I personally don't use it the way it is intended with the units. I mainly use the book list and go in chronological order. Vol 1 is designed to go in a similar fashion as Jeff Cavins great adventure Bible study. There is a yahoo group. Sonya is always posting interesting articles on there.
  3. I feel your pain. My DD is 22 months and she can climb over and take down any babygate. She is also pottytraining, but I have to help her take off her underwear and sit her on the toilet. This was my day: take DS2 to preschool rush home and do AAS with DS1 while DD tore up the family room pick up DS2 rush home and do funnix with DS2 while DD tore up the kitchen rush to soccer and home again do WWE w DS1 while DD caused mayham rush to swimming and home throw dinner together while we all pick up her mayham thankfully, we are way ahead in our HS and my DS1 is of the nature that I can miss RS for a week and catch up in 2 hours with him. (same with AAS). our house is a disaster all the time. I am a neat person, and it is about to do me in. I just remember that it will pass. They will get older. Things will not always be this way. It is the big picture that I have to look at. I may not get any school done for 48 hours, but he is still learning.
  4. I just wanted to add that I am NOT Catholic that wants to whitewash our church history. There are sinners in every church. As a Catholic I find it important to teach those parts of church history from a particularly Catholic perspective, so the faith is not thrown out with the sin. I hope that makes sense!!!!!
  5. SOTW 1 is perfectly fine from a Catholic perspective. I'm trying to remember all the issues I had with 2. When the leader of the Franks had his army baptized she writes, "they probably weren't all Christians" which is an issue with the meaning of baptism as a sacrament. It overlooks the importance of religious orders preserving literacy. I'm going to read How the Irish Saved Civilization for more info on that. I doesn't refer to all Christians as Catholics before the great schism. The whole book is set up to pave the way for Martin Luther. Really, these are not surprising, since SWB is Protestant. It was a nice refresher for me, and I will use it as a realoud. I may even get the cd's and just omit the tracks I don't want them to hear. I just want to make sure that the Protestant spirit of the book is not passed on. It reminds me of learning World Civ. in 7th grade in public school. The public school books were all of a Protestant slant. I remember the inaccuracies presented about Galileo. CWH is Connecting With History It is available here http://www.stgeorgebooks.com/index.cfm?hs=1
  6. I love Right Start!!! Any program you use you should only use for how many min. a day you want to. Sometimes you'll finish half a lesson; other times you'll do two. I think that is a really subjective question, because all children are different. I don't find RS to be teacher intensive at all. I find it to be the opposite. I never even look at the lessons before I do them. You have to keep your games and manipulatives organized. My DS1 catches on to all subjects quickly, so I didn't need to worry about playing the games a lot. We love the games, but this is not a year I can devote time to that. Luckily, he doesn't NEED them. That may be what some people find teacher intensive. My DS1 wanted more book work in addition to RS, so we added Singapore.
  7. Have you been to the 4real forums? Those ladies would have a lot of suggestions for you.
  8. I checked out SOTW2 from the library, and I will not be using it as a spine for similar reasons as the OP. I might be using it as an occasional read aloud, but I'll have to sue CWH's book list as my spine.
  9. I'm a former Bradley teacher. Our first was natural in a hospital, because we labored 80% at home. The next two days were miserable. Our 2nd was a birth center with CNMs that had hospital privileges. Our baby in heaven was an 8 wk miscarriage that I labored through on my own at home (6 hour labor with 3 hours of hard labor). Our 3rd was a different birth center with CNMs. I wouldn't have it any other way.
  10. Thanks. What is CSMP? can i have a link? I also think MEP will work well for him right now. I've had to put a hold on teacher intensive stuff, bec his little sister is potty training. That should fill in nicely for a while.
  11. YES! He's almost done with CWP and is going through IP right now. He is a workbookaholic. He asked me, "when are you going to get 2A?" I didn't realize how old this was at first. I was confused on why you were asking about RS games, bec I remembered reading a post by you last year about playing corners.
  12. http://www.adoremusbooks.com/ Adoremus has it. Every spring they send out a 20% of code, so if you get on their list now you'll get it around Easter time
  13. Thanks for this post!!!! My DS1 is burning through his Singapore books faster than I ever imagined. he did 1B in 2 weeks. I'm going to look at MEP and Miquon as well. Your math posts have always been helpful.
  14. I combined several of the short vowel steps into one step, because my DS1 had already mastered those.
  15. It really depends on your child and when you begin. I started w/ my DS1 right after he finished K; it took 1 month. Level 2 and Level 3 have been 4 months. I'm now having my DS2 (4 1/2) memorize the simple phonograms; I expect it to take him almost a year. We're more focused on funnix right now.
  16. A friend bought AAS based on my recommendation. She was holding on to it, because her DS was not reading well yet. She gave up on EZ lessons and was trying some other things. I suggested doing AAS now and it worked. He is finally reading 3 letter words. She said she would have never though to use it for a non/beginner reader, but it worked.
  17. never mind. I found the abbreviations.
  18. My son went to K and was reading on the same level. I use AAS, WWE, and FFL. I don't know what ETC is, but I found the above sufficient. Rather than adding more, we just progress quickly. He went through AAS 1 in a month, 2 in 4 months, and is almost done with 3. We are almost done with FFL 1 and WWE 1. We will go on to the level 2 for both soon.
  19. Yes, and I just now noticed that you included student in the title. I didn't even catch that before. We do plan on having our children save for college. Blessings Nan for taking the time to explain everything.
  20. My DS was similar. We started right after K when he was 6. We did level 1 in one month, level 2 in 4 months, and are almost done with level 3 (4 months.) I liked doing level 1, because we both became familiar with the routines. Level 2 does start out with a review of everything in level 1.
  21. Nan, I really had no idea that I was entering a hot topic. I also had no intention of starting one. When I saw your post on the K-8 board to come and vote I did that, and included my reply. Your explanation of family cultures makes the previous posts much clearer now:). My DH does tell me that there is no way he could have studied nuclear engineering while working. Obviously every situation is not for every family. I really was just trying to contribute to the poll:) Meanwhile I've found this college forum to be very interesting. I wouldn't have even thought to look at it before. Good can come from every misunderstanding.
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