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Everything posted by Patches

  1. I'm so sorry. It is so very hard to loose a pet. :grouphug:
  2. Thanks for asking this. I've been praying and wondering. Could someone PM me as well?
  3. Thanks for update. Praying here.
  4. I taught swimming for many years and I believe parents can do a good job on their own. That being said, I would get some advice about how to go about teaching swimming. This is especially true if you want to eventually have your children swimming strokes correctly. It is very hard to break bad swimming habits when it comes to good strokes. If you are uncomfortable in the water you would most likely do better with swimming lessons. I believe Red Cross Lessons (done well) a a great way to learn both strokes and water safety. I also respectfully and gently disagree with the poster who stated that it does not matter how early a child learns to swim. I've taught from infants to older adults and once a child is a past the 4-6 window it is much harder to get them swimming ime. Also, water safety is a life skill... an important one. Children drown every year. Sometimes if they had known how to swim they would not have.
  5. Mavalus Tape.... http://www.mavalus.com/ it is amazing! Does not mess up walls or paint. Hold up heavy posters and maps. Great stuff!
  6. I'm so so sorry. There are no words. Praying for all.
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