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Everything posted by Patches

  1. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: Sorry!
  2. I got my vitamix from QVC when they were on special about 2 years ago. It is the best decision I ever made. Green smoothies are an easy way to get fruits and vegetables. I use it to grind grain into flour (and have to do small amounts at a time ... but it works.) It is great... and absolutely worth the expense.
  3. This is a one time thing. (I would not work as hard to go to second weddings.) If you can possibly go, you should. You can't get this time back.
  4. Altar calls (as others have said) are not mentioned in the Bible. Neither is a sinner's prayer. Often we set up children and parents for a road of false assurance (you are saved if you prayed that prayer).This is why we have some who appear to "fall away" when they are older. They were never in the kingdom to start with. That being said, God uses many different roads to call His people to Himself. Even altar calls at times. I do feel that they do more harm than good since many believe they are saved because they walked down an aisle rather than trusting in Jesus to take the punishment they deserve for their sin. Heather, I think you handled it well!
  5. Yes for an amazing missions trip. I'd love to go back!
  6. There are no words. I am praying for you and I am so sorry. :group hug: May He be your comfort.
  7. Moms should not expect to eat! BUT... It is nice to include them just not necessary.
  8. Praying. He is our ever present help in time of trouble.
  9. Thank you for caring for these children. You stood in the gap and I know you knew it would hurt in the end. :grouphug:
  10. I am not a fan of sports taking priority over church on a regular basis. Many Christian families are perfectly willing to miss church for sports practice or regular games. I think these priorities are incorrect and communicate to children that they / their activities / sports are more important than corporate worship. That being said, one night with a game that was not expected (and is a big deal) does not mean that they truly value football over God. Only that this time they felt that this was the prudent choice. I also agree with the other poster who said that Awana is not the same as Sunday worship. If they did this often, I would be more concerned. Great chance to model handling disappiontment in a way that reflects who you are as a Christian.
  11. Someone once hacked my iTunes account and bought ... wait for it... The Bible in an audio version!
  12. So sorry. I know how hard it is to lose a dog. :grouphug:
  13. Another vote for "Heart of Anger" if you are a Christian. He really addresses the root problem.
  14. Ikea = Great prices, decent furniture and awful return policies. I love it, but have learned the hard way.
  15. I have it. I think it has great info in it. The questions, the stores, the other "extras" are all well done. I also think they have made a serious mistake in how it is set up. The Bible stories and information pages are placed in the regular Bible text. WITHOUT headings. So, you are looking for a specific location, and if you happen to get on one of those pages then you are stuck. You don't know which way to go. Then, perhaps you turn a few more pages. trying to find where you are in the Bible. No headings. You are more stuck. Sometimes there are several of these "special" pages in a row. All this makes it very difficult to navigate this Bible for a child. Here are two other ESV children's Bibles that are great. Both of these have the Verse numbers in a contrasting color which is very helpful for young children learning to find their way around the Bible. The ESV Grow! Bible is similar, without the problems of navigation. The ESV Children's Bible is wonderful. It has a great section in the back written by the Children Desiring God folks. (Or at least based on their work.) This section is a great basic discipleship "book" with info on prayer, salvation, memorizing, etc. All that being said, the Seek and Find Bible is not bad!
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