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Everything posted by Elfknitter.#

  1. Gifts from others, like Grandma, go whenever we get them. Otherwise, they go under on Christmas Eve.
  2. I saw this update on Facebook today: "Song School Latin Book 2 is in the Design phase! Click the link below to see a un-proofed preview of the first two chapters. Please note that this is unproofed and may contain some errors (and some information, such as Track numbers, has not yet been added.) And, no, we do not yet have a solid publication date." http://www.classicalacademicpress.com/backend/20121220_SSL2_p9-16.pdf
  3. Mmm.. Bacon cupcakes for cakes and ale.... Yes, I do have a bakery near me that makes lovely bacon cupcakes in a waffle/pancake batter that are topped with a maple butter cream frosting... (how does one get to the smilies? )
  4. I had been shooting up the ranks and enjoying it as my post count changed. I guess this makes it obsolete.
  5. Thanks! Did you find you had to print anything out or were you able to use it entirely on your iPad?
  6. Erasing in Notability is pretty easy. I tend to save files in Dropbox, so I'm assuming I could set up files for dd and ds, though I have yet to try it...
  7. Thanks. :) That's what I was figuring, but wasn't sure if anyone had tried.
  8. At least, could the student worksheet portion be completed on something like Notability? We already utilize the iPad for math, grammar and some read alouds. I wasn't sure if we could do it with LL assignments. Anyone tried?
  9. Hmm,... Interesting. Good to know about the Geometry chapter. I think I'm going to have to look at these more closely.
  10. Hmm,... Interesting. Good to know about the Geometry chapter. I think I'm going to have to look at these more closely.
  11. Thank you for this link. I mentioned it very briefly to ds 7 today. His response was that it was a very sad thing and then moved on to discussIng other topics. Dd 9 heard it mentioned in passing, but I haven't discussed it with her yet. We discuss all kinds of this with our children, but do try to keep it brief and age appropriate.
  12. ... which curriculum is your spine? I'm planning to start dd on a combo of these curricula in January and I'm trying to figure out how I want to do it. Right now, I think we might lead with BA and then use MM as reinforcement of the concepts. But then I could see leading with MM and supplementing with BA as the more "fun" stuff. FWIW, I have the older (not common core aligned) MM light blue series and until now, this has been her only math curriculum. Thoughts? OH! And we have BA 3a and 3b at the moment. I'm figuring we'd start with BA 3a but if anyone has other ideas, I'm open to hearing them.
  13. :lurk I have a 9 and 7 yo. We did some SSL, stopped, reviewed, moved on, and ... Stopped. During our downtime, I acquired Minimus. So my current quandary is, do we drop SSL and move onto Minimus or should we do both? I was also considering getting GSWL and doing that alongside Minimus. I'm just not sure as the older likes the chants and songs of SSL while the younger responds well to the layout. Grrr....
  14. We're winding down as it's the end of our school year. I'm looking forward to our break- even if it's going to be spent packing for our move. :p
  15. My 2nd grader is using LLATL Red. The short, quick portions seem to be working for him. I find it pretty open and go. I haven't used and other grades, but so far I'm considering continuing with it for grade 3. I also have Classical Writing Primer which was a bit too much copy work for him. I may use that for 3rd instead. While LLATL does include handwriting and spelling, I find them somewhat lacking and supplement.
  16. *I* have a smart phone (basic model from Virgin Mobile) and an iPad. *We* (the family) have a desktop that's going on 3 years (I think?) The iPad is also used for schooling and occasionally I let the monkeys use it for games or Netflix watching. It is a wireless ipad 2 (versus a 3G model) that I bought refurbished and keep in a Gumdrop case (a must with a toddler in the house!) I purchased it with last year's tax monies to be able to have online access because sharing a desktop with 3 online gamers just plain sucks. I've discovered it's been great for so many more things. I'd love to get another with more memory and then pass this one onto the monkeys.
  17. I'm hoping we'll have the few things I'm aiming for them to finish off done by the 20th if not sooner. Tentatively, I'm looking to start on Jan 7. However, we also need to move and are currently in process of locating a place. So we might be off for longer.
  18. Thanks, all. It's been a very difficult year, as you can see. Desert Rat, I may have to post that quote on my fridge as well.
  19. For those of you who who school on a calendar year, are you finishing up? Normally we like to be done by Thanksgiving/4th week of November but life happened this year. So we'll be happy if we finish workbooks before Winter Solstice. Just curious who else might be doing similar.
  20. First off, I identify as pagan. But really, I'm still questioning. I'm not atheist, there is *something* out there afaik. I just don't know what I call it. So... My year. In April, my cousin (who was like a brother) committed suicide a day after my first son's birthday. That was a huge blow. I knew he was depressed. He was in couseling. But really, none of us (family or friends) could help him. He had to make the change and sadly he couldn't. In August, I was laid off from my governmental job of 5 years. Not as depressing as the forced retirements or paraprofessionals who stayed because they had to. But still, 14 years as a professional and now unemployed. Oh, by the way, we were a single income family. Just before Thanksgiving, we were evicted. We rent a home and our Landlord didn't pay the mortgage on the house. So the bank foreclosed and it was sold at public auction. Now we're currently in court proceedings to stay until we can find a new place to live. Which, btw sucks because oh geez, neither dh nor I work atm. So, we need thoughts/prayers/ wishes.... That we find a new home very soon, if not by Winter Solstice. And our court claims goes in our favor so if we don't, we can continue looking to be out ASAP. We don't want special treatment. We want our legel 90 days and we want to find a new home to move to in the slotted time frame with no court or credit repercussions. For those who wonder, yes dh and I have been looking for work. I hope something pans out soon for me, since I'd be more likely to find work first. But who knows? I'd also like to be honest and say that while our Yule/Christmas time is ok, my personal faith in humanity is really failing by recent dealings with the representatives from the new company regarding our home. The company wants us out ASAP to be able to fix and flip the house. I get that living In a free market economy. But the lack of heart, especially at this time of year still sucks major goats balls. To sum up, this year = Loss of family Loss of work Loss of home So now what?
  21. That's what I thought, but new posts are being added to For Sale daily. So that might be the intention, but it isn't happening yet.
  22. This year will be some look and find books dh picked up. Maybe chocolates and something appropriate, yet tbd for the 1 yo. I also have The Baker's Dozen (http://www.theatlantic.com/infocus/2012/11/2012-hubble-space-telescope-advent-calendar/100415/) to read that night. Hopefully we'll also make the cookies recipe in the back too. :)
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