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Everything posted by Elfknitter.#

  1. http://www.giftoflogic.com/home.html If so, which grades have you used?
  2. We just went on a homeschool field trip to a local Buddhist temple- same one I took a classes at about 10 or so years ago. I had taken the English language dharma classes for about a year and a half or two. Naturally, given my current state of questioning paganism and visiting the temple brings Buddhism back to the forefront of my mind now....
  3. I haven't used the evolution units, but have used some other science units. I thought the k-2weather and k-2 and 3-5 astronomy units were pretty thorough. I wouldn't hesitate to use their evolution units.
  4. In English, He-LAY-nuh. (short e) In Spanish, my mother's name is AY-lay-nuh. (silent h)
  5. Just curious as to why some would choose to wait until 5th and opt for only two passes of each level.
  6. Ok, I was going with long e but then I looked at the pronounciation in dictionary.com. They have it as [pingk] which makes much more sense to me because it shows how the n affects the pronounication. (Hmm, didn't Ellie mention something like that?) So I'm going with short i.
  7. I bumped the thread in the Logic forum last night when I realized I'll have a fifth grader next year too. :shudder:  I don't feel like we're ready for logic stage, but who knows what changes the summer will bring.  So far I'm thinking: History: CHOL Middle Ages Grammar: MCTLA Town Writing: CW Homer (Maybe? We're about to start Aesop B and I want to see how that goes.) Spelling:  SWO E Math: BA followed by MM 4 (assuming BA 4 isn't ready) Science: Mr. Q Latin: SSL 2 (with her brother) and Minimus Logic: ? Activities: ballet, strength conditioning, and fencing
  8. Bumping. I just realized tonight I'll have a fifth grader next year too. :shudder: I don't feel like we're ready for logic stage, but who knows what changes the summer will bring. History: CHOL Middle Ages Grammar: MCTLA Town Writing: CW Homer (?) Spelling: SWO E Math: BA followed by MM 4 (assuming BA 4 isn't ready) Science: Mr. Q Latin: SSL 2 (with her brother) and Minimus Logic: ? Activities: ballet, strength conditioning, and fencing
  9. To me, it seems like you would do better with a nature study, music appreciation curriculum or instrument lessons, and unit studies. We used OM K-1 (I also tried preK but found it a waste.) The heart of the program is the LA and math. Take that out and you have an overpriced syllabus and the need for additional craft and music books.
  10. Math: BA 3 Grammar: MCT Island Writing: CW Aesop B Spelling: SWO D/E History: CHOL, Ancients Science: Mr. Q Earth Science Latin: SSL1(she enjoys doing this with her brother, but I might sneak some Minimus in for them, too.) Handwriting: ZB 4 Activities: ballet, fencing
  11. Here's the plan: Math: MM- either finishing 2b or starting 3a LA: LLATL Yellow Writing: either CW Primer or Aesop A (depends on how the spring goes) Spelling: How to Teach Spelling/ How to Spell 2 History: CHOL- finishing Ancients or starting Middle Ages Science: Mr. Q Earth Science Latin: SSL 2 Handwriting: ZB 3 Activities: karate and fencing
  12. :iagree: I'm seeing good results with ds using How to Teach Spelling/How to Spell. He previously used Spelling Workout.
  13. And then there's people like Gerald Garner who essentially created today's modern Wicca, drawing somewhat from the history of the culture and meshing it with occult science of his time. To confuddle the Pagan mix some more, it seems reconstructionist hasn't been mentioned. There's those who seek to recreate the religion of the culture, sans modern "magick". Such as the Asatru who worship as the Vikings would have and not reinterpreted with modern meanings.
  14. Regarding the master's degree: http://is.gseis.ucla.edu/academics/degrees/mlis/ Just about any librarian position will require a master's degree from an ALA accredited program (not all, but many.). In my state, a public school librarian will also be required to get a teacher's credential.
  15. As I read these posts, I mostly see everyone commenting on the rights of the child and not so much on the responsibilities of the child. and I guess it's just me but I'm failing to see own how the rights some how override parental authority. To me it seems like you do your best to respect and support your children and they are free within parental parameters and means to grow and develop. Â
  16. We are still a ways from graduating anyone, but we pretty much follow Ellie's year- a week or two off in April and the same for August. It helps that we have an April and August birthday here, so breaks naturally coincide with them. :) From August we go to about Halloween and then slowly taper off as subjects are done. Generally we're off from Thanksgiving til the first Monday after New Year's. In terms of grades, they "promote" each fall. So far, it works for us.
  17. Wow, not even a view yet? I was searching and found this older thread for anyone else who might be interested: http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/365645-3rd-grade-la-mct-cw/
  18. Having yet to read Spalding, (but it's looking like I will soon), I'm just curious what they are. I have the 1997 edition and this reference sheet only addresses vowel sounds. However, there are three sound sheets that include consonants and their blends. I do see x listed as /ks/ and /gz/ ("as in exam," page 7 for me.) Just throwing that out there. Plus, thanks for posting because now I'm seeing the sound sheets in a new light. :)
  19. My soon to be 8 yo loves anything short, quick and not vintage.
  20. Anyone using both of these? I'm looking to adding in CW Aesop B for my rising 4th grader. I'm curious if the grammar in MCT is sufficient for CW. I'm not planning on using Harvey's.
  21. I highly recommend Viva Madrid's for Spanish Tapas. It's located in The Village. Casablanca at The Packing House has Mediterranean cuisine. Le Pain Quiotidien is great for breakfast and brunch (also wonderful pastries). There's a Loving Hut if you're looking for strictly vegetarian and vegan fare. As you're visiting the colleges, I'm sure they can also recommend a few places. :)
  22. I know I've seen a recommendation on this board for an edition other than the 6th. Is it the 4th?
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