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Everything posted by Elfknitter.#

  1. I haven't found them on Netflix streaming. Are they on Netflix DVD?
  2. We're predominantly cloth users however when we were away for a week in the spring, 7th Generation and the store brand variations worked fine for us. The only difference I found were the 7th Gens were trimmer.
  3. Nice! :001_smile: Wish I had waited now. I bought mine off Zulily this past weekend. :glare:
  4. I just got the email about the first kit being water as well. Perhaps kits are sent in order they are completed for shipment? However, I agree that it should be easier to get a listing of what orders the kits will be shipped.
  5. I tend to find them by googling by the episode name. I believe wiki has a listing of the episodes.
  6. As silly as this sounds, learning our address and phone numbers. I realized when the oldest was about to start gr2 that we had never covered it. :blushing: We're not hover parents by any means, but we were always around so they never really *needed* to know it. I've decided to wait until we get to Am. History to cover patriotic stuff. We do discuss it from time to time, but we haven't gone over the pledge or learned any patriotic songs. As for raising one's hand to speak or lining up, the one year we participated in a co-op seemed to teach them that.
  7. :iagree: Rivka summed it up perfectly. I'm lazy, I'm tired, and I have a 9 month old. Sure I can find these links on my own but I don't have the time. Intellego science has so far worked to give me the frame work I need with some items. I find we prefer to read more books on the topic, so I merely add them in. Since the monkeys tend to prefer watching Magic School Bus or Bill Nye, we just do that instead or in addition to their video links for some topics. I've wondered this as well. From some reviews, it seems their science units are better than their history units. However, we haven't used any of their history or social studies units, so I can't personally comment. :iagree:
  8. Wow, they have a larger than I would have thought selection. Might have to comparison shop....:auto:
  9. I like others' schedules. We use CHOLL for ancients, grammar stage which utilizes SOTW and adds in extra lit. I also gleam from Mosaic Bringing up Language Learners as well as HO 1 Ancients (purchased).
  10. :bigear: What are others looking at? Anyone ever try the curricula from Sharing Story?
  11. :001_huh: :001_huh::001_huh: So in answer to the thread titled, "What's wrong with society?" Well, there ya go....
  12. I thought the printer had to come CISS ready....?:confused:
  13. :iagree: For me, it's all about exposure and not retention with my rising 2 nd and 4 th gradersg.
  14. No. According to our local school district's AR list (Accelrated Reader), they are comparable.
  15. My dd read the first few and totally loved them. Yes they are silly fluff, but she has actually retained a few key points on each of the goddesses. We're currently reading aloud The Lightning Thief and she is making connections with the mythological characters there.
  16. I'd try a used copy of How to Teach Spelling and workbooks 1 and 2. I'd hold off spelling with the kinder, unless you felt they were ready for workbook 1 as well. You don't need the workbooks, but they were what made the program make sense to me. If you were comfortable with the TM, you could get by with just that for everyone.
  17. :lurk5: Bumping an old thread to see if there's any comments...
  18. I was wondering if anyone had posted on this,.. I agree.
  19. Only it's hard to visit a club when you aren't able to have a group return your call...
  20. :001_wub::001_wub::001_wub: Holy carp, but I'm sorry that I didn't realize sooner that you were you! What I mean is, I love your blog but I didn't realize that you recently had a baby. So belated congrats and I love your site! :D. The "working on early modern" is totally understandable. We're currently enjoying the ancients. :) Fwiw, I currently have an 8 mon old. I loved when he first started the smile stage. Personally, it just gets better until toddler meltdowns start. However, I'm sure you're aware of that. :lol:
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