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Everything posted by Elfknitter.#

  1. FYI, World cat is great (and theoretically you can search via google to get world cat results) but if a library can't afford a subscription to world cat, then they won't come up in the results. Even if they own the title.
  2. Ds started 1a half way through kinder and just moved slowly through it. Before that we just did math games.
  3. So you read the same passage four times during the week? Ds is not keen on McGuffey, but I think it helps him slow down and understand phonics more. I've dropped it for now but I'm considering continuing in a few weeks.
  4. Dd used this briefly before the most recent update. I thought the use of colors might be fun and a good way for her to remember the different spelling rules. But as we went on, I found I had problems remembering what each of the colors was suppose to be. I think there's a legend on the worksheets to help with that now. I also found that it focused more on the rules and not so much on lists. In that respect, it compliments SWO well (which I find introduces words but is lacking on actually teaching/reviewing rules). If I were to do do it again, I probably try to sync SBC up with SWO. We stopped using it because I also have How To Teach Spelling and am planning to transition the monkeys to it once they complete SWO. However, I have kept SBC in case a review of the rules is needed.
  5. I like them. Comics get a bad rap here and some graphic novels are simply a collection of several comics, but then there's ones http://www.amazon.com/Persepolis-Story-Childhood-Marjane-Satrapi/dp/037571457X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1347090604&sr=8-1&keywords=Persepolis whose story might not otherwise been known. Like any written work, some are better than others. However, I find the writing of graphic novels to be better than some comics or adult literature (*cough 50 Shades of Gray cough*).
  6. I've enjoyed the works of Joseph Bruchac: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=Joseph+bruchac
  7. Are these really free? What I see is a "free with 30 day trial to Audible.com."
  8. Actually the camp director is Dionysus and the punishment is that he cannot drink anything alcoholic. Instead, he gets by drinking diet Coke. :001_smile:
  9. I bought this when ds 1 was about 3. I didn't find it useful for him. For some reason, I never sold it. So I decided to give it a try with ds 2 and we aren't utilizing it. I thought it might be a good for dd to use with ds 2. However, many of the activities we already do with him. I would think some of the activities could be found in similar baby development and activity books at the library. All that said, $5 is a good price for it.
  10. So kerfuffle: World English Dictionary kerfuffle , carfuffle or kurfuffle *(kəˈfʌf ə l) * — n 1. informal chiefly *( Brit ) commotion; disorder; agitation * — vb 2. ( Scot ) ( tr ) to put into disorder or disarray; ruffle or disarrange * [from Scottish curfuffle, carfuffle, *from Scottish Gaelic car *twist, turn + fuffle *to disarrange] * carfuffle , carfuffle or kurfuffle * — n * — vb * [from Scottish curfuffle, carfuffle, *from Scottish Gaelic car *twist, turn + fuffle *to disarrange] * kurfuffle , carfuffle or kurfuffle * — n * — vb * [from Scottish curfuffle, carfuffle, *from Scottish Gaelic car *twist, turn + fuffle *to disarrange] vs. Kerfluffle: Word Origin & History kerfluffle "row, disturbance, c.1930, first in Canadian English, ult. from Scot. curfuffle. Just tells me how the word has changed over time. My vote is for kerfluffle. That's what I hear.
  11. Interesting point. I have 2 working on geography that I was planning to use this with.
  12. Mine is in a Gumdrop case I bought off eBay. It has been dropped, spilled upon, drooled on and gummed by the teether. So far so good. :001_smile:
  13. For dd, ViE in gr. 2. So far ds seems to like nothing, though I think he's done well with PLL.
  14. You could utilize the lists from http://www.classicalhouseoflearning.com/.
  15. Monkey 1 currently uses MCTLA Island and loves it. I can see her responding positively and enjoying the lessons. She's even loving the copy of Alice in Wonderland from the Lit Package. So far, she's learned what alliteration is from reading it. That said, I don't see myself utilizing it with Monkey 2. He's more of a short and quick, let's get to the point, kind of learner. I don't see MCT working well with him.
  16. :iagree: A "reward" might be waiting til the following week to start on to the next book. Perhaps this is because we school year round.
  17. Well, this is going to close on the 31st. I think I may go for it, but I don't think it's going to hit 20%. :tongue_smilie:
  18. ...in the back of the book? I keep forgetting this and have duly made notations with multiple post it notes. :tongue_smilie: It would just have been easier if they were inserted with their respective chapters.
  19. Yup, me too. Same problem I have with Success with Maps Grade 2. I'm wondering if it's because there's also a print version available.
  20. I understand. :grouphug: My cousin (who was like a brother to me) suddenly passed in April. One of my first priorities was to bring home his dog. I have become the surrogate pet parent that my cousin was for him. As he's an older dog, I've now begun to wonder how I will feel when he passes. In a way, he's the last living tie I have to my cousin.
  21. My friend took her soon to be four year old to their local fair yesterday. Upon waiting in line for the pony ride, her 4 yo loudly remarked, "Mommy, that pony is a boy! See his penis? And that one's a girl because there's no penis! And that other one is a boy because he also has a penis!" :lol:
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