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Everything posted by Elfknitter.#

  1. The kids are sleeping, the husband is out gaming and the house is quiet. :)

  2. FWIW, the $17/ month subscription is cheaper (provided you can use it with more than one child.)
  3. I think this is a bit generalized. We are a large screen time family and Brainpop gets used here. I'm sure it might not interest some kids and still interest others.
  4. Well, yes. But sometimes that isn't the case for all. It may be that therapists are the only ones who appear to care. Last April, my cousin took Cymbalta, Wellbutrin, ibuprofen and OTC sleeping pills. No need to say I wasn't ready for it, yet, I wasn't surprised. He spiraled downward for years. I was happy when he did see a therapist because he lived alone and didn't really open up much to those outside of me and less than a handful of friends. I was happier when he was on meds because I saw the difference in him. Yet there he was with excess meds due to constant switching of prescriptions to find what would work. I wish I saw what I should have last April. But I didn't. And while he spoke to his therapist, I don't think he gave the bigger picture of his depression or anxiety. I see you reaching out. I think you know the way but need some reassurance. Change is frightfully, unscathingly, downright f***ing scary. It is, plain and simple. But out of painful change comes something great. I know that's hard to see, but it will. Please hold tight, know that you are not alone in your pain. If no,one else, we are rooting for you and wish you the best. Take time, seek the proper help and all will come into place.
  5. It's only writing that's a concern? Try Brave Writer.
  6. Well, that was quick downtime....

  7. :iagree: Also, at least for ds, I think the easier reading done with the lessons gives him the confidence to try reading chapter books with me.
  8. I think the year behind thing comes from it appearing light. I've seen comments that it's "not rigorous enough." I disagree and feel that it offers much without drill and kill. However, as lessons are short and quick, I think people don't see how much there is to it. I feel that using red was the best thing I did for ds. I have since purchased yellow and can't imagine having had him start there last fall. I can easily see him moving into it now, but it would have been too much for him then. We recently starting adding in Classical Writing Primer: Spring for a bit extra narration, memorization, and copy work. Ds also likes picture study so it's nice that's included. Depending on how things go, we might transition to Classical Writing Aesop in the fall instead of continuing with LLATL. But that's still up in the air.
  9. My 7.5 yo HATES to color. My brother was the same. (FWIW, their birthdays are 4 days apart.) My brother's kinder teacher (whose background was in Art) almost referred my brother to special ed simply because he wasn't a craft oriented kid. Smh. Time and slow introduction worked here with ds. I tried all the other ideas like shaving cream, drawing in the air, etc. it worked some, but it just doesn't interest him. We're loosely trying Draw Write Now. He's finally come around to trying drawing, but still won't color much. I consider it a good day if he uses three colors. My advice: try some of these ideas but don't fret if he doesn't come around. He might later on.
  10. I think it's back to Buddhism again....

  11. I didn't read everything. My picky eaters like jerky, yogurt, pita chips, cereal, granola bars, and sliced cheese. (notice the carb and protein trend? :p)
  12. At 6, we were still working on the 3 r's. If you have a 6 yo who is ready, I liked Voyages in English.
  13. We're still working on it, so I ask to see them. If the problems were done consistently well with and slowly without them, then I wouldn't require it.
  14. I am not familiar with it but after looking at it I still prefer EPS's older program How to Teach Spelling. (eta: can't seem to link it. Try googling How To Spell EPS)
  15. I've wondered this as well (re:4th grade). I'm hoping 4a will be released in time for us (mostly because dd is slow in math progression) but in case it's not, I'm considering possibly going with MEP for gr. 4. We tried some MEP last year and if I had not found MM first, we'd probably be an MEP family.
  16. Generally, I'd also suggest not switching, but BA is a very well done program that is more than just a comic book with some math problems.
  17. We have a "grade" level based on age for filling out forms or as a standard answer but for all intents and purposes, they work at varying levels on various topics.
  18. Well, it's what we're currently doing, somewhat. We started with both in January (start of our new school year) and I'm about to focus solely on BA. We're finishing up chapter 1 review of 3a and after looking at both, I'm only adding in MM chapters on place value, time and money. The rest will be BA. Dd responds well to BA and I feel like she's getting more of a challenge. I figure if she's not understanding a concept or needs more drill, then we can utilize MM.
  19. http://www.giftoflogic.com/home.html If so, which grades have you used?
  20. The workbooks are what helped me figure out the manual, but the manual is what has the content of the program. My vote is for both, but to answer your question, yes get the manual.
  21. Have you looked at Guest Hollow's American History? (http://www.guesthollow.com/homeschool/history/americanhistoryindex.html)
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